It would be useful to be able to filter the title, body and url of a notification. This could be added to lines 58 – 60 of includes/metabox.php.
The reason for this is to be able to customise the output based on the post. For instance, a certain post type may not be public, but may be displayed as part of a custom set of results on a page. Having a filter available for the url would allow for the notification to link to the page rather than the (unavailable) post permalink in this case.
Being able to filter the title and body on a post-by-post basis would also be useful.
After installing the plugin, I see :
How to use Pushpad plugin:
Widget: A button to let your visitors subscribe to push notifications.
Shortcode: [pushpad-button] or [pushpad-button subscribe=”Subscribe” unsubscribe=”Unsubscribe”]
Metabox: Send push notifications whenever you post something new.
I’m not sure I understand what the Metabox feature actually is, but in case it’s an alternative way to subscribe readers without the use of button in a widget or inline, I might be interested in it, but did not find any clue to set it up… Where can I find a guide to implement Metabox?
Hey there,
Thanks for your service and the plugin, it’s a great project.
However, I have a suggestion for you to improve it.
I just published a post on my site and ticked the “send push notification” checkbox. The notification was sent as expected. So far, so good.
A couple of hours later I had to amend the post and when I saved it, the notification was sent again, as the checkbox was still checked.
I think it would be more user friendly if the checkbox gets unticked automatically after the first push (when the post was published). If people would like to push again, they must tick the checkbox once more.
Don’t know what you think about this, but in my opinion this would make more sense.
Again, thanks for all your work.