Hey there
I try to use global containers but they are only shown in the language I created them. How can I make them global 4 real? I use the wpml plugin.
]]>Hello I have a pre sales question.
I’m looking to create a menu like here:
3 columns required
in column 1
the parent links for that section.
in column 2
the child links for each parent (only visible when you roll over the parent in column 1).
in column 3
a teaser that will include title, image, copy blurb and button (updated dynamically depending on the parent rollover)
Will your plugin achieve this?
Hi there,
this is a presales question, if I can get it to work I will buy a license for the Quadmenu.
Is there an option to use the local fonts of the wordpress theme? Because of the GDPR, I use Google fonts that are stored locally on the server.
I use templates from Yootheme
Many thanks
is that possible?
Many thanks!
How I can have images on the submenu?
I want to show image and under it a text link
I have menu with some mega menus, the mega menu have different number of items, some have 4, some have 7 and some have 2.
I want to show 5 item in a row, but if I have 2 it show 2 items on all the width, can I use the plugin to display the 2 items like 5 items?