In 2024, more ecommerce sites are planning a move to HPOS data storage.
Product Categories Designs is marked as not compliant with HPOS data storage.
Is this true, and if so, is it something that would be very difficult to implement?
]]>Just wanted to report this bug, when using “[wpos_product_categories_slider autoplay=”false” dots=”false” arrows=”true” slidestoscroll=”1″ slidestoshow=”4″]” it displays a rouge empty <p> tag which add empty slide in the carousel.
Shortcode use:
[wpos_product_categories_slider autoplay=”false” dots=”false” arrows=”true” slidestoscroll=”1″ slidestoshow=”4″]
See screenshot.
<p class="slick-slide slick-active" data-slick-index="6" aria-hidden="false" style="width: 407px;" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide06"></p>
I decided to test this plugin. On a page I successfully created a display of common categories, using the shortcode – no problem with this section. Next I wanted to display another section of different categories, so used the following shortcode:
[wpos_product_categories columns="4" orderby="description" ids="59,104,105,103,106,107,101,99,100"]
The first two arguments (columns, orderby) are not important (I’ve tried also without them – same issue). In this section only the first id is shown. (I tried other ids from the first section – multiple showed OK.) So the ids between (inclusive) 99-107 wouldn’t show. (I even tried id 125, which was fine – just to rule out id in the 100’s
This picture contains the bottom of the first section – that looks as expected. Also this picture shows the lower section only which only displays one product-category-image even though the shortcode has many ids – the shortcode is as above.
What is the reason that not all ids show?
]]>Good day just wanted to report this plugin script “Slick.js” conflict with other plugin.
Plugin conflict with Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg (
Also just wanted to know why is the slick.js enqueue even if I am using a grid shortcode? Should the script only be enqueue when the slide shortcode is use.
I have temporarily fixed it by adding script check before loading its own script.
// Registring and enqueing public css
if (!wp_style_is('wpos-slick-style', 'registered') && !wp_style_is('carousel-block-slick', 'registered')) {
wp_register_style('wpos-slick-style', PCDFWOO_URL . "assets/css/slick.css", array(), PCDFWOO_VERSION);
/* * * Script ** */
// Registring slick slider script
if (!wp_script_is('wpos-slick-jquery', 'registered') && !wp_script_is('carousel-block-slick', 'registered')) {
wp_register_script('wpos-slick-jquery', PCDFWOO_URL . 'assets/js/slick.min.js', array('jquery'), PCDFWOO_VERSION, true);
Loading script if only needed reference here.
Ex. Registering without enqueue
* Register scripts.
* @link
function my_register_scripts() {
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/example.js',
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_register_scripts' );
Enqueue when its needed.
* Register the "footag" shortcode.
* @link
function my_register_footag_shortcode( $atts = [], $content = '' ) {
// Parse shortcode attributes.
$atts = shortcode_atts( [
'foo' => 'no foo',
], $atts, 'footag' );
// Enqueue our script.
wp_enqueue_script( 'footag-shortcode' );
// Output shortcode.
return '<div class="footag-shortcode">' . $atts['foo'] . '</div>';
add_shortcode( 'footag', 'my_register_footag_shortcode' );
]]>Using the free version 1.3.1, design-1
The category images are visible for a split second, and afterwards are empty.
For theme Enfold I had to change the code in class-shortcode.php:98:
<a href="<?php echo esc_url($term_link); ?>">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url($term_link); ?>" class="noHover">
I can’t see any changes for ↓
[wpos_product_categories columns=”4″]
[wpos_product_categories hide_empty=”1″]
Are these options paid?
]]>There is a warning when the category does not have a thumb image.
How can we fix it? Or can you fix it please?
Please check the screenshot:
Thank you for your help
]]>How I control the order of the categories?
I need some kind of manual order, order by ID, name is not good for what I need
Does this only work with top-level categories? Even when doing a list of ids it won’t show sub-categories.
Is there a way to tell it to generate all child categories of a parent category (and not display the parent)?
Thanks for the plugin.
Trying to order display in ascending order (of date created) and not working. Have used: [wpos_product_categories order=”ASC” design=”design-1″ number=”8″ ]
Should this shortcode work or is it wrong?
]]>How do I make it so the category title shows up BELOW the category image vs. over the category image?
]]>my website is
every product displays the product count and i cant remove the count in brackets
please help
thank you
Great plugin!
We want to display empty categories EXCEPT “Uncategorized”.
We tried to use “ids” attribute with negative cat id, like this ids=”-15″ but it displays category with id 15.
How can we not display “Uncategorized”.
Thank you!!!!
]]>This plugin is scaling down pictures uploaded as category picture and as a result, when displaying the grid with pictures their quality is very bad. I need to display 600x600px pictures, but the plugin is scaling them to 300×300 and then resizing to match responsive layout of the page.
How can I remove this scaling?
Example: uploaded picture url: https://sitename/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/spodnie-600x600px.jpg
The same picture url when inspected on the website: https://sitename/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/spodnie-600x600px-300×300.jpg (“-300×300” is added).
Hi, just a presale question. Is it possible to use this plugin to replace the default product archives in woocommerce (categories and sub categories pages) ?
Like adding the slider shortcode in the archive-product.php template file so every categories and subcategories on the site would display like a slider ?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I am trying to get the plugin to display in a more logical order than default.
This is the code at the moment, which displays great.
[wpos_product_categories_slider slidestoshow=”4″]
This is what I have tried, to get it to change the display order to alphabetical by name, but not just cant get it to work.
[wpos_product_categories_slider orderby=”name” slidestoshow=”4″]
Any help greatly appreciated.
I just downloaded your plugin and it is really nice. I have just one question. I am currently using three categories. The images are shown next to eachother with space between them. But there is also some padding left of the first category and right of the last category. It’s not really full-width. That way the slider is not lining up with the rest of my website. Is there a way to fix this with some custom css maybe?
Sorry, my website is not online yet so I can’t show you anything.
]]>Hi, great plugin, how do you remove het Uncategorized product group from the list?
]]>Hello there,
I have used the following:
echo do_shortcode(“[wpos_product_categories design=’design-1′ ids=’16,54,53,50,60,62,213,214′ columns=’4′]”);
I want to hide the count of products.
Have tried to do the same as described in the last topic, i.e. inserting
.pcdfwoo-product-cat span.pcdfwoo_count { display: none !important; }
in styles.css, but had no luck.
Can anyone please help me?
Thanking you in anticipation.
I use [wpos_product_categories design=”design-1″ height=”150″ columns=”3″]
How can I remove the red square with the product count?
Best regards,
An option for rows it would be helpfull
]]>Okay this is silly, i can’t delete this; after searching first, it brought me back to the wrong support thread.
]]>I have used [wpos_product_categories_slider hide_empty=”1″ autoplay=”true” autoplay_interval=”1000 speed=”300″″] and on the himpage every window is showind with nonscaled (to big) category picture, also i want 5 products per line and they are shooting to fast
I have a parent/child structure of categories:
Parent category
– child category
— sub-child category.
When I add the [wpos_product_categories_slider] shortcode – it shows the blank space and no one category.
When I add [wpos_product_categories] shortcode – it shows the Parent category only and that’s all.
Is there a some shortcode setting or solution to resolve this situation?
Thanks in advance.
Hi supporter
I found problem ,that I pasted plugin into Siteorigin landing page in product Cat
I found that plug in width not responsive.
How to custom width or anythings of this plugin