Link below form serving on recovery password doesn′t working (no happen when clicked)
Please look at this:
Register Plus Redux ver. 4.1.2
]]>Hi, my users get very confused because they get redirected afted loggin in.
Is not any option of staying in the same page where they logged in?
P.D.: I use a widget for loggin in, so it is available in all my blog pages. Users what to stay in the say page where they logged in.
I’m having a problem with the email sent to new users, when register: the password is blank.
The username and the site URL are OK, but the password is blank.
Could you help me please?
Many thanks in advance.
In the Register Plus Redux settings I have ticked the option to allow new users to register with their email address instead of a user name.
I then manually create the new user in WordPress and authenticate the new user using the Confirm User Registration plugin.
Logged out users see the Email and Password fields on the wp-login screen, however they cannot log in using their email address. I’ve had to untick that option in the Register Plus Redux settings and force them to register and log in with a user name.
I don’t have any other plugins related to user registration, and unfortunately I cannot provide a link to my development site to illustrate the problem. I am using the GeneratePress theme.
To summarise, I have new users registered using the email address instead of username option who cannot login when they enter their email address.
Can anyone suggest why this (very useful) feature might not be working?
]]>I can no longer use my mouse to place the cursor in the password field on my Registration Form. If I use the <TAB> key then I can access it. Is this a known issue?
]]>The JPG of the login screen is blurry on my iPhone. I wanna use an SVG file or can you make the images work on retinal screens?
]]>Dutch translation of ‘invitation-code’ should be translated into ‘Uitnodigingscode’ not ‘Verkeerde uitnodigingscode’.
is possible remove text Registration confirmation will be e-mailed to you. on page We have email confirmation disabled in admin of Register Plus Redux
Thank you for response
]]>Just an FYI, in the file rpr-login.php where it creates the disclaimer div (and the license div), the code outputs 2 speech marks instead of 1:
(Line 310 in version 4.2.4)
echo "\n", '<div id="disclaimer"">', nl2br( $register_plus_redux->rpr_get_option( 'message_disclaimer' ) ), '</div>';
Same issue for the license div on line 322.
Just wanted to let you know, as I’ve removed the extra ” in mine, but when I update I’ll obviously lose that fix.
]]>Hi you all,
since the wordpress update to 4.3 “Register Plus Redux” does not work correctly anymore.
Users get an email where the password is always “both” ??
If I deactivate that plugin it works allright.
Has anybody an idea what I can do to get work it with the plugin?
Thank you very much, Kalle
My problem is, when I set a custom verification HTML mail body in the admin page of the plugin, it removing the first few lines:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"> <!-- utf-8 works for most cases -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<style type="text/css">
I’d like to send the mail with these lines, because without these it looks terrible, so how can I set a really custom email body?
Thanks for the helps!
]]>An SVG file shouldn’t be blurry but for some reason it is on the login screen. What can I do?
]]>So I solved the logo issue (not displaying correctly) with some custom CSS:
div {
background: url(https://example.jpg);
background-size: 449px 180px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
I hid the WP logo that still appears by uploading a white square to match the background in the custom logo area.
However, this also displays the same logo in the Disclaimer field and I can’t remove or hide it here. Any ideas anyone?
]]>I used the register form to test the signup process this morning, it did work and I got a welcome email with verification link. I then deleted the user account and changed the setting to HTML email. From that point on I have not been able to get a single welcome/verification email delivered.
I have installed and activated two different SMTP email plugins, one of which tracks emails sent and has logged the welcome/verification being sent, but they are not being delivered, yet the admin email advising of a new registrations is being delivered every time.
I have tried unchecking the HTML email box, no joy. I have deactivated Register Plus Redux and tested the registration process, the standard WP welcome email is being sent and delivered no problem.
I’m getting really confused as to what could be causing this all of a sudden as it was working fine when I first tried it this morning. Does anyone have any ideas?
]]>I use both options: email verifying and approving by admin. After registration user gets message with verification link, and admin gets message with username and email of new user. But after approving by admin in admin panel, user don`t get any message. Maybe I do approving wrong? I change user role in users list. Is it right way? If yes, why does not user get message with his username/password?
]]>I did a data dump from one wordpress install and ran that in another and saw that the settings for Register Plus Redux did not carry over for some reason. Where are the checkbox settings for enabling emails and for the text of the license agreement, etc stored? I need to make sure those settings carry over when migrating sites.
