When editing a new rendez vous you have 3 tabs: the What-tab, the When-tab and the Who-tab.
I would like to add a fourth tab where a user can add activities to a rendez vous.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
I have Groups with a great number of members inside. Could you manage the way to include all the members of a group instead of one by one solution ?
Many thanks for the help.
]]>Hello plugin author,
This plugin is still very unique and I really like it, I believe if you extended the features a little and applied some enhancements it would be a great plugin for meetings and user booking. I am willing to contribute financialy to apply some enhancements or if you offer development service I can share my suggestions and needs for you to provide a quote. Please let me know if it is possible.
]]>Dear all,
people in central Europe get pretty confused when confronted with 12-hour clock.
Is it possible to use 24-hour clock instead of 12-hour clock (AM/PM)?
Kind regards,
]]>Dear all,
it would be great to have the possibility to use HTML/URL in the location field when creating a Rendez-Vous, so invited members can follow it directly to a BuddyMeet or other video-conference-room.
Any ideas?
Kind regrads,
Hello and thank you very much for taking over the management of this plugin, thank you also for the update on Github.
However there is a problem with javascript
Here on my test drive : https://tinyurl.com/u5ggdxe
Are you thinking of doing something about it? I don’t really know what that is ??
Thanks already for your feedback!
Is it possible to choose more than 3 time slots? I change some of the php files, it now allow to choose 8 time slots in the admin but they are not displayed when the user have to choose the slots.
By advance, thanks!
This is (was) a very good plugin!
Bonjour, il n’y a pas de mise à jour à la dernière version de wordpress ?
]]>Hi Staff!
I would ask you if your plugin is usable or suitable for sharing people’s resources.
For example:
I’ve one hour free every third day of the month, and like me other people.
I would make available this time who needs it across your plugin.
Another example: I’ve some more salad and I would like to donate it to those who need to avoid throwing it into waste. This salad I can make available for a precise period of time, beyond which I will have to throw it.
Another example:
I need someone to give me a hand in the house the weekend.
Etc, etc..
Many thanks!
]]>Hi there,
i wonder if it is possible to add a class to the rdv table in order to make it responsive.
I made a rendez-vous with a lot of dates. To show them all the table needs to be scrollable in horizontal direction.
Any ideas, how to resolve this?
Thanks a lot!
]]>Hi there,
can′t save a rendez-vous after having set the duration and the time as it is supposed to be. I always receive a message that i should care to set those values in the format HH:MM.
I chose a duration of 8 hours like this 08:00 an a starting time at 10AM like 10:00.
Can anybody give me a hint what to do?
Thanks a lot!
Dates & Times on the When tab can not be saved when using Firefox Quantum.
On /rendez-vous/includes/js/rendez-vous-backbone.js, replace:
'blur .rdv-input-when' : 'storeWhenInput',
'change .rdv-input-when' : 'storeWhenInput',
Then, on rendez-vous/rendez-vous.php, make sure that you use rendez-vous-backbone.js instead of the .min.js version:
$this->plugin_js . "rendez-vous-backbone$suffix.js",
$this->plugin_js . "rendez-vous-backbone.js",
When adding a new Rendez-Vous and before saving it, a date added to the When? tab would not be deleted appropriately. As consequence if a date is deleted from the When tab, the user won’t be able to re-add the same date except if he/she switch to another tab and then return to the When? tab.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Login to https://rendez-vous.cloud77.com/wp-admin
2. I’ll send your username and password through Slack
3. Click Howdy, … > Rendez-vous > Schedule at the top right
4. Click New Rendez-vous
5. Click the When? tab
6. Click one of the dates on the Calendar at the right sidebar
7. Delete that date entry
8. Re-add that date
9. The date being re-added would not appear
Add delete this.days[model.id];
to /includes/js/rendez-vous-backbone.js, below this.days[model.id].remove();
For anyone who’d like to implement the workaround, keep in mind that Rendez Vous is using rendez-vous-backbone.min.js instead of rendez-vous-backbone.js. So, you would need to minify the modified js or change Rendez Vous so that it loads the uniminified version:
I opted to load the uniminified version by modifying /rendez-vous.php. So, I changed:
wp_register_script( 'rendez-vous-modal', $this->plugin_js . "rendez-vous-backbone$suffix.js", array( 'rendez-vous-media-editor', 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ), $this->version, 1 );
$this->plugin_js . "rendez-vous-backbone.js",
array( 'rendez-vous-media-editor', 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ),
If you choose to minify your modified rendez-vous-backbone.js, don’t forget to increment $this->version
for "rendez-vous-backbone$suffix.js"
to $this->version . '.1'
]]>Hi, I need help with this plugin. Is there anyone that is able to help with support?
]]>If a date is set for a Rendez-vous it cannot be unset to allow people to update their votes.
I found that if I delete the entry _rendez_vous_defdate entry in wp_post_meta table that this is effectively unset.
