I’m a paid customer and this is a super cool plugin.
One request = please improve the way admin can see and access user uploads (images)…. a backend preview or directly in media library would be much better
]]>Hi Quill Forms Team,
Currently, the only way to connect Google Tag Manager (GTM) in Quill Forms is by directly adding the container ID.
To enable server-side GTM setup, I need to replace “https://www.googletagmanager.com” in the script (see below) with my personal domain, such as “gtm.mysite.com.br.” Unfortunately, Quill Forms doesn��t currently support implementing GTM via header and body code or custom domains.
The google tag manager plugin allows you to put a custom domain, as you can see in the image below:
Since this feature doesn’t seem to be supported by Quill Forms at the moment, could you help me configure this setup, or consider adding an update to support custom GTM domains? The solution would be adding custom domain or simply let the user install de GTM via code. The code i need to install is right below, replacing the tag manger URL:
Thank you for your attention and assistance.
//instal on header replacing the tag manager url
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
//instal on header
// instal on body replacing the tag manager URL
<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-XXXXXXX"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
// instal on body replacing the tag manager URL
Hey, used your plugin for a while. After latest update have this error –
check error again – ${!u&&”\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.pictureChoice__optionKey, .multipleChoice__optionKey {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdisplay: none !important;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t”} ),onClick:()=>{y(!0)}},s?.logo?.src&&(0,Ge.createElement)("div",{className:"renderer-core-form-brand-logo"},(0,Ge.createElement)("img",{src:s.logo.src,alt:""})),r.length>0&&(0,Ge.createElement)(Ke.Fragment,null,w&&(0,Ge.createElement)(_t,null),!S&&(0,Ge.createElement)(eo,{isActive:!w&&!k,applyLogic:e}),k&&(0,Ge.createElement)(Tt,null)),!S&&(0,Ge.createElement)(so,null),!!S&&(0,Ge.createElement)(ho,{data:S})))},vo=({applyLogic:e})=>{const[t,r]=(0,Ke.useState)(!1),n=ot(!0),{currentBlockId:a,blockTypes:s}=(0,i.useSelect)((e=>({currentBlockId:e("quillForms/renderer-core").getCurrentBlockId(),blockTypes:e("quillForms/blocks").getBlockTypes()}))),l=nt(),{isPreview:c,formObj:{hiddenFields:u,initialData:d},formId:p}=rt(),{setSwiper:f,insertEmptyFieldAnswer:m,goToBlock:h,setPaymentData:g,setAnswers:v,setFieldAnswer:y}=(0,i.useDispatch)("quillForms/renderer-core"),b=e=>e.replace(/{{hidden_field:([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)}}/g,((e,t)=>(0,o.size)(u)>0&&u?.[t]?u[t]:""));return(0,Ke.useEffect)((()=>{if(!c){n.forEach((e=>{if(e?.attributes?.defaultValue||0==e?.attributes?.defaultValue){const t=s[e.name];y(e.id,t?.supports?.numeric?t?.getNumericVal(b((0,tt.removep)(e.attributes.defaultValue))):b((0,tt.removep)(e.attributes.defaultValue)))}else m(e.id,e.name)}));const t=(0,o.map)((0,o.cloneDeep)(l).filter((e=>"welcome-screen"===e.name)),(e=>(0,o.omit)(e,["name"]))),i=(0,o.map)((0,o.cloneDeep)(l).filter((e=>"thankyou-screen"===e.name)),(e=>(0,o.omit)(e,["name"])));f({walkPath:(0,o.cloneDeep)(l.filter((e=>"thankyou-screen"!==e.name&&"welcome-screen"!==e.name))),welcomeScreens:0===(0,o.size)(t)?[]:t,thankyouScreens:0===(0,o.size)(i)?[]:i}),e||c||a&&h(a,!0),r(!0)}}),[JSON.stringify(l)]),(0,Ke.useEffect)((()=>{if(t){const e=l&&l[0]?l[0]:void 0,t="undefined"!=typeof window?new URLSearchParams(window.location.search):void 0,r="payment"===t?.get("step");let i=!1;r&&(0,Ze.doAction)("QuillForms.RendererCore.PaymentStep",t,(()=>{var e,r;i=!0,h(null!