various users are reporting that they are getting a message “you already have an account” preventing signup to tasks. I can’t recreate the problem when I try. I’ve been using the sign up sheets for many years but not had this issue before. Many thanks for a great plug in
]]>Translations are not loaded using WordPress 6.7
]]>In the admin, I would like to be able to access the list of people who signed up for past events so that I can send Thank You emails. Is there a way to do that? (e.g. it’s Sunday and I want to send a thank you to the folks who helped out last Friday night – when I go to the sign-up sheet for that event in wp-admin, the list is empty.)
I did go to Sign-Up Sheets->Settings->Main Settings and verified that Automatically clear expired signups? is unchecked.
Is there a way to view sign-ups once the date has passed?
]]>The reminder emails are still going out ok, but the signup confirmation and clear emails are suddenly not. The app and system settings haven’t changed and this was working recently. I’m not sure when it stopped. I haven’t added any new plugins or changed the mail system on my site.
I have been using Brevo as SMTP sender. All other system emails are being sent ok, as are test emails. I’m running WP 6.6.2, and Signup Sheets says it hasn’t been tested with that version, so could there be something incompatible?
]]>New client has a bazillion sign up events. Some are daily, semi-weekly, weekly, or monthly.
For the less frequent events, the chairs DO want to receive notification when someone signs up, clears, etc. But the more frequent ones, they do not. It seems that this is only a global setting, no way to do on a per-sheet basis? Ideally, I’d like just some Groups of sheets to send the emails to the Chairs.
I’m guessing no but your plugins and add-ons are so feature rich I may have missed it!
]]>I’ve recently taken over managing the website for a nonprofit club I’m involved in after our previous webmaster passed away. I’m a professional WordPress developer but received no orientation to this site before taking it over.
We use this plugin to allow our members to sign up for public service events. It’s been working fine until very recently, when our most recently created sheet won’t display to non-logged-in users in the widget or the [pta_sign_up_sheet] shortcode. I placed the new sheet on its own page using the shortcode with the ID parameter and that does display to non-logged-in users.
I created another test signup sheet and it also doesn’t display to the public.
I’ve confirmed that the sheet settings allow it to be shown to the public (it’s not ‘hidden’). I don’t see any relevant errors in the browser console or server logs. Are we missing something that will allow new signup sheets to display?
]]>I’m having issues with the cron job. I can see the cron pta_sus_cron_job in the cron events hourly and I run a ‘real cron’ to trigger wp-cron.php every 15 min. I can see the cron_pta_sus_cron being renewed in the cron queue, but the page ‘Sign up Sheets>Cron Functions’ is not showing changes to the ‘Last Reminder Check’. Is there a command line that I can use to check something? I am also comfortable to look in tables if that is helpful. I have access to WP-cli.
More details: I use ‘WP Mail SMTP’ and the confirmation emails have been going out fine. I checked ‘Settings>Email Settings’, and find ‘Disable Reminder Emails’ and ‘Disable ALL emails’ are unchecked. I tried toggling them on, saving then toggling off and resaving.
I recently noticed a problem with the action scheduler that an action_scheduler/migration_hook had failed (over a year ago!) and so I installed the ‘Action Scheduler’ plugin and I was able to run that hook. But it had been a long time since that migration_hook had failed and I had never noticed the issue. After fixing that, I did click the button ‘Send Reminders’ and I did get an admin report that the reminders were sent and the ‘Last Reminder Check’ did update to the time when I sent them manually.
Another side note: The setting “Automatically clear expired signups?” is checked for ‘Yes’, but apparently they were not being deleted because on the ‘Sign up Sheets>Cron Functions’ tab when I clicked the button to ‘Clear Expired Signups’ about 450 items were purged. Also, I run the Sign up sheets ‘Customizer’ and ‘Custom Fields’ plugins.
]]>Good afternoon,
I searched the support entries but didn’t see anything that looked applicable. My question is, is it possible that once a user signs up for one volunteer opportunity, their signup can be “duplicated” to additional opportunities at different times on the same day or to different days with differing times?
I run a Special Needs baseball league and utilize your plugin to register “buddies” that volunteer to come out and assist our athletes. We have 3 games per Saturday and rather than having buddies have to register for every game on every Saturday, I would like to be able to duplicate their signup to additional times and days if possible even if it is an admin only function that I need to undertake. If it could be implemented overall, I think that may add some welcome functionality for those signing up for multiple volunteer opportunities.
Other than that, this plugin has been a Godsend for us!
Thank you,
Rick Davies
we have a problem in communication with volunteers: everyone who registers using a gmail address does not receive any emails. I don’t know how long this has been happening, I’m afraid for a few months (we had few events in the last period). We have already done a test and the mails from the address used do not go to spam or anything. Also the domain is not blacklisted. Those who use other email platforms have no problems (when they register for a task the notification email arrives immediately and any communications are sent).