This would just need a button or option on the edit screen to unset and remove this entry.
Hi everyone,
I’m sad to announce i will drop the support of this plugin within a month. I posted on my blog to ask people willing to adopt this plugin, so hopefully it will perhaps be supported by someone else.
Apologies to users of this plugin, i need my full time for a personal project. I hope you’ll understand. Many thanks to all of you for your feedbacks and reviews since this plugin’s birth.
Here’s a link explaining my choice in detail on my personal blog french / english (google translated)
You have a question? Please add it as a comment of the blog post.
]]>Hi, thanks for this great plugin!
When editing an event – could you add the possibility to add or remove attendees?
Sometimes this feature is just NEEDED!
Regards, Achim
]]>When I try to create a rendez-vous, I can’t type anything into the fields. Any suggestions?
]]>Hi imath,
we would like to use that plugin as an replacement for our regular updated doodle link. Sadly – as it seems – everybody needs an account then. At the moment only we have 4 administrators who do publishing blog entries for our group, but most are simple readers and do not need an account. Is there a possibility to add a check mark to allow “external users” (= simple logged out readers) to add their vote?
]]>not important what i select or write, always: please respect the format HH:MM
what to do, thanks
I don’t understand how to modify an existing date and an existing time.
Sometimes the day or the time change shortly before the appointment. How can I modify this?
Hi there,
I stuck on this error messge when I want to create an new Rendez vous.
I’ve checked every time field twice but it dos’nt matter which time i try, the message is always the same.
Duration time= “30:00”
When? 1st Date= next monday “10:00”
2nd Date= following monday “14:00”
Tought about AM/PM and changed the 2nd Date to “07:00” o’clock just to see if its work, but it dos’nt.
Will be happy for every tip or hint what’s wrong with this great plugin.
Kind regaards,
I am using theme Evolve and I am getting the same issue some other people had: after installation the button ‘New Rendez-vous’ is not performing the action to open the pop-up screen. It does work with TwentyTwelve so it is def. theme related.
I can’t find the /members/single/plugins.php in the Theme folder and this is the point where I get lost with the instructions in this post: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/new-rendez-vous-link-is-not-working-1?replies=8
I have no clue what to add/change in which file to get Rendez-vous working. ?
Can you help me out? I really like the Evolve theme and I would hate to redo the lay-out of my website.
Kind regards,
Il y a un bug d’affichage avec le theme buddydefault que j’utilise
quand on met beaucoup de choix de rendez vous…( plus de 17) surement avec d’autre de la même largeur.
Il continue d’écrire ensuite dans la barre de droite, il faudrait une barre avec un curseur sous la liste de choix des rendez vous.
j’ai lu un post sur votre forum concernant une amelioration du plugin avec l’intégration dans event-manager. c’est vrai que ?a serait top, en reprenant la possibilité de choisir les emplacements ( lieux) écrit sous event-manager.
Je suis sur que pour quelques euros plein de personnes l’achèterait.
très cordialement
Je cherche à installer votre plugin mais après activation de BuddyPress, plus rien, aucune interaction, nada… Comme s’il y avait un problème de code…
Est-ce qu’il y a une autre alternative pour pouvoir utiliser “rendez-vous” sans passer par BuddyPress ?
J’utilise WordPress 4.5.2. La version de Buddypress est 2.5.2
Merci d’avance et bonne soirée
]]>Hi imath,
How can I Change Navigation link text from ‘Rendez-vous’ to something else?
Is there anyway at all?
Super boulot sur ce plugin qui m’a permis de faire connaitre WP à mes concitoyens ??
Par contre, en dehors des MaJ traditionnel de WP et des plugins, il n’y a eu aucun changement de configuration et depuis quelques jours, il ne m’est plus possible de définir des utilisateurs dans le 3eme onglet : comment puis-je m’en sortir ? Y-a-t-il un moyen de debbuger ? Une idée ?
Merci encore,
Thanks for all your awesome plugins. The calendar in the media window for the new rendez-vous creation is not visible on a mobile screen. It doesn’t show the side widget in the media window because the screen size is to small. On a tablet it should work. I tried to make the media window scrollable from left to right with some custom css but is doesn’t work. I only can scroll up and down but not left/right. I am not really experienced enough with this. Can you make the media window scrollable somehow to make the calendar in the right widget visible on mobile?
Thanks so much!
In Who? First, I see all members on the site but if I select another member type and go back to “all members” this is what I see:
I am using BuddyPress Member Types (https://www.buddyboss.com/product/buddypress-member-types/) to create new member types on my site. I don’t know if that plugin could be interfering with Rendez Vous?
Best regards,
Hello everyone,
I have noticed that Title, Venue and Duration all include this code:
Is it supposed to be like this?
WP 4.5, Rendez Vous 1.4.1, BP 2.5.2, PHP 5.6.19
Best regards,