==(e=null!==(r=window?.pending_submission?.thankyou_screen_id)&&void 0!==r?r:t.get("thankyou_screen_id"))&&void 0!==e?e:"default_thankyou_screen")}),(()=>{g(window?.pending_submission)})),i||(n.forEach((e=>{d.answers[e.id]&&y(e.id,d.answers[e.id].value)})),v(d?.answers),setTimeout((()=>{d?.currentBlockId?h(d.currentBlockId):e?.id&&h(e.id)}),100))}}),[t]),(0,Ge.createElement)(go,{applyLogic:e})},yo=({formObj:e,formId:t,onSubmit:r,applyLogic:n=!1,beforeGoingNext:i,isPreview:a=!1,customFonts:s})=>{const[l,c]=(0,Ke.useState)("");return(0,Ke.useEffect)((()=>{function e(){window.innerWidth<600?c("mobile"):c("desktop")}return window.addEventListener("resize",e),e(),()=>window.removeEventListener("resize",e)}),[]),(0,Ke.useEffect)((()=>{a||(0,Ze.doAction)("QuillForms.RendererCore.Loaded")}),[]),(0,Ge.createElement)(et,{value:{formObj:(()=>{a||(e.blocks=(0,Xe.sanitizeBlocks)(e.blocks)),e.messages={...(0,Qe.getDefaultMessages)(),...e.messages};const t="undefined"!=typeof window?new URLSearchParams(window?.location?.search?.substring(1)):"";return e.settings||(e.settings={}),e.settings={disableProgressBar:!1,disableWheelSwiping:!1,disableNavigationArrows:!1,animationDirection:"vertical",showQuestionsNumbers:!0,showLettersOnAnswers:!0,saveAnswersInBrowser:!1,displayBranding:!1,disableAstreisksOnRequiredFields:!1,...e.settings},e.correctIncorrectQuiz={enabled:!1,questions:{},showAnswersDuringQuiz:!0,...e.correctIncorrectQuiz},e.blocks=(0,o.map)(e.blocks,(e=>{var t;return"multiple-choice"!==e.name&&"dropdown"!==e.name&&"picture-choice"!==e.name||!e?.attributes?.randomize||a?e:{...e,attributes:{...e.attributes,choices:(0,o.shuffle)(null!==(t=e?.attributes?.choices)&&void 0!==t?t:[])}}})),(0,o.size)(t)>0&&t?.get("quillforms-shortcode")&&(e.settings.disableWheelSwiping=!0),e})(),onSubmit:r,isPreview:a,formId:t,beforeGoingNext:i,deviceWidth:l,customFonts:s}},(0,Ge.createElement)(vo,{applyLogic:n}))}})(),(window.qf=window.qf||{}).rendererCore=n})();
I’ve tried to contact you via the support link in the plugin and also through the contact form on your site.
I would like to ask about populating hidden fields.
We are replacing contact form 7, where we had a number of hidden fields that were populated from information about the current page with JavaScript. Those fields were then added to the email and sent to Pipedrive.
As the forms load in an iframe, this isn’t possible.
Is it possible to load the forms directly, not in an iframe?
If not, I would like to add a feature request where it’s possible to populate hidden fields by passing the values as shortcode attributes. For example, it’s important for us to know which page the form was submitted from, so if we could pass that information to the shortcode to populate a hidden field we would be able to include that in the email and CRM.
With PipeDrive, we would also like to be able to add a note to the created deal, but this option does not seem to be available under deal or person.
Thanks for reading.
]]>Hello everyone!
When the form will be filled out and sent I will receive an email as supposed.
But I do not receive the actual information that had been filled out in the form.
Can anyone help me with this issue ?
Many thanks in advance!
]]>Quillform was working perfectly before I changed the domain. Now that I have assigned the main domain to the website, I can access the Quillform dashboard, but Quillform does not appear in the frontend. I have also uninstalled and deleted the plugin as well as removed all traces of Quillform in PHPmyAdmin. However, every time I reinstall it, the previously created forms reappear, and I can’t get Quillform to load in the frontend.