See you soon and thanks
Additional information relevant to All in One SEO compatibility issue reported in a previous post. Solution currently unknown.
Summary of Issue: When All in One SEO plugin is active, users are unable to sign up for slots. They can see the list of events and they can see the list of slots open (“view & sign up”). However, when they click “Sign up” on a slot, there is no output.
To assist others who may work on debugging this in the future, here are my findings so far:
Hi Stephen –
Regarding this statement in the documentation: “NOTE, it is possible to eventually fill up all the space allocated to this dates field, so if you have an event that recurs a very large number of times, you may need to limit how many upcoming dates you list at one time and deselect old dates after they have passed. We came across this problem with our Popcorn Fridays event for our school, but after I figured out the problem, I more than doubled the available size for this field.”
My client wants me to set up a sign up sheet for every Wednesday in the school year (so, 30 some dates) with 12 slots on each date.
Would that be considered “very large number of times”? Since you ran into the issue with weekly events with only 3 volunteer slots per date, I’m concerned.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I am testing this plugin for the first time and I wanted to see if there was a way to consolidate the display of a single-day event? For example, on this page, the date and task title are the same. I only needed different time slots but all of the other info is the same. Is there a way to remove the duplicated information to make it easier to read?
I hope what I’m asking makes sense.
]]>Is there a way to have the Phone Information linked to Ultimate Member?
Most of the users have given their Information during the registration form. But when they want to sign up for a sheet or me as an admin want to sign them up the phone field is empty and they have to fill it again.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi !
I’m using the “PTA Volunteer Sign-up Sheets” plugin with the extension “Customizer” and there is no option to change the view all sheets link text when used with the “Customizer” extension. There are the “view_all_sheets_link_text” and the “go_back_to_signup_sheet_text” but nothing when groups are used.
Thanks !
]]>I have installed the ‘Volunteer Sign Up Sheet’ plugin into my wordpress site (version 6.3) today and upon trying to sign up, I receive an ‘ERROR SENDING EMAIL’ message. My wordpress is hosted on Azure, so it might have something to do with that, but I was able to create a fix in the mean time by inserting the php code ‘$to = $signup->email’ onto line 77 in the send_email() function located in the class-pta_sus_email.php file. For whatever reason, trying to set the ‘To’ email string value to a format like ‘John Doe <>’ blows up trying to send an email, but just sending the email address for the value works fine. I can’t attach images to this post, but let me know if you want me to send the screenshots I took which somewhat further explains the error I was encountering. Thank you for taking the time to make this plugin, as I am finding it very useful for my PTO website!
When I try to export from Admin side with “View/Export ALL Data”, the date column is incomplete, the first letters are removed. I’ve tried PDF, Excel and CSV but the result is the same. The date format is in French. As an example:
medi 18 mai 2019 instead of samedi 18 mai 2019
The “sa” is missing. I’ve tried to remove some columns in “Column Visibility”, with only a few columns but the result is the same, the first two letters are always removed.
Thanks for your help,
Kind regards,
Volunteer Sign Up Sheets: Version 4.4.0
Volunteer Sign Up Sheets Customizer: Version 3.2.3
Volunteer Sign Up Sheet Groups: Version 1.5.0
WordPress: 5.2.19
]]>I have set things up so that non logged in users should be able to access the user registration form as you would expect.
I had the SignUp sheet plugin working fairly well when I noticed the register link on the login dialog was going to the standard WordPress register form which doesn’t have all the required fields.
After some searching I decided to use the following code in the functions.php (in a child theme) to direct the request to the correct SignUpSheet register form.
add_filter( ‘register_url’, ‘custom_register_url’ );
function custom_register_url( $register_url ){
$register_url = get_permalink( $register_page_id = 17 );
return $register_url;
This didn’t make any difference so I commented it out again as shown.
Now, as a user who is not logged in when I click on the link or the menu item to the register form it goes to the standard WP login but if I actually log in on that dialog it goes to the correct Registration Form.
My Privacy Policy page is accessible when not logged in and that works correctly. I can not see any differences between the settings on these two pages. Both are set to “Settings Default” nothing else.
The register page has only one thing on it
It’s not Browser or Cache related as I have tried this on my Ipad with Safari and Chrome, Window and Linux. Refreshed Control F5, you name it.
I even created a new page named “New User” and added only [wppb-register] and it does the same thing.
Any Ideas what I’m missing?
]]>is there any way to get the dates in the exported data? but we can’t tell what day they volunteered
We try too keep a years worth of signup data so we can easily tell at the end of the year how many days a particular volunteer worked
the export data looks like this; we wish that is showed there date before the start time so we could sort by month etc
Task DescriptionStart TimeEnd Time#NameE-mailPhoneItem DetailsItem QtyActions9:00 AM9:30 AM#1Lee??Smithmyemail@gmail.com4135551212????9:00 AM9:30 AM#2Robert??Jones?hisemail@gmail.com4135551213????
