Using ReedWrite 1.5.6 and WP 3.7.1. I’ve created a custom post type that has an image field. When I go to create a new post within my custom post type, I get a button that says ‘Add an Image’ which works great until I turn on the FORCE_SSL_ADMIN setting in wp-config. At that point, when I click the ‘Add an Image’ button, I get the small centered pop-up window, but the media library never loads within that window, and I think I know why.
The ‘Add an Image’ button gets created like this:
<a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'/wp-content/plugins/reed-write/field_types/select_image/select_image_popup.php...
But get_bloginfo() returns a URL to my site that begins with HTTP rather than HTTPS. Because I use Chrome – which by default blocks insecure content on secure pages – the media browser never loads when I try to add an image.
The behavior of get_bloginfo() here is correct. If I updated the Site URL in the WordPress settings of my site to include HTTPS, then get_bloginfo() would return an HTTPS URL, and the issue above would be fixed. But that would force SSL on all my site visitors, which is not what I want to do. What about just using a relative path, like so:
<a href="/wp-content/plugins/reed-write/field_types/select_image/select_image_popup.php...
For now, I’ve downgraded from FORCE_SSL_ADMIN to FORCE_SSL_LOGIN, which works as a short-term fix, but obviously I’d rather not degrade my security to keep a plugin. (No matter how great it might be!)
Looking forward to your solution. Thanks!
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wp-includes/user.php on line 215
I upgraded to WordPress 3.7, and when logging in to Admin I get this error message. Deactivating all plugins fixed it. Reactivated plugins one by one until I hit Reed Write and it breaks again. Please fix. I have multiple sites running Reed Write and I can’t upgrade until its fixed.
]]>The plugin breaks in PHP 5.4 and gives an error message:
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in […]/wp-content/plugins/reed-write/reed-write.php on line 433
It seems that bit of code on line 433 has something in it that is deprecated in PHP 5.4. It appears the & sign has something to do with a call-time pass-by-reference.
I reverted back to PHP 5.3 and everything is okay! Just a heads up. Brilliant plugin by the way.
]]>Hi, I think reed-write is an useful plugin that helps non-developers defining content types, and at work we used it for many sites.
However I found out that it includes _rw_script.js.php as a javascript on every page. This php script regenerates a javascript every time, recalling every time wp-load.php, significantly increasing pages loading time.
Is this file really necessary? Is there a way to disable the loading of this file? If this file is necessary, shouldn’t you embed the script content in the head, or generate this only when it changes and cache it as a static file, instead of use this way that makes WordPress load twice at every page viewed?
On a site I tried to use the plugin W3 Total Cache, but apparently _rw_script.js.php is not cached, so even if I load quickly a static cached copy of a page, _rw_script.js.php is reloaded anyway in any page, slowing down the load time and nullifying the work of W3 Total Cache.
Apparently this scripts allows to make AJAX requests to _rw_query.php, to make “wp_queries”. I think this functionality is not used by many reed-write users, and some may even be unaware. Moreover, AJAX requests should be handled through wp-admin/admin-ajax.php and hooks ‘wp_ajax_ACTION_NAME’ and ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_ACTION_NAME’ as explained on
Shouldn’t you make all this optional, or even split this feature into another plugin?
]]>Messes with SEO and WordPress when Yoost SEO is installed.
I understand it also goes about its job in a less than ideal way. See here:
Can you give me an example of what can be used for the query.
My custom post types don’t show up in the “Menus” section for use in custom menus. The plugin seems to be setting show_in_nav_menus to false when registering post types.
]]>If I activate Reed Write 1.4.0 and WordPress SEO 1.0.3 (the one by Yoast), the sitemap_index.xml generated by the SEO plugin become a 404.
I have a others plugins, but just this is having this kind of problem.
]]>If I try to delete a filed I get a php error that stays at the top before the WP Dashboard. Line 48, bad foreach() argument. If I put the same field back, it causes more php errors but it does put it back and the line 48 error goes away.
]]>Hey I like this plugin, but one issue I was having was embedding some flickr galleries in multi line custom fields. I went into multiple_lines.php and just added htmlentities to them in the returns:
function _rw_field_value_multiple_lines($_rw_field, $_rw_post = false, $wrap = true){
$_rw_post = $_rw_post ? $_rw_post : (array) $post;
$custom_values = get_post_custom_values($_rw_field[‘slug’],$_rw_post[‘ID’]);
$value = maybe_unserialize(array_shift($custom_values));
return htmlentities($value);
return ‘<p>’.($value ? htmlentities(str_replace(array(“\r\r”,”\r\n”,”\n\r”,”\n\n”,”\r”,”\n”), ‘
‘,$value)) : ‘Nothing Entered‘).'</p>’;
Thanks much, I hope that makes sense. I was just sort of half assing it to get it to work.
]]>Hello Brian,
I’ve just downloaded your plugin and was giving it a try. After creating a custom post type – namely shop – and also a new shop based on that custom type, I faced a problem when I tried to display a shop.
WordPress said there was an error at reed-write.php (line 517), and I saw your line 516 said:
$_rw_plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR.’\reed-write\field_types\\’;
And those backslashes were causing the error, so once I’ve changed the line to:
$_rw_plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR.’/reed-write/field_types//’;
Everything seems to be ok so far.
Kind regards,
The following is a Feature Request Topic.
Reply with ideas, suggestions, or features you would like to see added to this plugin.