Hi, just wondering how to change the primary menu bar’s color. Thanks!
]]>Why did a v5.0 of this plugin come through the update system when the company does not even exist? This smells odd.
]]>Does this plugin still work, repost.us has shut down. They mentioned an open source project for the plugin, is this that project or is this the old and now obsolete service?
]]>Recently, the repost button stopped showing up. I’ve disabled all plugins and tried different themes. Please help..
]]>The Repost button does not show up on my custom post types. When I set it to ” Do not make all posts available for syndication by default” I also do not do see the button to manually set the post to be syndicated. When I look at my standard blog post I see the Repost button on the actual post and also the ability to manually set the repost syndication. Any suggestions?
]]>We do monitor this forum. However emailing [email protected] will normally get you a faster response as it’s monitored 7 days a week.
]]>And all of my content is in Spanish. I don’t think your collection can help me.
So can I use this plug-in to share between the other sites I’m aiming for or my required to toss my stuff into the general pool?
]]>Hey Team,
Hope you are doing great.
Since yesterday, I am facing error of content load, image is attached-
On many pages it is working but on some it throws this error. If I visit the same article published on other websites, it is loading perfectly.
Could you tell what is issue as I have a huge content and all of sudden the articles are not even showing.
A link on website is The smart guide to pro blogging- Pros and cons of Video blogging
Kindly help as soon as soon possible.
From error log:
[10-Jan-2014 14:38:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/repostus/modules/repost-content/repost-content-class.php on line 790
over and over… and over again… The log is already over 50MB
Anyone have a fix for this?
]]>I have been using repost service for over a month and all of sudden with a small design change, the images used by Repost within the content are not rendered appropriately in web page. One link for a post is my web page and same page on repost service is Repost.
Kindly any one tell me how to fix this design issue.
PS: I am using Twenty thirteen as parent theme and WPmashthirteen as child theme.
from Dashboard:
Es ist eine neue Version von RePost verfügbar. Siehe Versions 0.0 Details oder aktualisiere jetzt.
means: There is a new version available. look at version 0.0 details or update now.
Thanks for your answer.
Thank you for this wonderful plugin!
I have a minor issue with it. i have posted the same question on the “Hueman theme support forum”and still waiting for help.
Here is my question:
I am using contents from “repost.us” and everything works great but youtube and other Video player like this one (https://www.repost.us/article-preview/hash/a709990adab4b9a3ef8386269fc6308a/)
1)In the case of youtube:
On the slider, the youtube show as a placeholder (an image of camera).
I tried to put the embed code in:
A) Video Embed Code: didn’t work. it just showed the code as text
B)Video URL :it created two youtubes and still shows the placeholder
2) in the case of non-youtube video (https://www.repost.us/article-preview/hash/a709990adab4b9a3ef8386269fc6308a/):
on the SLIDER it shows a blurry image
IN both cases after TWO clicks, i can watch clear video.
Thank you.
]]>I am trying to repost an article I wrote from my site referralMD.co and post it on Medcity News of which I am a writer for and after I copy the script and put it into MedCity news and click publish, all i see is a short paragraph (with link to our site) and the picture. It does not show the full article like it should.
Any one know why?
]]>If you allow other sites to repost your articles, how do the ads work? Do you need to have in-line ads embedded in the story? What about if you run advertising in mastheads or footers, or in a sidebar?
]]>no mention of google adsense anywhere
I have purged the browser cashe, tried top and bottom, but the button is still not appearing.
Could you help me?
If I used a widget with .php support, can I put it in my side bar also?
Thank you.
My site: OlivetJournal.com
]]>Twenty days ago I sent you a support request because articles reposted from Food52 were no longer loading on my site. They showed an embed error and the jump to the original article. I did not hear back from you, so I took those articles down.
Today, NONE of my reposted articles are appearing properly. They all show the teaser paragraph and that’s it. There’s no error message and not even the regular jump info. I use this plugin on several different unrelated websites and all of the reposted articles are doing the same thing: loading only the first paragraph excerpt and that’s it. And this is not just feeds from one publisher, but several.
I need to get this sorted or else I’ll need to take down all the reposted articles on all my sites, which I would very much like to avoid. Thank you for your assistance.
]]>This plug in works great! Easy to use and quite simple, however the ad’s on the “repost” are quite annoying.
