In class-pushpress.php there is a function publish_post
this function calls $this->get_subscribers
given that $this->get_subscribers can return false surely is is better to then wrap the foreach loops like this to prevent errors:
if (!empty($subs)){
foreach ( (array) $subs as $callback => $data ) {
if ( $data[‘is_active’] == FALSE )
$this->schedule_ping( $callback, $post_id, ‘atom’, $data[‘secret’] );
This plugin has not been updated in more than 3 years. Is it abandoned, or does it just need to be tested up to the current version of WordPress? Thank you.
]]>Hi! I’ve enabled PushPress on After following the blog from (a GNUSocial node), the notices appear full of html code, for instance, like this –>
I can’t find any option to change this; could you tell me if there is one?
]]>The puSHPress page shows that the current version of the plugin is However, the changelog mentions 0.1.8 and the plugins pages on my site doesn’t show an update available. Is 0.1.8 in fact the current version we should be running?
I was able to subscribe to the hub using the info below (I received the 204 response from the nypost server), but when the feed updates with new articles, I don’t receive a POST request to my callback. How come? Can somebody try subscribing and see if they get updates? Nypost updates fairly often so it shouldn’t take long to test.
hub =
topic =
]]>On latest wordpress, pushpress uses:
load_template( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed-atom.php' );
which causes all but the first ping to go out blank. Instead, should use:
@load_template( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed-atom.php', false );
and similar for the rss2 line.
Just a quick note, when/if this gets another update: the pushpress.php
file on line 10 needs to be updated to read Network: true
rather NOT Site Wide Only: true
. Thanks for the plugin!
I’m trying to subscribe to category specific feeds, and in the RSS feed for the category I see the hub link. But when I try to subscribe to it I get the message the hub topic is not allowed. If I try one of the suggested feeds I end up on a 404 page.
Does PuSHPress support category feeds? Is it compatible with Polylang (I use it to make my site bilingual)?
]]>Currently pushpress adds links to the hub even in feeds for which noone is allowed to subscribe. It would be better to not advertize in those feeds that a hub is available. This confuses feed readers immensely.
]]>Just an FYI, it seems PuSHPress is conflicting with the Blubrry PowerPress plugin.
When I publish a post the Podcast Episode information gets stripped out. The posdcast info stays intact when the post is saved as draft. But disappears when the publish button is clicked.
I disabled all of my plugins and reactivated them one-by-one to find that PuSHPress is the one causing the behavior.
My site is running WordPress 4.1, Blubrry PowerPress 6.0, and had the issue with PuSHPress
I have disabled PuSHPress for now and everything else appears to be working.
Actually, How this plugin helps a blog,
what does it offers?
I just installed on my new blog, can’t find settings page.
Do I must edit plugin code ?
What are the features comes with ?
Please explain guys.
]]>Hello all, hoping the developers are checking here from time to time and can offer some advice. It’s been about 4 months since I installed the plugin at but to the best of my knowledge I only have 5 subscribers so far, and at the very least 3 of them are of a dubious kind.
I am getting the information about subscribers from pushpress_subscribers option in the wp_options table – I assume this is the only place where this info is kept, please advise if it’s not. The record is not easy to parse but I see 5 different host names in there, making an assumption they are the subscribers. I don’t know what it means but each has this close to the end of their record: s:11:”unsubscribe” . So, are they even subscribed? Or have they all already un-subscribed?
Anyway, I feel a bit confused about the operation of the plugin, would appreciate some input on whether the implementation is incorrect or the PuSH protocol is simply so obscure that noone (of importance) actually uses it. Perhaps I’m simply looking in the wrong place. How would you verify that the plugin is working?
]]>Error can’t upgrade to pushpress. 404 File not found!
]]>We use domain mapping on our network install of WordPress at Network23, but PuSHPress doesn’t support it out the box, this code hack sorts it out. We tested it pushing posts to
Edit the file class-pushpress.php and at line 200, replace:
$subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ) );
if (function_exists ('domain_mapping_siteurl')) {
$subs = $this->get_subscribers( domain_mapping_siteurl() . '/feed/' );
} else {
$subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ) );
And line 209, replace:
$subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'atom_url' ) );
if (function_exists ('domain_mapping_siteurl')) {
$subs = $this->get_subscribers( domain_mapping_siteurl() .'/feed/atom/' );
} else {
$subs = $this->get_subscribers( get_bloginfo( 'atom_url' ) );
Am not fully convinced that the hack is suitable yet for a code modification, due to the hard-coding of the ‘/feed’ and ‘/feed/atom’ parts of the URL.
]]>I am trying to run this on a multisite, but I can’t get it to work. Nothing is apparent in the logs. However, I’ve noticed it’s been a while since this was updated, and perhaps it is no longer capatible. I see that is still using it.
Could we get an update?
]]>Using with, before updating in the middle of June the push notification worked (last blogpost around 6/12 that went through), since then nothing.
]]>When I installed PuSHPress on my self-hosted blog, and started using it, I didn’t receive any pings. After wondering why and staring at the code a lot, I inserted some “mail” commands in the code, to find out what went wrong. To my surprise, it sent a ping to somebody else ( Google ), and then stopped. Looking a bit harder revealed that it uses the loading of a template to send the ping, and by default it is “require_once”, but you can change this by setting a parameter. I did, and it worked. I assumed it would be fixed in a couple of days, but it wasn’t.
In send-ping.php, I added a second parameter like this :
@load_template( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/feed-rss2.php’, false );
and this :
@load_template( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/feed-atom.php’, false );
After that, it worked fine. I could subscribe as many times as I wanted.
]]>BUG: I get an annoying notice: “Notice: get_plugin_data was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 3.0! The Site Wide Only: true plugin header is deprecated. Use Network: true instead. in ***\wordpress\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3387”
The problem is that “Site Wide Only: true” is set in the plugin header comment (pushpress.php). This should be exchanged with “Network: true” asap. Else it throws the annoying notice even when the plugin is not activated.
]]>I installed the plug in on my wordpress blog and it appears the plug in crawled several blog posts. Unfortunately, each of those blog posts has an adsense ad running on them and the plug in “clicked” these ads. This activity cause an extremely high # of invalid clicks to my adsense account and has now placed my business in jeopardy of being banned from the Google adsense program. I’ve now uninstalled the plug in and the “clicks” have stopped. Dont’ use this if you are running PPC ads on your site as it will cause your account to have invalid, and high, click activity.
]]>just reading about this real time news and being a bit confused by these two plugins and the terms they are using. are they doing the same?
could someone explain a bit more in depth?
On my DreamHost shared server, PuSHPress caused a problem where every time I activated another plugin, it “generated 311 characters of unexpected output during activation.” (See this WordPress StackExchange thread for more.)
I used System Information to trace the problem to the activated_plugin
hook, which was attached to lacandsnw_pushpresscheck
even months after I installed PuSHPress. Deactivating PuSHPress stopped the unexpected outputs.
Let me know what other information is needed to diagnose and fix the problem. I have disabled PuSHPress for now and am using only PubSubHubbub until the issue is fixed.
]]>If you try to export your site via the tool > export, this plugin will prevent proper formatting in the xml file. Disabling this plugin before exporting is the only solutions I have found.