I have reached the maximum featured videos using this plugin. The link ‘get key’, within the post takes me to this link below.
What product do i need to purchase in order to get the license key? The website is podcast/video intensive and will require an unlimited video upload value
The link to the website, you can see the way the featured video is being implemented.
]]>Hi there, I have downloaded the plugin and put a Youtube Url in the featured video section. It comes up in the editor, as does the featured image where it states “Featured Videos require a Featured Image for automatic replacement. Auto set”. When I publish it though, only the featured image comes up with no video. When I remove the featured image, nothing shows when published, no image and no video. Could you please tell me if I’ve done something wrong? I have attached a screenshot of the video section in the editor, the image section in the editor and the final published page. Thanks ??
]]>Trying to add a new video embed, but getting a message “10 video limit reached.”
Where do I go to obtain a Key? The link takes me to: https://www.shoppingcartproductfeed.com/
Please advise.
]]>i am embedding slideshare in my posts and while i was able to use iframe it doesn’t fit properly. when i tries to use the WP code for example:
[slideshare id=8285150&doc=socialsnapshots-leadbydesigning-110612095032-phpapp02] it went blank ?!
]]>What else doen’t work, because the theri box isn’t it.
]]>I am using the water lily theme-I changed the first part as instructed with the past posts, but my single.php file does not have any text similar to “the_post_thumbnail(‘main’)” so I’m not sure where to go from here.
]]>This plugin works well for me.
I wanted to point out one error message that appears throughout the site for all users while debug is on in WP-Config:
Notice: Use of undefined constant WP_ADMIN – assumed ‘WP_ADMIN’ in / wp-content/plugins/replace-featured-image-with-video/pt-page-featured-video.php on line 12
]]>I cannot see the Featured Video box in the Post Admin/Edit page. It was there before recently. Are there plugin conflicts I should watch for?
Thank you
]]>Hi there,
I managed to install the plugin and it seems to be working as the Featured Video Box is where it should be. However when I copy and paste the code from Youtube, nothing happens. The dimensions that I need for my site are 480 by 420, and in the embed code they are 480 by 270 – perhaps that is the problem. I tried to change the code once I’d pasted it but no luck.
Maybe updating to the latest version of WordPress would make a difference.
Please help?
]]>I’m aware of the collection of reasons to use vimeo/youtube yet need to self-host some very small videos. Any tip/method for self-hosted video HUGELY appreciated?
can’t be done?
thank you.
just a small issue, but the plugin’s readme.txt file contains a small error: https://plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/replace-featured-image-with-video/trunk/readme.txt
There’s a Version: 1.8
tag that makes it impossible for other plugins to extract version info.
See here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/cosmetic-bug-long-line-of-unwrapped-text-in-version-info
Thank you!
]]>How can I get the “Add a Featured Video” field to show up in one of my custom post types? It shows up in my default post type such as “Pages” just fine, but I’m not needing to use it there.
]]>Great plugin! I have it working well in my sidebar on pages and CPTs. Now client wants to be able to add both video AND image. This is possible in back-end, but does anyone know how to make both display on the front-end? (rather than the either/or scenario).
]]>Theres an option to show a picture and only play video when picture is clicked. I want to add a fake play button to the featured images, because people don’t know that they have to click it for it to play. How would I do that.
]]>Hello. i’ve done what is write on this post
I have it in the backend inside the post edit page but it don’t show anything in the frontend.
This is the part of single.php page i need to edit but i don’t know how.
$attachment_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()), "large");
$large_image_url = $attachment_image[0];
<a class="post_image fancybox" href="<?php echo $large_image_url; ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php the_post_thumbnail("blog-post-thumb", array("alt" => get_the_title(), "title" => "")); ?>
Someone can help please?
]]>Missing the Video box for the posts. From the amount of posts on it it seems to be everyones same issue for the past year.
This is a great idea.
I installed it on a WP3.4.1 multisite installation but could not get a youtube video to display.
I am actually more interested in supporting the customization of the plugin so that it can display videos from our custom video site.
The embed code from our site is as follows:
“<iframe src=”https://www.soobahkdoinstitute.com/v/1313″ frameborder=”0″ style=”width:450px;height:338px;border:none;”></iframe>”
Is this customization something a nice size donation could make feasible?
Please advise.
Phil D
]]>I can see the featured video box when editing pages but it’s not there for Posts. Anything I can do?