We are using your fabulous plugin and it works perfectly. On category pages and shop it is displaying properly but is it possible to show in on homepage or any other places where there are products, like related products for example? You will see on the link I sent that it’s not seen on homepage or on the related products section on the product page.
Thank you.
Thank you for creating such an amazing and most importantly free plugin. Really like what you did here.
However, I need some assistance and will really appreciate your contribution. I really wanted to implement to my website, that the quickview of a product would open not from a button, but directly by clicking on the WooCommerce product image / thumbnail. Right now, clicking the image just opens the single product page.
Is it something you can help with, considering that the plugin comes with WooCommerce support? Since I was not able to figure it out to the best of my effort.
Looking forward to your reply!