Hi there,
It seems there is an Undefined index PHP notice visible in logs in case if “menu-item-privacy-policy” checkbox isn’t checked in admin panel.
I use this on every single WP-install. I hate bloated code and unused classes. But it removes the custom CSS classes that I add via WordPress menu. Is it possible to make an option to keep custom CSS classes?
]]>I am running the Genesis Executive child theme. The front page is a widgetized page and has a slider which uses the Genesis Responsive Slider widget. Upon installing the Purify WP Menus plugin, my slider disappeared. I tried allowing all of the possibilities in the settings for Purify WP Menus and then tried uninstalling it to no avail. Any ideas as to what may have happened and how I might correct it?
]]>Ich h?tte das Plugin gern genutzt, allerdings fehlt mir das Wissen, um es optimal einzustellen. Das w?re vielleicht ein Verbesserungsvorschlag für die n?chste Version.
]]>After installing the plugin missing classes minded individual menu items. Change the options in the setting is per plug does not solve the problem.
ich finde das Plugin extrem hilfreich, wenn man WordPress von sinnlosem Overhead befreien m?chte. Eins ist mir allerdings unklar: Wie kann ich denn eigene Klassen, die ich via Menümanager hinzugefügt habe, drin lassen?