01 Loving this plugin!
02 I have edited the “Default Thank you screen label” to a custom text with Hyperlink to another page that has a different functionality
03 That page, when loaded by itself, works 100% but…
03 When a user clicks that link, once it is shown upon FORM COMPLETION, currently the page it is supposed to redirect to only loads partially, the text loads but the function does not… it looks like maybe because it is loaded within the code of the QuillForms and not the actual page…
How can I resolve this?
*I actually see double admin Toolbar?when the page loads via the link clicked from the “success” after form submission…
]]>I’m using a slider in a large survey. The default is set to zero and this used to work fine. But now the slider default value is pegged to the left side (in this case, -2), which will throw off all of my responses since this is not a required field.
I cannot use this survey until this is fixed!!
]]>Should this plugin work on http? I am working on Mamp Localhost (http) and not getting a form working. Tried to use the shortcode in a html widget (Elementor) and also tried to embed the iframe.
So far no success.
I have been using Quill forms for over a year now and I really like the plugin. Thanks !
I am struggling with the Notion integration, though.
The connection is ok, the database is mapped but nothing happens.
Everything worked fine for a while, then it stopped, then I’ve had trouble reconnecting my workspace…
I have tried with 2 Quillforms and databases, text fields, number fields, multi-select fields and matching type fields or only text fields…
Any idea on this?
Thanks in advance
]]>When emails are received with forms filled out, there’s no padding to the input, so it’s a bit uncomfortable to read
Could you fix this?
]]>We are running Facebook ads to our form, after reviewing Microsoft Clarity recordings, many Android users are not able to properly load the form, elements not loading properly or not event being able to click ‘Next’ which is resulting in drop offs, also some sessions were click the phone icon to call since the from wouldn’t allow the next step, getting any response, this is our main issue as we have had about 50 leads in the past 3 days not be able to do anything and they just drop off which has resulted in tons of $$$ lost, just trying to get live support to help troubleshoot this issue
]]>Hey! I like your plugin & thinking about buying a plan. Yet i have a question – is it possible to make logo clickable? You have an option to add logo. So i did. But i can’t make it clickable.
]]>Infinite loading at https://allochaudiere.fr/quillforms/devis-chaudiere/ while ONLY quillforms enabled, same using shortcode
Also tried with wordpress default theme
Cache cleared, all plugin desactivated
Tested 6.2.3 and 6.4.2 wordpress
Also tested 7.4 and 8.1 php version
QuillForms Environment
--- QuillForms
Version: 3.5.4
Locale: fr_FR
Upload folder: /home/allochk/www/allochaudiere.fr/wp-content/uploads/QuillForms/
Upload folder permissions: true
Log level: debug
--- QuillForms database
Version: 3.5.4
quillforms_themes: ?
quillforms_task_meta: ?
quillforms_log: ?
--- Registered Addons
Custom Fonts: customfonts - 1.0.1
Custom Thank You Screen Block: customthankyouscreenblock - 1.9.0
Entries: entries - 3.3.2
Google Sheets: googlesheets - 1.6.0
Jump Logic and Calculator: logic - 3.7.6
Picture Choice Block: picturechoiceblock - 1.4.1
--- Action scheduler
Version: 3.5.4
Path: /home/allochk/www/allochaudiere.fr/wp-content/plugins/quillforms/dependencies/libraries/action-scheduler
Data store: ActionScheduler_DBStore
--- Entries Database
Version: 3.3.2
quillforms_entries: ?
quillforms_entry_records: ?
