Could you please help me figure out how to make the previous-next post sorting work according to the posts sorted under each category using the Q2W3 plugin? Right now, the category archive template shows the correct order of posts as sorted by the Q2W3 plugin but on the single post pages, the previous next post navigation links just aren’t working as intended. These links jump posts and confuse the users, without following the Q2W3 order.
Please help!
]]>This is a great plugin—thanks for making it available!
I’m using the Q2W3 Post Order to re-order posts on my homepage. On the same page, in a sidebar, I’m using the Recent Posts widget. But I don’t want the posts re-ordered in the widget—I want them to be in the normal order by date.
Is this possible?
]]>I love your plugin, but I cannot order posts that are scheduled for publication on a future date.
Please advise me.
When trying to save the form it redirects me to my sites 404 page: https://theledjungle.com/wp-content/plugins/q2w3-post-order/post.php
I just installed your software and ordered all of my posts. Then I look at my home page and one post is not there. I tried to renumber it and even deleted the post and reposted it. Still it wont show up. It shows up in my right hand column under new posts, but not on the page itself.
I uninstalled the software and deleted all files then reinstalled and tried to add just that one post and it still wont.
My site is https://www.survival-gear.org
Below is the debug code for the one page and home page:
[ 488 lines of code moderated, that’s just way too much. For that many lines of code please use pastebin.com instead. ]
]]>How can I disable automatic sorting when using Q2W3 Post Order with WP_Query? I tried doing:
$q = new WP_Query(array(
'q2w3-post-order' => 'disable'
It’s still using the order defined in the Q2W3 settings.
]]>I’m having issues to sort my custom posts when they are loading from a shortcode on a page. The plugin wont alter the desired query at all. The same happens with next_post_link and previous_post_link when they are on a single or a single custom post page.
I needed to handcode the custom post name into the plugin to resolve temporarily the first issue but any attempt for the second one was unsucessful
]]>Hi, I noticed that sometimes I have none posts displayed when I have to many posts sorted (roughly > 100). Moreover even if I remove posts in sorted list it does not fix the problem. Each time I have to remove ALL posts from sorted list and then restart to sort from empty list !
Any idea ?
]]>Hi there!
After running around in loops, I was finally redirected to this plugin to try to add some special functionality on a site’s theme, which seems to be hard to do otherwise.
Here is the idea: having some special HTML for certain categories/archives (almost all, in fact). The HTML changes for each case — it’s a list of buttons, links, images — but from the perspective of the backoffice, they just need to change a regular post and flag it as sticky for that category/archive. Simple so far.
Then, on the theme’s loop, all I need to do is to figure out if a certain article is sticky or not. If it is, then it pulls in a template part (yes, a whole template part) for that article. This template part will have shortcodes and the such, so it really needs to go through all the regular WP filtering system.
Doing it on the Homepage is a piece of cake: just check for is_sticky() inside the loop, and, if it’s true, add the appropriate template part. If not, then it’s a regular article, and it uses the normal templating for that. Simple!
Doing it on other category/taxonomy/archive pages is a problem, since is_sticky() will not work, of course. So I need the equivalent of that. CSS classes are certainly useful, but just to a degree: the HTML hasn’t been rendered yet when I need it to change the template. Remember, this is not merely styling and adding/removing CSS blocks — which would be possible with a bit of JS. It’s fully going through the whole WP engine, using shortcodes, and so forth, and displaying an article with a completely different set of rules.
My first idea was to add a secondary loop on the theme on a separate block, checking what category WP is currently in, and pulling the appropriate code if there is a sticky post in that category, just on that block (mirroring the way other CMS work). But this would be rather unflexible, i.e. working with a hard-coded table of post IDs and categories. Messy! Users will certainly delete articles by mistake and so forth! So, using a plugin that lets articles be sticky sounds like a far better approach. Now I just need a function to test if they’re sticky or not ??
How could this be done with Q2W3 Post Order?
I noticed that the sort order is not saved if a post is saved or updated after it has been sorted.
In category ZXY I have 3 posts, AAA, BBB and CCC and are manual sorted via the plugin and show up under ‘Sorted:’ in the plugin interface as follows:
However, if update CCC post, the post then looses the sort order and the new sort order becomes the below and CCC is now under ‘Unsorted:’ in the plugin interface.