I realize that the developers are making money off of ad revenues, but better to go with a paid version of the plug-in to remove ad’s, or maybe limit the number of reposts while being ad banner free.
]]>Hi there, small bug, so I made this easy for you: the Welcome pointer in Admin for the Content Feeds button will not go away.
I sat down and started to debug it, (woot! commented Javascript. Oh, maybe you should minify that) and I suddenly realized that just this once the relationship goes the other way from the norm! We report a bug to you and you fix it instead of us hearing about something from someone and having assign someone to fix it based on a terrible write up like this one!
Bad news is: We have only installed it on one site, so we don’t have the ability to tell you too much, and to make matters worse there is a lot of kruft on that site. Maybe you could one-off a copy of the plugin without that entire bit of script. Set “if(TRUE)” and package it up. We’ve seen it, know that the button is there, and would just like to see the three buttons below yours more often.
* Welcome ppinter
/** Check that pointer support exists AND that text is not empty */
if(typeof(jQuery().pointer) != 'undefined' && repost_content_ajax_object.pointers.length) {
for (var p in repost_content_ajax_object.pointers) {
var ptr = repost_content_ajax_object.pointers[p];
content : ptr.pointerText,
close : function() {
jQuery.post( ajaxurl, {
pointer: ptr.pointerHandle,
action: 'dismiss-wp-pointer'
Thanks again, and if you contact me I’ll dig up more detail. The debugger I was using was freezing when I stepped up to the most interesting lines.
Hey there,
I just set up an ssl certificate on my site. Everything’s good to go, unfortunately, the URL for the Repost bootstrap is preventing me from having fully secure pages.
I tried manually changing the URL in the plugin’s code to
but it doesn’t work correctly (the connection is untrusted).
Sadly, I’ve had to disable the plugin because of this. Would love to activate it again
]]>This is one of the greatest plugin for wordpress.
However this is not working in wordpress multi .(network installation)
[ Signature moderated. ]
]]>I installed the plugin, entered my Repost API key and got the green light that my site and Repost’s API were successfully talking.
When I went to view an article the button would show up for a second and then disappear. After some digging I found the following IF statement in repost_main.js wasn’t being met:
if (data.pageStatus != ‘NOLICENSE’ && data.available != false && (data.status == ‘LIVE’ || data.status == ‘BETA’ || (data.status == ‘TESTING’ && debugMode))) {
My data object contained the following:
active “1”
alias_active “1”
apikey “…”
body_selector “##Automatic”
button_type “2”
curateUs “https://secure.curate.us”
id “16258”
ingestor false
limit_mode 2
noattrib true
nopopup true
onPageOK true
pageHash null
preview “https://www.repost.us”
repostUs “https://secure.repost.us”
shortname “Broadway Osteopathy”
status “NOBUTTON”
title_selector “##Automatic”
Please let me know what I should do to fix the problem
]]>After installing Repost, I received an email from Google that the Googlebot could not access my site. It said, “Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 278 errors while attempting to retrieve DNS information for your site. The overall error rate for DNS queries for your site is 4.9%.”
I deactivated the plugin and the Googlebot was then able to access my site.
Any solution for this?
]]>what would cause the button to not show up at all
I have tried the top and the bottom with no luck
]]>Version 2.10 of the plugin has a bug in a javascript file that breaks scripts on admin pages. Symptoms include inability to add a link to a post or to tag a post. Version 2.11 fixes this issue.
The bug only impacts admin pages – there is no issue on user facing pages.
[you should also clear your browser cache after updating to be sure you are seing the updated code]
]]>Thought I’d let you know that the new update must be screwing around with some backend scripting.
The side out Admin menus on the left nav don’t work, nor other plugin setting that, I think, need JQuery.
Anyway, I needed to deactivate this plugin and then things behaved normally. Might need you to look into further.
]]>I want to offer Repost us to all my members on my WordPress MU Installation without that these people have registrate at “repost.us”
How can I change the plugin manually, so that it will automatically insert my own Api Key?
Will there be a network version of Repost.us in the Future?
]]>Hi.. there seems to be some conflict when this plugin is used and the site configured on repost.us Despite installing and activating the plugin there is always the error when the button on a post is clicked about a syndication error