When I create a new sign-up, I get a blank page with the following error:
Error thrown
Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array
The sign-up is however created but every time I get the same error, without more information.
WordPress: 5.2.17
Volunteer Sign Up Sheets: 4.3.0
Volunteer Sign Up Sheets Customizer Extension: 3.2.3
Thanks for your help !
Kind regards,
]]>Our site has used this plugin for a number of years without an issue. I recently learned that users cannot submit from the volunteer signup page. It works great from desktop.
There is no error when they hit submit, they just don’t see any confirmation message it saved and it did not in fact save.
There is a difference in the display between mobile and desktop. On desktop, an input box called website is hidden because the containing div’s style is “visibility:hidden”. On the mobile version, the div’s style is “body-font” like the other divs and presents the website input box, which has no label. I suspect this difference is causing the mobile site to not submit.
All plugins and wordpress are updated. Let me know what recommendations you have.
]]>I am exporting the data but it seems to hide dates that have passed. I need data for past dates to export as well so I can give my volunteers credit. Thank you!
]]>I would like to edit the text on the bottom of my sign up sheets page that says “Please login to view and edit your volunteer sign ups.” I would prefer it says “Need to change your sign-up? Please sign up for the new time slot and then email us at {email address} to delete your original time slot.” Is there anyway to change this text?
]]>Hey Stephen, have a client who wants to have sign ups for recurring weekly slots – but the same person would be signing up for say 6 recurring weekly slots. Put better: They need volunteers to sign up for a slot every Monday for 6 weeks, a volunteer to sign up for a slot every Tuesday for 6 weeks, etc.
The only way I can see this possible is to do it as either Ongoing, with no dates, or a Single event with the first day being the date listed. With either of those scenarios, they would not be given a reminder each week. With ongoing, there’d be no reminder, and Single it would just be before the first occurance.
I’m guessing there’s no functionality to do exactly what they’re asking? If not I will suggest Single and they’d have to do the Email Volunteers manually each week (or some other form of manual reminder). True?
Thanks as always!
]]>I just started using the plugin. I have had 2 submissions. I can’t find their information anywhere.
]]>yesterday, 12/16 all the sheets disappeared from our calendar view
]]>I have the Volunteer Sign Up Sheets plugin installed but there is no “Sign Up Sheet Manager” role. Is there a way to fix this or re-create it?
]]>I’m so sorry to be a “frequent flyer” here recently! And I KNOW I’ve either asked this before or saw how to fix this but I promise I’ve searched and am not finding the answer.
The mobile display on all of my client sites is awful, and I’m again getting complaints asking me to fix it. Here’s two examples:
Would you be so kind as to remind me what I need to do to lay this out so it is usable on mobile display?
Thank you as always!
Hey Stephen,
This may be a feature request, not a support question so forgive me if this is not the right place to post. No urgency, either!
The sites I use SUS on have many, many signup sheets after years of using SUS. When we go into the Admin “view all sheets” list, it seems they are sorted by default by Title, alphabetically, descending, which makes finding the current/active or upcoming sheets hard – especially with events that happen frequently that have similar titles.
Is there a setting to make SUS show up sorted by creation date (or First Date) by default – the way Posts do? I have to train everyone when they hit that page to just click the First Date header to re-sort, which is fine, but it’s one of those little annoyances, insignificant, but still an annoyance.
If this is not a thing that can be configurable, wouldn’t it make sense to make the default to sort by recent sheets instead of by title? Or are we just weird? ?? ??
Thanks as always for your responsiveness and your hard work with this critical plugin!
]]>I am currently testing and when I click sign up and fill out the form for a task, my sign up is not showing up in the backend and updating in the frontend. Is there a setting I am missing?
]]>Hey Stephen –
I seem to be a frequent flyer this month, sorry!
The following has now happened twice -the first time I chalked it up to some weird fluke, but now I’m baffled.
Client is creating sign up sheets on their website, When she creates the sheets, she can see them on the sign UP sheets page, but then is being told by others they’re not there. What’s happening is only users signed in to the website can see them; non-signed in users can not. YES, I know this is a setting, however they do NOT have must be signed in to view checked (they DO have must be signed in to sign-up).
Here’s even funkier. The last time, the way I fixed it was I CHECKED the box for “require sign in to view sheets” , saved, then UN-CHECKED that box, and saved again. Voila – sheet showed up.
I have NOT used this fix yet this time, so that you can see it in action if you want. (We do need to fix it by tomorrow, though). Have you seen this issue before and any ideas why this might be happening?
The link provided above will show two sign up sheets being active, but there is a third that should be there. See screenshots.
Settings screen (untouched in weeks):
As always, thanks in advance!