I’m using Version 1.2.8 of the plugin and WP 3.5.1.
]]>Hi there – I had Q2W3 working great and reordered lots of posts. I left it alone for a couple of weeks and now when I try to sort more posts, when I click the Update Unsorted button, I get shown a 404 page with the URL mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/q2w3-post-order/post.php
The list doesn’t update with the new sorting.
I have the same problem on 2 different sites. Could I please send you the debug script output, as I don’t understand it but I can see the word “error” in there a few times.
I guess it must be user error on my part but I can’t figure out what I would have changed to break the plugin like this.
]]>Hi The Q2W3 Works perfectly fine, the part i having trouble with is adding the next and previous links following the Q2W3 order. Is there i need to do, or a plugin which is compatible with this.
I have tried the following ways in doing it but not worked in the order which i have set it as in the Q2W3.
]]>The posts are not sorting on the page after being sorted within the plug-in.
On our old site before we updated using the sticky post order (predecessor to this app)it worked fine, but doesn’t seem to be the case here.
Any suggestions? We are using the Amped Child Theme, which is a child theme to Genesis.
]]>HiMax, after a few weeks of using this plugin I noticed some unexpected results.
1/ when selecting more than one post from unsorted the second post selected is not in correct position.
eg: select from unsorted list, post in position 1 to insert in sorted list to position 10 and post in poistion 2 to insert in sorted list to position 11. Results is that first one goes correctly in poistion 10 but second one goes in position 12 !
2/ when removing few sorted posts to unsorted some sorted posts have same position !
eg: when removing ten first sorted posts the first top sorted post starts with position 11, second one same position 11, thrird has position 12, forth has position 12, …..
The only way to avoid this is to move one post by post or to change position directly in table….
In my case I can have roughly 200 sorted posts to manage with 10% to add or remove every day…
]]>This works great for my categories, and I’d like to be able to order the posts on my home (first, front…) page as well. Is there a way to do this with Q2W3?
(You can see on our site home page, https://www.honduras.com/), it pulls posts from various categories, and I’d like to be able to tell it what order to put them in…
]]>Anyone else have this problem? I am using Newspro by GabfireThemes, and when I activate your plug-in, a bunch of gibberish is showing (when logged in as admin), above the actual page, such as:
Query Number: 1
WP Query Object:
object(WP_Query)#652 (43) {
&array(56) {
string(0) “”
string(0) “”
Any ideas what might cause this?
]]>As a user of AStickyPostOrdER on WP 2.9.2 this plugin is helpful for WP 3.5.1 users. I have just one point to fix:
On previous plugin I had the post url information with the mouse over action on posts lists, now I have the url to edit the post.
Because my website is dedicated to events I use to have to sort an average of 200 posts. All my post content publish date in url so it was easy for me to sort with previous version but now I have to check separately each published post to get the post date.
Where in your plugin code I could change this ?
Thanks by advance.
So after browsing Google looking for a way to keep a post in the 2nd position no matter the post date I came across this plugin. It works perfectly fine so long as I define a 1st and 2nd post but the problem with that is I want the most recent post to stay in at the top of the page with the 2nd post, usually a sponsors post, in the 2nd.
When a post is set to 2nd, and it shows as Position: 2nd, it, instead, positions itself at the top of the page where the 1st post should sit.
Is this something that this plugin is capable of or would I need to define the posts in numerical order?
Thanks for any help.
]]>I think I’m missing something because I don’t see any posts about it. Ideally I’d like one post per category to be sticky. In WP I only have the option of making them sticky for the homepage? And when I do they all show up there of course.
So some plugins handled this nicely but have major bugs with the newer WP version, so I ended up here. This is real good, but can it do anything with my Sticky issue?
Right now I’m just not making them sticky, but I would like to take advantage of the WP class “sticky”. Thanks!
]]>Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at path/wp-includes/formatting.php:608) in /home/webhost2/public_html/dancekathas/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
after i deactivate this plugin , it works perfectly, i turned of debug mode in config file, but it leads to white page having warning, like (function.php having white spaces). anuy idea to resolve this.
