How i can set the display order of the page list and the post list.
I use PS Auto Sitemap plug-in to automatically create sitemap.
I also use Bogo plug-in to create pages in multiple languages.
I have pages in 2 different lauguages (Japanese and English).
If I display sitemap in Japanese, pages both in Japanese and English is displayed.
I only want to display sitemap in Japanese only if I display pages in Japanese.
And if I display sitemap in English, I only want to display it in English.
I have checked article ID for both lauguages and I set as below in Setting->PS Auto Sitemap
Japanese sitemap ID: 123 (for example)
English sitemap ID: 5510 (for example)
Site ID to display articles: 123
Exclude category from the articles: 5510
Exclude articles: blank
However, I cannot supress english articles from Japanese sitemap.
If I set all English site ID to exclude articles, but I have to exclude English articles as I add new articles, which is tedious..
Someone please let me know how I can display sitemap in Japanese and English separately..
サイトマップはPS Auto Sitemapというプラグインをインストールしています。
設定→PS Auto Sitemapで日本語で表示させた時にサイトマップを開くと日本語の記事だけを表示させるように以下のような設定にしました。
]]>I recently downloaded “PS Auto Sitemap” plugin on my wordpress, to have html sitemap page automatically shown on my website.
However, all my attempts are in vain, to see only “sitemap” title on the html sitemap page and there is no contents, even though I have 7 posts right now.
– Procedures I followed is as below;
1. I created a fixed page “Sitemap” on my wordpress
2. Title: Sitemap, Text: <!– SITEMAP CONTENT REPLACE POINT –>, Permalink: https://MY DOMAIN/site-map
3. Checked ID of created sitemap’s URL
4. Moved on the setting of PS Auto Sitemap and ticked “posting list output”, with inputting the ID I checked above, then updated the setting.
I appreciate if someone tell me why (HTML) sitemap doesnt show up.
*My WP version is 5.4, PS Auto Sitemap: 1.1.9
Bit of a long shot on this as there appears to be no support any more, someone ‘might’ have seen this though.
I ran a tool which happily told me that the site is HTTPS compliant but on the /sitemap page that ps auto sitemap works from, there is a link to the css file and that link is configured as https://
See problem below.
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://www.mysite.it/wp-content/plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/css/ps_auto_sitemap_under_score.css” type=”text/css” media=”all” />
Despite running several tools and a phpmyadmin search, I can’t pin down where the http: is and how I can change to https://
The host co can’t pin down either and there is a global http: to https: configured in hosting but this is not getting changed. Not a big deal, just a pain that the tool keeps hectoring me each time it runs ands whnges, “oooh look an https:// link”
Anyone seen similar? Thanks.
Great plugin. Pretty
No longer be maintained ? Do you will update ?
This extension has not been tested with more than three major WordPress updates.
It may supported and may have compatibility issues when used with newer versions of WordPress.
Thank you
Is it possible to also have custom post types like Woocommerce Products on the list of posts?
For now products are not included in the site map.
]]>Installed this plug in on Dev site does not list CSS in source.
Another live site works fine. Other live site lets me select any of the styles from the drop down and it changes, the dev site will let me select styles but none get applied.
Anyone seen this happen before?
Both live and dev sites seem initially the same.
]]>Good job!
Can you prepare your plugin for translation? I want tranlate in to german.
the following file is reported by Sitelock as a threat:
../wp-content/plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/images/sitemap.html: SiteLock-HTML-SEOSPAM-md5-bel.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
If this a falsely reported?
Please advise, need to confirm asap with host.
]]>Getting this error after installing the plugin
Undefined variable: category_tree */plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/ps_auto_sitemap.php line 155
Other fields work fine
]]>I think some css need to be updated, since there are some formating problems and some responsiveness problems.
]]>Hi, I am trying to change the order of PS Auto Sitemap so that it displays my pages the same way they are displayed in my main menu on the homepage. That is to say, I don’t want them displayed alphabetically. Does anyone have any ideas?
]]>Please have a look at
I don’t want the first line (category “?therische ?le”) to be a link.
Any idea?
Thanks for your great job on this plugin.
Will this plugin work with 4.3.1 in the near future ?
I am using your incredible plugin. This week I’ve decided to implement multiple languages support in my website (English, Spanish and Catalan). I’ve seen there is a problem when trying to using the PS AutoSitemap plugin in multiple languages websites. There is planned a fix for this issue?
Many thanks.
]]>I see my sitemap page (https://colpolsocmadrid.org/mapa-del-sitio/) it’s empty… and I add <!– SITEMAP CONTENT REPLACE POINT –> to the page and add the id (3494) in the required field… but now its empty…
Before the map showed ok, but now not. The only pluging I install is WP-Polls, but I can’t disble it because I need it and I can’t prove if I disable the map works, but I say it here to inform the author.
]]>Created site map: https://fyctest.kencooperjr.com/sitemap-3/
Site is vertical.
Want the sitemap horizontal with one column per Main Menu Item and its sub-menus under it.
