Is this plugin still active? It has the notice of “This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”
I paid for the RML for Amazon S3 & CloudFront plugin addon and need this for it to continue to work.
I am upgrading to PHP 8.2 and getting many deprecation errors in the logs:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WPRemoteMediaExt\WPCore\hooks\ThemeScript::$isHooked is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/loumray/wpcore/src/WPfeature.php on line 188
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WPRemoteMediaExt\WPCore\hooks\AdminScript::$isHooked is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/loumray/wpcore/src/WPfeature.php on line 188
Deprecated: Return type of WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetExists($offset) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Common/Collection.php on line 294
Deprecated: Return type of WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetGet($offset) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetGet(mixed $offset): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Common/Collection.php on line 299
Deprecated: Return type of WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetSet($offset, $value) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Common/Collection.php on line 304
Deprecated: Return type of WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetUnset($offset) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Common/Collection.php on line 309
Deprecated: Return type of WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Common\Collection::getIterator() should either be compatible with IteratorAggregate::getIterator(): Traversable, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Common/Collection.php on line 50
Deprecated: Return type of WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Common\Collection::count() should either be compatible with Countable::count(): int, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Common/Collection.php on line 45
Deprecated: WPRemoteMediaExt\Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Service/Description/ServiceDescription.php on line 11
just wanted to ask if a function for the Vimeo private videos is still coming?
Is the Plugin still getting updates in general?
Vimeo has the option to hide the videos on Vimeo but have them still be embeddable for other websites. That doesn’t seem to work with this Plugin. Is there a solution for this?
Kind Regards
Gerry Zeller
Does this plugin actually work? We paid 85 dollars for it and i have reached out to support multiple times with no answers. I have put all the information in and i have even used a different plugin just as a test and it connects to AWS fine. What is the issue i know its not my configuration because i have checked that 500 times now. When i try to validate the connection this is what i get Could not connect to remote Library. Please verify your remote library settings. Only valid libraries are added to the media manager.
Please HELP!!!!!!!! I am not sure if anyone else has had issue with this or can provide some sort of insight. If this plugin worked as it said it would be the greatest thing ever.
]]>This plugin is not updated for almost a year. I send the support a message no one replies. I bought a license and expected updates!!
]]>Hi I am using the plugin to pull vimeo videos in, but I can only see 20 when there should be 118. I notice that there was a couple of similar questions a couple of years ago. Is this still a limitation.
Thank you ??
]]>This plugin is great, but it appears this doesn’t support media categories that are otherwise made possible via Enhanced Media Library.
I understand it might be tricky to do this since the media librar(ies) are being pulled from an external source, but I figure I’d mention it if it’s something worth looking into at the very least.
As an aside, I’ve cross-posted this at:
Instagram media stop working. It validates it but cannot connect with media library from ig
I installed your plugin, didn’t see any error messages. When I tried to use it, my edited page showed a link to Google Drive where the image is stored, and when I clicked the link, I was able to see the correct image.
The issue: I want the image to be visible on my page just as if it were coming from the server’s Media Library folder; I don’t want to have to click the image to make it visible.
Also, the type of Drive shouldn’t matter; Team Drive should work the same as My Drive.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Configuration: Ubuntu 14.04 / LAMP on AWS, WordPress 4.9.5 — all modules are up-to-date.
Well it seems since I last checked out the plugin a validation was added and youtube updated their site so it was easy to find my Channel ID. Now though, nothing gets added to my library. I click validate, and it shows good, I publish and the validation goes back to unknown and nothing is added to my library?
Is there any support on getting this working?
my last post went unanswered, but I would really like to get this plugin working on my site. Do I need an API key, or some other key?
It seems the YouTube User ID is an issue and has been for some time, but does not seem to be getting fixed. There are multiple posts of people saying their User ID won’t validate and I am having the same issue. Will there ever be a fix for this issue, or should those trying to connect YouTube just not try this plugin?
I’ve tried every ID imaginable and not a single one will validate. Is there some help as to where the ID needed could be found?
Hi Developer,
This RML plugin is ready for localization, I would like to localize this plugin to my mother language but its GlotPress project is incomplete.
Please update this plugin’s GlotPress project so that RML fans can localize it to their mother language.
Thanks for your great job.
Does this plugin provide hooks when adding a remote media image to a post? We use responsive image tags with multiple sizes, so would like to override the generated image tag for a remote s3 image.
]]>I’m running php v5.6. I even tried 5.5 and 7.0. Not really sure what else I’m missing to get this working. I also can’t get anything on debug or debug_log.