My plugin lists:
All-in-One Event Calendar by Timely
BP Photos+tags
BP Profile Search
BuddyPress Activity Plus
BuddyPress Activity Stream Ajax Notifier
BuddyPress FollowMe
BuddyPress Hovercards
BuddyPress Template Pack
Buddypress Xprofile Custom Fields Type
Custom Admin Bar
Login With Ajax
Q2W3 Post Order
Simple Ads Manager
Smooth Slider
Ultimate Post Type Manager
Ultimate Taxonomy Manager
User Role Editor
Widget Logic
I updated Q2W3 to version 1.2.6. in WP 3.5.
When I try to publish a post or page I can’t add content, and get these php warning messages:
Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/xxx/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 608
Warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/xxx/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 608
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxx/wp-includes/formatting.php:608) in /home/tresguit/public_html/raraweb/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
After I downgrade to 1.2.5. version return to work correctly
Thanks a lot for this great plugin
]]>Hi, i saw that when i choose to order posts in a custom taxonomy it doesn’t show me the private posts to order.
For example, in this site: novadfl.com.br/novo-site i have the post-type “Produtos” with a custom taxonomy “categoria de produtos” and there are some private posts in this post-type. When i choose to order the term “cirurgia” at “categoria de produtos” custom taxonomy it only lists the posts that are not private so the private posts comes after those and can’t be ordered.
Is there a way to fix that?
]]>Hey awesome stuff !
Am I able to make custom style changes to the ordered lists? I have couple of sticky posts fo reach category and want to have highlighted pale yellow color as background for those 2 posts.
Thanks man
I was getting these php warning errors repetitively in my php error log with WP 3.5 Beta3. They are not a big deal, but i just wanted to give you a heads up that WP is now checking $wpdb->prepare escaping for syntax accuracy and will now generate php errors if the prepare method syntax does not appear to be valid to WP. For now i just suppressed $wpdb->prepare on code line 1098 to stop the php errors. ??
$sql = @$wpdb->prepare($sql);
[14-Nov-2012 14:50:35] PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/content/xxxxx/html/wordpress-testing-website/wp-content/plugins/q2w3-post-order/q2w3-post-order.php on line 1098 and defined in /home/content/xxxxx/html/wordpress-testing-website/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
]]>Hi, I’m japanese programmer.
This is very nice plugin!
Maybe, I found the bug.
It is below.
I use the version 1.2.4.
1. ‘Post A’ and ‘Post B’ belongs to the ‘Test Category’.
2. Set order to the ‘Post A’ and ‘Post B’ in ‘Test Category’.
3. Confirm the ‘Post A’ and ‘Post B’ in the sorted list.
4. Remove the ‘Test Category’ from the ‘Post A’.
5. Show the sorted list of ‘Test Category’.
6. Still the ‘Post A’ is remained to sorted post list!
I fixed the this bug.
The fixed code is below.
1. Add function to action hook to near line 21:
add_action( 'save_post', array( 'q2w3_post_order', 'update_post_sync' ) );
2. Add the function in q2w3_post_order class:
public static function update_post_sync($post_id) {
global $wpdb;
$post = get_post($post_id);
if (empty($_POST['tax_input'])) {
foreach ($_POST['tax_input'] as $tax_name => $term_id) {
$sql = $wpdb->prepare('DELETE FROM ' . self::posts_table() . ' WHERE post_id = ' . $post_id . ' AND term_id NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $term_id) . ') AND taxonomy = \'' . $tax_name . '\'');
Could you confirm this?
]]>The plugin only support sticky in archive tag or category.
Is there anyway to make it sticky on latest post (generated by plugin such as Category Posts or Genesis Featured Post).
Thank you.
]]>Seems to be broken with custom post types; has no effect on listing order.
]]>I stumbled upon a solution by typing “0” into the position field in the Sorted Posts list and bingo the post order was removed.
The plugin is a great idea and appreciate time/effort in making it. Maybe add a small help file with a couple of examples on how to use the plugin?
I have downloaded the plugin Q2W3 Post Order and that goes fine, and I can order the posts in the categories, but on the site itself they don’t order?
Can you help me, please?
My site is https://gezondechocola.nl
With kind regards,
I would like to add a small badge for sticky post with content “Featured”, such as what showed at WordPress.com theme page: https://theme.wordpress.com/
Is there anyway to do it with the plugin?
Thank you very much.