Hi there,
Thanks for the great plug-in.
I am having issues getting PDF thumbnails to generate on my site. I was hoping your plug-in would help.
But when I view a PDF asset in Media Library, your plug-in output shows, “0 of 3 registered”. And when I click “More” it shows “0 thumbnails” and “0 thumbnails need to be generated”. It’s as though PDFs are completely ignored when it comes to thumbnails. Obviously, hitting the regenerate button has no effect, as the plug-in doesn’t see that a thumbnail is even needed.
By the way, this all occurs even when I have site in troubleshooting mode, with only your plug-in enabled. Also, all the components on server and PHP are installed (imagemagick, imagick, ghostscript, etc.)
Do you have any suggestions?
]]>Most picture will not generate thumbnails, whatever I try. Regenerate does often not work either. I get the message that the generation was successful, but no luck. Please see screenshot.
I am using Real Thumbnail Generator, but also wit other plugin it does not work. I changed PHP from 7.4 to 8, but still the issue remains.
The pictures are uploaded via another tool, ‘automatic’. When manually adding a JPG it does work, when I am in the ‘more’ tools.
And when I change the scale with 1 pixel and update, the it does get generated!!
we have over 100k images and it takes a lot of time to regenerate thumbs, even if only 1 size.
is there any way to make the regeneration work through a cron.
otherwise the browser needs to be open for hours/weeks which is not realistic.
Hi Matthias,
It seems I am facing the same problem as the very first support requester:
The plugin tells me the number of existing images and thumbnails, the number of thumbnails in need of generation.
I start the analysing process, the progress bar stucks at 0%. If I close the popup I am asked whether I would like to stop the running process.
If I go straight to bulk re-generation and click the button “regenerate” the progress bar stucks at 0%.
PHP version is 8.0.13.
WordPress version is 5.8.2.
WordPress API works, i.e. wp-json produces readable information about the system.
No error report in PHP error log.
Can you please assist?
The plugin does not work. I am trying to analyze the images, but the process does not start, and there are errors in the browser console. Please tell me how to fix it?
Mixed content: load all resources via HTTPS to improve the security of your site
Even though the initial HTML page is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection, some resources like images, stylesheets or scripts are being accessed over an insecure HTTP connection. Usage of insecure resources is restricted to strengthen the security of your entire site.
To resolve this issue, load all resources over a secure HTTPS connection.
2 resources
Name Restriction Status
?_v=2.5.23&_locale=user blocked
?_v=2.5.23&_locale=user&page=1&posts_per_page=40 blocked
Requests come from http, but wordpress does not want to process, it only asks for https.
I’m on PHP 7.4 and there is an issue with uploading images.
These built-in WordPress functions causes the server to go 503 Service Unavailable:
$wp_generate_attachment_metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $wp_generate_attachment_metadata );
So I comment them out and the upload succeeds but when I go to look at the image in Media library I don’t see a thumbnail, so I tried regenerating one with your plugin but nothing happens and I get JS error saying 503 Service Unavailable as well.
Is your plugin using the same functions as well? Do you have any ideas how to solve this issue? This has happened on two different hosting companies.
]]>Error in JS console in WP Admin area:
wp-pointer.min.js?ver=5.7.2:2 Uncaught TypeError: o.widget is not a function
at wp-pointer.min.js?ver=5.7.2:2
at wp-pointer.min.js?ver=5.7.2:2
When I disabled this plugin, error was gone.
]]>I would like to upgrade to PHP 7.4. I did not find the information here. Thanks.
]]>Will this plugin delete all of the existing thumbnails?
I have an image heavy site and with WordPress having created 16 thumbnails for every image my file size is around 11GB on the server.
When this plugin generates new thumbnails does it delete all the old thumbnails and their related blob data in WP_post_meta?
When I enable the plugin, I get the following error for each user visit and my hosting resource usage is peaking.
[12-Apr-2020 22:26:59 UTC] PHP Notice: U
ndefined property: WP_Meta_Query::$ID in /home/covidre1/public_html/wp-includes/post-thumbnail-template.php on line 101
[12-Apr-2020 22:26:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object in /home/covidre1/public_html/wp-includes/post-thumbnail-template.php on line 101
I am using the Real Thumbnail Generator Pro to do bulk actions, but I am unable to do these bulk actions. On my local WordPress Server, I have got the bulk action to go to 8 of ~1k and then it stops. On my remote WordPress Server, I am stuck at 0.
Any suggestion on why I can’t perform bulk generation/deletion? Analyze works with no problem and individual files regenerate, also performing bulk actions from the list view works, but not the built-in bulk generate.
Trying the bulk regenerate function with over 30.000 images.
After pressing the button “Regenerate” there happens nothing at all.
The count of processed files hangs by “0/32206” and stays at “0/32206”.
Wordpress 5.1.2 PHP 7.0.8
Any ideas?