Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for the good work. Setup is easy with the given code!
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Multilingual sites are not used as often, so to create a plugin that it works well with multilingual capabilities often requires a fair amount of hacking-around or using WordPress in a way that it’s not common, so it’s hard to be compatible with everyone else out there.
Nikola, the author of qTranslate Separate Comments plugin, is probably one of very few coders that can find solutions to multilingual problems in WordPress, smarter or not from others it doesn’t matter so much, because makes everything to look so easy and natural. And here comes the point where you think why wordpress has not from the beginning implemented such a multilanguage environment and if someone involved in the past with a multilingual site understands very well what I mean.
QTranslate Separate Comments plugin is your solution to multilingual comments and Nikola – if you gonna need his help – will be far more supportive than you could ever possible imagine.
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Thanks to Nicola for his support in all (many!) forums with qTranslate. And especial for this very useful plugin!
I have installed qTranslate with 2 lang (Ru|En). My site setup default to (Ru) lang with an option for second (En) like ‘site.com/en/…’
Before this plugin when I press ‘Post comment’ from second non-default-lang (En) page I was switched to my default-lang (Ru) same page.
After some search find this plugin, installed and happy ??
Tested with 2-lang commenting – all work as must in both lang.
Funny was testing with mixed language comments (En+Ru) – page stay at same lang!
This is not bug – this is feature! (Это не баг – Это фича!)
Thanks again to Nicola!
Rating: 5 stars
The problem is – the plugin doesn’t redirect to the proper language and the language is set incorrectly.
I have tried to solve this with the method in the FAQ, but it doesnt worked for me.
Can you help me please – have you a facebook page ? I think the discussion about the problem will be more solveable in facebook.
Rating: 5 stars
?ts pulgins very easy install and very good!