Rating: 5 stars
I tried all the updated plug-ins that allow me to embed live Wikipedia articles into my posts, and I like RDP Wiki-Press the best because: (1) it actually updates, (2) it’s so easy to use; (3) it gives me fine control over how the live embeds look in each and all posts.
Three things I wish I knew how to do: hide those boxes at the bottom of the page, the way I can hide Infoboxes,* (2) exclude footnotes from Lightbox, so that clicking on the caret takes you back to footnoted word in the page (right now it opens up the page within Lightbox, and Lightbox takes over the page), and (3) control which widgets appear when a Wikipedia page is called by ?wikiembed-url=.
Thank you RDP for such a useful plugin!
]]>Rating: 2 stars
This plugin escapes a one star rating only because it’s the better of the 2 wikipedia embed plugins I have found. If you only need to embed wikipedia content on a single page, you’ll probably do fine with it. In my case I needed to used it on numerous pages in a single site, and I’ve had to put way too much time in to make it work.
On both sites I have it installed in, I’ve had to go into PHPmyAdmin and delete tables to make the plugin settings update. The developer has been completely unresponsive to attempts to get support.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
This plugin should have the feature of embeding only the summary of an article like google search results do… Also you should develop another feature of including or excluding some parts of the article.