]]>I’d like to start off by saying this plugin rocks and I haven’t had any issues with it except for this. I have tried countless permutations of options and have finally exhausted them all. My last option is to go into the source code which I’d certainly prefer not to. My website requires user accounts to be manually verified by admins. Is the %verification_url% only intended to be used for the user to verify their email or is it meant for admins to verify new user accounts? Will I have to manually change the user role from unverified in the users section of wp-admin? I just want this to be as streamlined as possible before launch. Is there another code to use that I should be sending in the admin email for verification?
Here is the custom admin message I am using:
New user registered on your site %blogname%
Username: %user_login%
E-mail: %user_email%
Registered from IP: %registered_from_ip%
Registered from host: %registered_from_host%
Phone number: %rpr_phone%
Verification URL: %verification_url%
Verification Code: %verification_code%
All of the other keywords work. The verification code and url just refuse to show even when I try and turn on/off email HTML.
Please help! Or at least let me know where (what php file) the verification code generation segment of the plugin takes place.
Thanks a ton in advance!
]]>I need to programmatically read and write into the custom user fields created. How is this accomplished?
Thanks for any assistance.
I added a check box ( custom field) in my user registration for control. I would like to do a search to return which users are with this check box checked. How do I do? Where is this information in my database ?
Thank you,
]]>Hi, I would like to have 2 or more fields on the same line in the registration form can you please tell me what I have to write in the css to have this? I have been trying many solutions, but no luck until now. I thank you in advance for any help.
]]>Hi all
I see we get very little (if any) support from the developer on this plugin anymore, which is a real shame as I like the plugin and it’s integral to a site I have developed.
My issue has been listed multiple times and doesn’t seem to get ANY responses from the developer and seems to go unresolved.
The issue is a lack of email notification to the user who has registered and been authorised. They never know and don’t get their username / password sent to them. Has anyone solved this???
how I can enable captcha on registrationn custom form? I install Wp-recaptcha plugin, register it, enable it but I don’t know how I can enable it into custom form.
I am using the register plus redux plugin for my registration. It is working fine. I am currently requesting that users provide their name, email, password, and after email verification they are accepted into the site. I added some additional custom fields to the user account information but
I am not requiring users to fill out this information during registration, although I would like them to have the option to fill out this information once logged in on a “my account” page.
I am having trouble finding a plugin that will allow me to accomplish this. Ideally, I would find a plugin that would allow me to post a shortcode to a page showing the already filled out registration fields along with the additional custom fields that I have created in which users can fill out after logging in. (similar to a woo commerce or profile builder)
Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated!
]]>Warning: getimagesize(xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/logo1.jpg): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 ERROR: The file requested could not be found. in /home/crownbru/public_html/wp-content/plugins/register-plus-redux/rpr-admin-menu.php on line 171
Can anyone help fix this? (the xxxxxx above are replacing the URL for now). I have looked on the net and this seems to be an issue that was around 3 years or so ago.
I want to use your plugin with the german translation. So far, it looks perfect for my needs. I just want to change the name of the invitation code. The german translation puts this as “Falscher Einladungscode”, can it be changed to just show “Einladungscode”?
how I wrote in theme. Is there any easy way to get the date from additional fiels in php? I try to write a script which will send email with user’s informations.
I already try a few propositions from the support.
Thanks for help
]]>I’m having some problems with registrations fake, you know how I can fix it?
]]>Your plugin allows editing of the message that appears on the page after registering but the user needs to check their email and click the verification link to verify their account. But I can’t figure out how to customize the message that shows up when they click the verification link.
Right now it says “Thank you username. your account has been verified. please login with the password you specified during registration.”
As you can see, this is not grammatically correct and needs some capitalization. The page also has no links or buttons or ways to get back to actually login. This page could use better formatting/customization of the message and a way to possibly redirect the user to another page (perhaps the login page). How can we do this?
BTW, love the plugin, it’s great otherwise this small issue
]]>I sew in the captcha FAQ that it has 2 way to configure it, but did not find where. Can anyone help? Thank you.
]]>Not sure how but I have now two entries fro the plugin in my plugin list.
One activated one not.
When I try to update the non-activated one stalls and I can’t update any of them.
How can I delete one? Will delete delete both?
What about the data that is already in?