Wonderful work!! Compliments!!
Do you think it is possible to insert in an internal corner of the iframe, for example in the lower right corner, a command that allows the iframe with its content to be opened and closed in a full screen mode?
Thank you!
I have a page that uses iframes to pull calendar listing from Google Calendar and display them as a list of events. Sample:
I’ve been looking for a way to display the iframe so its height automatically adjusts to the copy it’s displaying, so I don’t need to show a scroll bar, or leave a lot of space at the bottom.
I’m trying Responsive iframe, but it doesn’t seem to be able to do that. Or am I missing a setting?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Mark McDermott
]]>Enabling the plugin fire error ont the editor console even without using the block.
Format “core/code” is already registered.
X @ rich-text.min.js?ver=e7d57502b62ec4756783a0cd79238841:2
“core/strikethrough” is already registered.
X @ rich-text.min.js?ver=e7d57502b62ec4756783a0cd79238841:2
“core/underline” is already registered.
X @ rich-text.min.js?ver=e7d57502b62ec4756783a0cd79238841:2
“core/subscript” is already registered.
X @ rich-text.min.js?ver=e7d57502b62ec4756783a0cd79238841:2
“core/superscript” is already registered.
X @ rich-text.min.js?ver=e7d57502b62ec4756783a0cd79238841:2
Can’t find anywhere in the code where any of these are called or registered.
Thank you for this brilliant plugin. Is it possible to edit the code so that any links open from inside the iframe are forced open on the parent window?
Thank you
using plugin v.1.2.0 if I embed a Google Form into a Responsive Iframe Gutenberg block, and if its wrapper is wider than default Google Form width of 640px, it would be embedded only in width of 640px, instead of 800px set in your plugin setting.
Site width 800,
Scroll bar, border enabled,
Scale 100% is set.
It was working properly months ago…
]]>Hi Patrick,
a quick question, if I want to add an iFrame to a (standard) page (not a blog post) using your plugin, how can I do that?
Best regards
Nico Fiscella
how to keep same iframe size for desktop without zooming
first of all sorry if my question may seem stupid but I’m not so confident with WordPress.
I have installed your plugin and I’ve followed the instructions to insert the iFrame. Doing this, I saw how it would look. So I suppose to have done correctly the settings.
I saved the page and inserted in the menu of the wordpress home page.
When I press the link on the home page nothing happens and I continue to see the original home page as if I hadn’t done anything.
Hover the mouse on the link I see localhost:8088/flsoffroad/#gestione-gare (PS: I’m building a site locally using XAMPP and WordPress 5.7).
Thank you and best regards
Feel free to post any suggestions in this thread.
]]>Thanks for your interest in my plugin.
If you have any questions on the plugin please feel free to make a new topic post and I will try to help you.