Hello, i have installed this module on my website, but it seems it doesn’t work at all.
I have the same gtmetrix score like i had a few days ago.
Removing query string is the same, and not working.
Please check:
]]>FYI, PHP Compatibility Checker is reporting an error for Remove Query Strings as follows when checked for PHP 7.0 compatibility:
FILE: /home/onecom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/remove-query-strings-littlebizzy/admin-notices-ms.php
85 | ERROR | Using a call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and prohibited since PHP 5.4
86 | ERROR | Using a call-time pass-by-reference is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and prohibited since PHP 5.4
Is the plugin PHP 7.0 compatible or can it be made compatible?
First off, thank you very much for creating such useful plugins that speed up WordPress and improve page rankings.
But please is there a way to remove the
Delete Expired Transients recommends the following free plugins:
notification box that takes almost half of the screen.
I understand that you want to let everyone know you have more useful plugins – which is nice, but I need only 3 of them, not all, so there should be an option like “Never show this message again”.
Or you could make it show only on Plugins Page
Please consider this in next update. I am sure most of the admins want their admin area as clean as possible.
]]>I never had this problem. Now that 2 comments were added to post- it appeared . Should I use this plugin? Lazy load comments plugin and disable avatars and gravitars changes nothing…..?
After upgrading to WP 4.9.1, ‘Customizer’ fails to an all-white page.
Deactivating Remove Query Strings plugin restores full Customizer functionality.
Also, deactivating RQS plugin greatly speeds up all Dashboard functions and pages!
]]>Hello, after istalla your plugin, still remain some strings of revolution slider plugin like:
I’m using Avada Theme + Child
I’d to put on wpconfig.php the costant js?version= ?
Thank you.
]]>As you can see on pingdom Tools (https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/NVf4B/https://www.bodensee-gymnasium.de) some query strings are not removed (especially those of Revolution Slider).
]]>Cannot find the Settings page you mentioned on the description (FAQ)