I had a problem with the images heights being larger than the line height. Also had a problem with posts that had long names, over 100 characters. I have made modifications to the plugin and HOPE that they may be implemented in future updates.
the changes I made
added style="height:50px"
to the div at line 97
<a href="'.get_permalink().'">'.'<div style="height:50px">'.$image
(will probably add this to the css instead .relative-post-thumbnail div {height:50px})
to fix the title issue had to do a little more
$posttitle = strlen(get_the_title()) > 110 ? substr(get_the_title(), 0, strpos(get_the_title(),' ',100))."...":get_the_title();
above each $relative .=
and then replaced all get_the_title()
with $posttitle
so for the first one (with thumb)
<a href="'.get_permalink().'">'.'<div style="height:50px">'.$image. $posttitle;'</div></a>
and the second one
<a href="'.get_permalink().'">'.$posttitle;'</a>
Thanks for a very helpful widget ??