The forward slash in line 122 (pureHtml.php) before “icons” add_menu_page(...."<strong>/icons</strong>/icon-16.png");)
causes a 404 for the image under some .htaccess security configurations.
It results in a double forward slash in the link to the image i.e. DOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/pure-html//icons/icon-16.png
If the site or SERVER is configured to prevent double forward slash requests the image isn’t loaded and a 404 is logged.
I’ve modded the code, removing the slash from this line and the link URL is correctly rendered as DOMAIN/wp-content/plugins/pure-html/icons/icon-16.png
The first slash in the code is not needed (at least on the sites I’ve made this change).
Possibly may not be needed in line 241 either (?>/icons/icon-32.jpg) but I haven’t seen an error logged so have left it in.
Great plugin by the way! Thanks for your efforts.
]]>The Pure HTML Plugin works great, but I get this php error when calling the settings of at least 1 other plugin from my site admin. I’m pretty sure this started at 3.8 +
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method PureHTML::menu() should not be called statically in /home/mysite/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 429
possible to include into snippets something like:?
<?php wp_tag_cloud('number=0'); ?>
Thank you.
]]>Still allowed removal of empty <div style=></div> and <p></p> markup
Only tested with WP 3.4.1 – also using Ultimate TinyMCE so may have been a conflict
This plugin is an EXCELLENT idea – really nice if it could allow full HTML in UTMCE, mistakes in markup included – no stripping whatsoever. One of my most wanted add-on functions for WordPress.
Will try the next update too