]]>WordPress Packagist is still showing 1.4.1 –
]]>Hi, the’s an error in your method getBaseUrl()
As wordpress allow to change the name of the content dir, you should not use wp-content in this function, this directory is defined by WP_CONTENT_DIR :
$pos = strpos($dirFromFile, ‘wp-content’)+strlen(‘wp-content’);
Should be :
$pos = strpos($dirFromFile, WP_CONTENT_DIR)+strlen(WP_CONTENT_DIR);
]]>We’ve created an entirely different WordPress site to act as the Digital Asset Manager for another website.
What would be absolutely awesome is if this plugin could connect to other WordPress websites and load their media libraries, just like you’re doing with Flickr.
Do you have any plans for this on the horizon?
Thanks so much!
]]>Add remote medias accounts here and access any medias directly from your media manager!
]]>We have enjoyed using your plugin for Flickr on our sites. We have several Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) setup using the ACF Pro plugin. In our fields that use images we are able to access the Flickr image libraries we setup with the RML plugin. However, upon trying to add Instagram as a new library, the only place we can access the Instagram RML is from the “Add Media” button on a post. When we try to add it through any of the ACF fields, we only see the Flickr RML.
Is there any reason why Flickr RML would be accessible in ACF image fields and Instagram RML is not?
Thanks for the plugin.
I cannot configure any Remote Library in WP4.7.3 on php7.1: each time I configure and validate a service (vimeo, flickr or other), clicking on “save” or “update” post leads to a blank page… and no saved library.
enabling debug in WP leads to the following messages being printed:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘service_class’ in /home/sto/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/src/RemoteMediaExt/Accounts/AbstractRemoteAccount.php on line 150
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘vimeo_remote_user_id’ in /home/sto/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/remote-medias-lite/src/RemoteMediaExt/Accounts/AbstractRemoteAccount.php on line 150
… and similarly for each of the provided services types.
seems like you’re trying to access a key in the array that does not exist, not sure though:
I’m available to test any fix you may propose, if that helps.
Since Flickr has a limit on how many queries an API key generates per hour, I’m trying to find out some basic info on how RML uses the key. Will a query only be generated when an Editor adds an image to a post, or will an API key query also be generated when a page is loaded/viewed by an end user?
What is the difference between selecting Flickr and Flickr Pro from the drop down when adding media to a Post? Does Flickr Pro in the drop down refer to to RML Pro version we have installed, or Flickr’s own Pro accounts? It’s a bit confusing. Thanks
]]>Any plans on adding support for Soundcloud?
]]>Is there a limit to the amount of images the plugin will pull from Instagram when creating a new remote library? I just installed it and I am only seeing about 20 images.
]]>Your links to the pro versions of your plugin go to a parked domain. How can we download the pro versions of your plugins?
Any news on more than 20 Flickr images?
]]>Noticed the site for the survey is down and you’re not really hosting on github for contributors. I was going to go with this but it seems like it’s not active anymore. That the case? If not, will you host on github for contributions to keep it going? I would to get pixabay and unsplash added.
]]>Hi guys,
I am using the plugin in a new project and we needed to have a Vimeo remote library.
Until recently, this has worked flawlessly, but today the Vimeo embeds failed.
I narrowed this down to the fact that Vimeo videos were fetched and embedded with the http protocol. I have modified the link in the embed shortcode to https and it all went fine from there. Since I can’t expect the users to do that all the time, I also made some edits in the plugin files, to be more specific in:
lines 18, 19 from:
'base_url' => '{scheme}://{version}/',
'scheme' => 'http',
'base_url' => '{version}/',
'scheme' => 'https',
This fixed my problem – until the next update… I am not sure it’s the best fix, so I am bringing this to your attention in case there are more reports like this. Maybe you can issue a hotfix?
]]>If you’re not familiar, the P2 theme adds front-end posting. I tried this plugin and nothing changed when I tried to add media from the front-end. It was able to show from the back-end, though. Any idea why this is?
The plugin won’t validate my youtube user ID.
How can I fix this? Or am I doing something wrong?
Please help.
Reading the support threads I see that people using your plugin can only access their latest 20 images or so from Flickr.
I suspect this is a ‘lite’ limitation that is taken care of in the pro version.
Can you pleae clarify?
Best, Th
I’ve got the following configuration.
Sportteam Websites
1. WordPress Site for internal usage –> all images from a sportsevent will be uploaded and being visible in password protected posts.
2. Official Website, articles will be published and should be filled with some images.
Currently I have to reupload every image I want to use in the official website, meaning that I have to maintain several versions, this is no fun at all ??
Is there any chance that you will add a remote WordPress Media Library as a source?