Vertical display (default display mode)
Want Horizontal:
Main1 Main2 Main3 …
Sub11 Sub21
Sub12 Sub22
THANKS for the help – Ken
]]>Good plugin, but do not work property in WP 4.1 and return errors (below) in previous WP version (need an update!!):
Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class ps_auto_sitemap in /home/mysite/www/wp-content/plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/ps_auto_sitemap.php on line 37
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/mysite/www/wp-content/plugins/ps-disable-auto-formatting/ps_disable_auto_formatting.php on line 312
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/mysite/www/wp-content/plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/ps_auto_sitemap.php:37) in /home/mysite/www/wp-login.php on line 418
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/mysite/www/wp-content/plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/ps_auto_sitemap.php:37) in /home/mysite/www/wp-login.php on line 431
]]>Hi, I added by myself the support for mqTranslate plugin.
Is it possibile to include it into an official release?
Here are the changes (please look at the <AP 16/12/2014> comments):
function replace_sitemap_content( $content ) {
global $post;
if ( $this->option[‘post_id’] && $post->ID == $this->option[‘post_id’] ) {
if ( isset( $_GET[‘category’] ) && $category = get_category( (int)$_GET[‘category’] ) ) {
$sitemap_content = $this->make_category_sitemap( $category );
} else {
// <AP 16/12/2014>/*$cache_dir = $this->check_cache_dir();
if ( $cache_dir && file_exists( $cache_dir . ‘/site_map_cache.html’ ) && $this->option[‘use_cache’] ) {
$sitemap_content = file_get_contents( $cache_dir . ‘/site_map_cache.html’ );
} else {
$sitemap_content = $this->create_sitemap_content();
}*/if (function_exists(‘qtrans_getLanguage’)) {
$cache_file_name = ‘/site_map_cache’ . qtrans_getLanguage() . ‘.html’;
} else {
$cache_file_name = ‘/site_map_cache.html’;
}$cache_dir = $this->check_cache_dir();
if ( $cache_dir && file_exists( $cache_dir . $cache_file_name ) && $this->option[‘use_cache’] ) {
$sitemap_content = file_get_contents( $cache_dir . $cache_file_name );
} else {
$sitemap_content = $this->create_sitemap_content();
}// </AP 16/12/2014>
$content = preg_replace( ‘/(<p><!– SITEMAP CONTENT REPLACE POINT –><\/p>|<!– SITEMAP CONTENT REPLACE POINT –>)/’, $sitemap_content, $content, 1 );
return $content;
]]>function make_posts_list_in_category( $ex_post_ids, $cat_id, $has_child ) {
global $wpdb;$post_list_in_category = ”;
$query = “
FROM $wpdb->posts asposts
INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships asrelation
ON (posts
INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy astaxonomy
ON (relation
INNER JOIN $wpdb->terms asterms
ON (taxonomy
= ‘publish’
= ‘post’
NOT IN ( $ex_post_ids )
= ‘$cat_id’
$category_posts = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A );
if ( $category_posts ) {
$post_list_in_category .= “\n\n”;
foreach( $category_posts as $post ) {
// <AP 16/12/2014>if (function_exists(‘qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage’)) {
$post[‘post_title’] = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($post[‘post_title’]);
}// </AP 16/12/2014>
$post_list_in_category .= “\t” . ‘<li class=”post-item post-item-‘ . $post[‘ID’] . ‘”>‘ . esc_html( $post[‘post_title’] ) . “\n”;
if ( ! $has_child ) {
$post_list_in_category .= “\n”;
return $post_list_in_category;
Any help on making the categories to list in 2+ (multiple) columns ?
I have many categories and it would be better to have more than one per page.
]]>By the Query Monitor plugin I detected this issues:
Redefining already defined constructor for class ps_auto_sitemap 1 wp-content/plugins/ps-auto-sitemap/ps_auto_sitemap.php:37 wp-settings.php Core
Some of my posts have in the title the price of the products like “$1.99”
So if the title is “Something at $1.99 a month” it shows as:
“Something at
.99 a month”
With the line breaks and without the $ symbol and the number after it.
Is there any way to show menuelinks in the sitemap like a normal page?
All posts of my custom post types are not displayed, how to fix this?
The plugin requires the id of the page the sitemap is going to be displayed. But I have this website in two languages, they both need a sitemap. How can I add one more id so that the sitemap is displayed in two pages? If this cannot be done, is there another solution?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello, I loved this plugin for my site map. I have only one problem:
I do not know how to include the pages of PROJECTS, which are very important in my site. I am using Vertex Theme and this is my URL: https://www.psii.com.mx
Much I appreciate your prompt response.
Best regards!
This is very usefull plugin to have an html map or your site, but I also need an .xml map to send to Google… I have to installa another pluging?
]]>Hi, I am trying to change the order of PS Auto Sitemap so that it displays my pages the same way they are displayed in my main menu on the homepage. That is to say, I don’t want them displayed alphabetically. Does anyone have any ideas?
]]>We have installed your plugin PS Auto Sitemap recently and found a bug with dollar sign in page title. Meanwhile we took a liberty to include WP hook in sitemap generation for better integration with our plugins.
Here is the fixed version of the plugin. It would be great, if thess fixes would be included in latest release:
Best Regards,
Foliovision team
Thank you for this usefull plugin.
I have a small request. Can you please alter the code on line 234 to:
esc_html(__( $post[‘post_title’] ))
This will make the post titles compatible with qTranslate plugin for WordPress.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,