quillforms_entry_meta: ? WordPress Environment
--- WordPress
Home URL: https://allochaudiere.fr
Site URL: https://allochaudiere.fr
Version: 6.3.2
Locale: fr_FR
Multisite: false
Memory Limit: 40M
GMT Offset: +1
Timezone: Europe/Paris
Debug Mode: false
Debug Log: false
Script Debug Mode: false
Cron: true
Alternate Cron: false
--- Active Theme
Theme: Divi
Version: 4.23.4
URL: https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/
Author URL: https://www.elegantthemes.com
--- Drop-in Plugins
--- MU Plugins
--- Active Plugins
Core Rollback: 1.3.5|https://github.com/afragen/core-rollback|network_activated|by Andy Fragen:
Quill Forms Custom Fonts: 1.0.1|https://quillforms.com||by quillforms.com:https://quillforms.com
Quill Forms Custom Thank You Screen Block: 1.9.0|https://quillforms.com||by quillforms.com:https://quillforms.com
Quill Forms Entries: 3.3.2|https://quillforms.com||by quillforms.com:https://quillforms.com
Quill Forms GoogleSheets: 1.6.0|https://quillforms.com||by quillforms.com:https://quillforms.com
Quill Forms Jump Logic and Calculator: 3.7.6|https://quillforms.com||by quillforms.com:https://quillforms.com
Quill Forms Picture Choice Block: 1.4.1|https://quillforms.com||by quillforms.com:https://quillforms.com
Quill Forms: 3.5.4|https://www.quillforms.com/||by quillforms.com:https://www.quillforms.com
Really Simple SSL: 7.2.1|https://really-simple-ssl.com||by Really Simple Plugins:https://really-simple-plugins.com
--- Inactive Plugins
AddFunc Head & Footer Code: 2.3|||by AddFunc:https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/addfunc
All-in-One WP Migration: 7.79|https://servmask.com/|network_activated|by ServMask:https://servmask.com/
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension: 2.54|https://servmask.com/|network_activated|by ServMask:https://servmask.com/
Appointment Hour Booking: 1.4.47|https://apphourbooking.dwbooster.com||by CodePeople:https://apphourbooking.dwbooster.com
Backup Migration: 1.4.1|https://backupbliss.com||by Migrate:https://backupbliss.com/
Call Now Button: 1.4.2|https://callnowbutton.com||by NowButtons.com:https://nowbuttons.com
Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode, Landing Pages & WordPress Website Builder by SeedProd:|https://www.seedprod.com/lite-upgrade/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_campaign=liteplugin&utm_medium=plugin-uri-link||by SeedProd:https://www.seedprod.com/lite-upgrade/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_campaign=liteplugin&utm_medium=author-uri-link
Contact Form 7: 5.8.5|https://contactform7.com/||by Takayuki Miyoshi:https://ideasilo.wordpress.com/
Converter for Media: 5.11.5||network_activated|by matt plugins:https://url.mattplugins.com/converter-plugin-author-link
Divi Pixel: 2.29.2|https://www.divi-pixel.com||by Octolab O��:https://www.divi-pixel.com
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: 8.23.1|https://www.monsterinsights.com/?utm_source=liteplugin&utm_medium=pluginheader&utm_campaign=pluginurl&utm_content=7%2E0%2E0||by MonsterInsights:https://www.monsterinsights.com/lite/?utm_source=liteplugin&utm_medium=pluginheader&utm_campaign=authoruri&utm_content=7%2E0%2E0
Joinchat: 5.0.16|https://join.chat||by Creame:https://crea.me
LiteSpeed Cache:|https://www.litespeedtech.com/products/cache-plugins/wordpress-acceleration||by LiteSpeed Technologies:https://www.litespeedtech.com
OptinMonster: 2.15.3|https://optinmonster.com||by OptinMonster Popup Builder Team:https://optinmonster.com
PDF Embedder: 4.6.4|https://wp-pdf.com/||by WP PDF Embedder Team:https://wp-pdf.com/
Sticky Anything: 2.1.5|||by Toast Plugins:https://www.toastplugins.co.uk/
UserFeedback Lite: 1.0.13|https://www.userfeedback.com/lite?utm_source=liteplugin&utm_medium=pluginlist||by UserFeedback Team:https://userfeedback.com/lite
Widgets for Google Reviews: 11.3|https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-reviews-plugin-for-google/||by Trustindex.io [email protected]:https://www.trustindex.io/
WooCommerce: 8.5.0|https://woo.com/||by Automattic:https://woo.com
WooCommerce Conversion Tracking: 2.0.11|https://wedevs.com/woocommerce-conversion-tracking/||by weDevs:https://wedevs.com/?utm_source=ORG_Author_URI_WCCT
WPS Hide Login: 1.9.10|||by WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation:https://wpserveur.net
Yoast SEO: 21.8|https://yoa.st/1uj||by Team Yoast:https://yoa.st/1uk
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Mcrypt: ?
Mbstring: ?
Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dba, dom, hash, FFI, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, json, iconv, SPL, session, intl, standard, mbstring, memcached, mongodb, mysqlnd, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, redis, Reflection, imagick, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sodium, imap, ssh2, exif, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, mysqli, cgi-fcgi, Zend OPcache
--- MySQL
Server: 5.7.42-log
Version: 5.7.42
Database Character Set: latin1
Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci
UTC time: 2024-01-09 14:46:05
Local time: 2024-01-09 15:46:05 Fetched at: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 14:46:04 GMT
Contratei o Quill Forms e agora n?o consigo ciar formul��rios. Fica carregando e n?o sai da p��gina de criar formul��rio.
I’m using the Google Tag Manager to send form events.
I’m referring to this documentation for the integration setup.
But I’m only getting the questions or labels in the event. I’m not getting the event value passed along with.
Is there any other way with which I can also get the value the user would have entered or selected along with the question in the event?
We are using Posthog for our analytics.
Is there any integration available for that?
We have noticed that we have integration with Google Analytics and we are sending form inputs also by the user there.
Can we have something similar for Posthog as well?
I am looking forward to hearing back.
I wanted to know if there is any way I can get analytics on partially filled forms.
So what has been happening is that I have developed a form but people are not filling the form.
So I wanted to know if it’s possible to know at which question or step people are dropping of. How many people are dropping of and such analytics.
Would love to get these insights so that I can optimize my forms and improve conversion rates.
Looking forward to hear this.
Thank You.
I am a bit lost !
When I tried to link Quill forms and Notion, I get the following error the response is not a valid JSON.
Could you help me to resolve this issue, please ?
]]>I was doing some advanced logics in one of our Quillforms (form 6372) and it is not loading anymore.
Can you help me? We need this form with urgency.
I copied the form and the copy is not loading too.
I add some CSS code, it appears normally when I’m editing the form, and it dispalyed on the inspected element browser tools, but the changes are not applied on the link.
Ex: the font-family is “Almarai”, it applicated on the backend form style, but not on front end even the inspectred element have Almarai as font.
Please, would you like to check.
Best regards.
]]>Hello! First of all, beautiful work so far. I really love this form compared to the alternatives. I can wait to leave a wonderful review for ya’ll. I just need help with one thing.
So far only the Escape key can close the form popup. This is a big UX issue; we don’t want to trap people in this flow.
Ideally the popup should close if a) an X in the top right is clicked, or b) the user clicks in the margin outside the popup. How can I achieve this? Thank you!
]]>Here is quick video documenting background video not showing up. Everything else works great !
I can’t disconnect slack from my account (I wanted to disconnect then reconnect.
I wanted to send replies in a private channel, how do I do this?
Thanks in advance
]]>When I click on jump logic, I only have two options: Always jump to: next block, or default thank you screen.
I tried clicking on everything and can’t find a way to jump from individual questions, despite having a form with 20+ questions.
Those 20 questions aren’t appearing anywhere.
Please help asap.
]]>Ideally, it would also be a place where we can re-send data from a specific form entry.
Ex: I’m doing automations via hebhook and I need to constantly test the results.
Currently I have to always send new test responses, although I could only send it once and have this field to give a replay.
]]>Currently we have to go form by form to look for the answers, the ideal would be to have an “entries” place where we can see the answers to all the forms, searches by form field and also filter by form.
]]>I need to create some questions that, to make it easier to fill out, require a filling mask, minimizing errors as well.
It would be something like we could pre-define what should be written.
]]>We can’t see the fields from Active campaign but they are showing in other plugins like WP Fusion for instance
]]>I have a new Quill Form that I built that has a Group node with several Multiple Choice inputs (6 to be exact) each with 4 answers per Multiple Choice row. I have tried several different ways to get the Calculator to work with these fields but with no luck. I only ever get 0 as the calculated result.
If I implement a Multiple Choice selection outside of a Group node then things seem to calculate correctly. It’s only when Multiple Choices are embedded in a Group node does it seem that the Calculator does not work.
I have Quill Forms Version 3.2.2, Quill Forms Jump Logic and Calculator Version 3.5.0, and WordPress 6.3.1.
?Any suggestions on how I can get this to work, or is this a bug?