The plugin has worked great for me for a while, but noticed recently that new tweets have stopped appearing. Tweets still display on the site, but they show July 31 as the most recent.
I’ve tried deactivating reactivating the plugin, and creating a new consumer key and secret from
Any other suggestions why it might be frozen like this?
]]>Thanks for developing a great plugin! Is there a way I can fire the plugin javascript code again when loading a page containing the Twitter widget via ajax?
]]>Looks like the HTML & JS are in the DOM, but nothing appears. There’s a CSS class “widget_twitter–hidden” that when removed doesn’t do anything either.
]]>This is the first i’ve used Rapid Twitter on an upgraded site. The plugin works just fine when I’m logged in, but stops working when logged out.
The ajax link returns errors when I’m not logged in. (Note, I’ve starred out the specific folders for my the website)
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/*****/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1375
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1375) in /home/*****/public_html/*****/plugins/rapid-twitter-widget/rapid-twitter-widget.php on line 564
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1375) in /home/*****/public_html/*****/plugins/rapid-twitter-widget/rapid-twitter-widget.php on line 619
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1375) in /home/*****/public_html/*****/plugins/rapid-twitter-widget/rapid-twitter-widget.php on line 620
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/*****/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1375) in /home/*****/public_html/*****/plugins/rapid-twitter-widget/rapid-twitter-widget.php on line 621
RapidTwitter.callback.jirsuceglcxxickaaxaamzckirc([{“created_at”:”Wed Feb 12 16:29:03 +0000 2014″,”id”:433638895063146496,”id_str”:”433638895063146496″,”text”:”
So you can see the Rapid Twitter part seems to be working fine – it dumps out all of the correct code. But the errors that are thrown first disrupt the JS and cause it the plugin to fail.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
It seems it suddenly stoped working, any idea on why? Maybe a change in Twitter API?
I have protected my wp-admin folder with a password to avoid hacker attacks. But this doesn’t work with your plugin as your tool is loading a file from this folder in the frontend section and now my user see a “password request”. Without this password, they won’t see the tweets.
I believe that this line of code is generating the problem:
var RapidTwitter_config = {“ajaxurl”:”http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php”,”sec”:”655b827f50″};
I will switch of your plugin and I hope that you will fix it with an update.
I found that a link with long URL goes outside the box. See at:
Is there a way to fix that. I’ve tried with the CSS
#rapid-twitter-2 .widget .widget_twitter { overflow: auto; }
#rapid-twitter-2 .widget .widget_twitter { overflow: hidden; } `
but it didn’t make a difference.
Hope you can help.
I seem to be getting a large space prior to my tweets when using this widgets. How do I get rid of that?
Also, how would I go about making the “minutes ago” text go on a new line after each tweet, rather than right after.
Here is the website in question, on the sidebar:
]]>Hi, thanks for the plugin, it’s working ok for me but I see it’s showing the old twitter icon in the tweets list. Are you planning to update the icon or is there a way I can change it to the new one? (which in my opinion is way better :P)
]]>Hi there,
First of all, great plugin! However, I found a xss vulnerability . How can I best contact you to send you the details?
]]>Just downloaded this into a pretty fresh WP installation, followed the instructions for setting up the Twitter app, used my web site as the callback, entered the consumer key and secret into the Settings page for the plugin…but I can’t get anything to display where I’ve put the widget. Not even the title.
There are no JS errors showing in the console, and there were no errors installing, activating, or configuring the plugin.
What should I check?
]]>When I try adding this widget, I put in the Customer Key and Customer Secret and get “API settings invalid.” The widget will not work because of this.
Others have reported the same thing here:
UPDATE: I tried 10 minutes later and it worked this time, so I’m marking it resolved. Wonder what’s going on with it to cause occasional problems, though?
]]>Hello Peter,
Thanks for the plugin and great to see it working again.
I would like to open twitter links in a new tab.
Could you help with the code change required to do this.
Thank you in advance.
]]>The widget has stopped working as of June 12, 2013
It had been working in WP 3.5.1…. nothing has changed on our website…
Did Twitter change their API ??
]]>The widget titel that this plugin generates is a url to my twitter page, this is why the color turns blue. My other widget titles are not clickable and grey. When I hover above it it turns grey. How do I give the title the same other as the other widget titles? Thanks!
]]>When you fill in the widget title in the back-end, the title disappears from the widget. See image
It is present on the webpage though.
Plugin is great, works well, but I was wondering if I could add the twitter name into the widget using a custom field.
Let’s say I have the widget installed and shown in the sidebar and I want for several people (who have their own page) show each account’s tweets. So when you go to A’s page, you’ll see A’s tweets, on B’s page you’ll see B’s tweets.
I know you can add multiple widgets and use a conditional tag, but there are more than 100 twitter accounts…
I was thinking about something like this, but the widget doesn’t show up when I add it to rapid-twitter-widget.php:
global $wp_query;$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;$widgettweet = get_post_meta($postid, 'a-twitter-account', true);
and replace $instance['account']
with $widgettweet
and remove the if ( empty… line later on.
Anyone any thoughts on this?