Rating: 1 star
I am a web designer and wordpress theme author. I found the lack of settings and design awful. This is why (TL;DR version): the plugin strips words from ALL permalinks. This plugin should not mess with the permalinks of non-Post items at all, but it does: it affects the permalinks of archives for tags, categories, even PAGES – locations which often do contain stop words out of necessity.
This is partially a problem since the prescribed list of stop words seems good, but it it includes terms like “about” and “first”, or “best” in it – suggesting to me, anyway, that no idiot in their right mind would design the program to function on Page permalinks as well as Posts (let alone tag archives or category archives). Because, I mean.. come on!: EVERYONE HAS AN ABOUT PAGE but since that word was included in the stop word list, the plugin caused the permalink to become null, or nothing, for that page. In addition, there are probably dozens of tags on my client’s site which contain only stop words, and are inaccessible while this plugin is active, but they likely have good reason to have them and also shouldn’t be edited.
So, in any case, to the author I would say this: IF this is desirable behavior for some users, then I would suggest that this plugin have settings: one for each data type upon which to function (or just one to declare this functions on Posts only). Further, I suggest that such options be set to inactive by default, since most users will not want this plugin to function on Pages, Tags, or Categories, which generally WILL contain certain so-called stop words.
Add some settings, and I might revisit this plugin. Otherwise, I will never recommend this to another user.
]]>Rating: 1 star
The idea of this plugin is EXCELENT, but it has a influence on Headway Theme.
The widget part doesn’t work when this plugin is active.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Cumpre o que promete. Tudo ok.