There’s an easy fix to make this plugin compatible with WordPress 4.0 and up.
Replace line 13 of re-slug.php with the following text:
$return = str_replace('Edit</button>', 'Edit</button> <button type="button" id="re-slug" class="re-slug button button-small hide-if-no-js" style="display:none;">Re-slug</button>', $return);
Functions perfectly after that change.
Thanks to Laura Schatzkin for the tip!
]]>No button.
]]>Re-slug is not campatible with WordPress >= 4.4
The patch below works with 4.4.1 and should still work with earlier versions, though I’ve only been able to test it with 4.4.0 and 4.4.1
diff -r1.1 re-slug.php
< $return = str_replace('Edit</a></span>', 'Edit</a></span> <span id="re-slug" style="display:none;"><a href="#re-slug" class="button button-small hide-if-no-js">Re-slug</a></span>', $return);
> $return = preg_replace('#Edit</(a|button)></span>#', 'Edit</${1}></span> <span id="re-slug" style="display:none;"><a href="#re-slug" class="button button-small hide-if-no-js">Re-slug</a></span>', $return);
Would it be possible to have this patch applied to the official version?
]]>The button doesn’t display editing Woocommerce product, just only with page or post.
]]>The re-slug button do not show on a test blog – no other plugin, default theme. It’s a french WP so maybe there is a problem with non english installation.