to view editor content
REPLACE IN FILE responsive-gallery.php, the function rcpig_excerpt() :
$output = get_the_excerpt();
$output = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content());
AND ADD IN FILE rcpig-shortcode.php in jquery function:
$portfolio_excerpt = rcpig_excerpt(‘rcpig_excerptlength’, ‘rcpig_excerpt_more’);
$portfolio_excerpt = str_replace(PHP_EOL,””,$portfolio_excerpt);
Does your portfolio support video? I want to add an mp4 video.
]]>First of all thank you for this free plugin, it’s great!
I am just wondering, is it possible to disable the excerpt and use the full post content instead for the portfolio post ‘og-details’, or at least re-enable some HTML tags in the excerpt for styling.
I tried editing the plugins ‘responsive-gallery.php’ and ‘rcpig-shortcode.php’ files, but couldn’t find a direct reference of ‘the_excerpt’ that could be exchanged with ‘the_content’ and any changes I tried to make to other mentions of ‘excerpt’ broke the portfolio. Unfortunately, my PHP knowledge is quite bad, so I got stuck and gave up.
Probably missing something and thought maybe someone can help on the forum.
Thanks in advance!
How many galleries can we create with your plugin? Is there a limitation?
]]>The Filters are setup so that portfolio items cannot have multiple categories. If this could be fixed the plugin would be perfect for us! I need each portfolio to accommodate multiple categories, and only single categories are shown in filter.
]]>Can this plugin work without portfolio image gallery? For example I just want to add say 4 images to a page and apply the responsive hover.
]]>I have increased the excerpt length to 10000 but it has not changed it on the front end.
also where does the […] link to once it has cut it off on 30 words?
We have detected an issue with the image scroll in a portfolio: When deleting an image from the section “Images for this portfolio”, the image indeed disappears but some internal code must remain because when adding a new image its position is not right, it is moved forward in a way that it looks like there are no more images in the scroll.
You can see an example of this problem following these steps:
1. Go to (this is the portfolio page)
2. Click on Aparthotel Los Alcazares (third row, second from left)
3. The image scroll looks like there is only one image, but if you click twice on the arrow at the right to move the scroll, you will see there are more images
Please investigate this issue and let me know if it will be solved in the next version.
Cristina Llorens
This plugin looks the best solution till this error occurs.
No problem to install, adding portfolio items or even in showing them with shortcode & filtering.
But when I click on images it shows no change. No popup, nothing.
Found this error in chrome on the portfolio page
“Uncaught TypeError: Modernizr.prefixed is not a function
at a.fn.init.a.fn.rcpig_grid (rcpig_grid.min.js:4)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):463)
at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)”
You can go & have a look at the page
It’ll be great if you can help.
Thanks again for this cool plugin.
Hi, I installed the plugin only to find out it doesn’t work like the demo, on click the portfolio description doesn’t show. Checking the developers console shows this error:
rcpig_grid.min.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: Modernizr.prefixed is not a function
]]>I’m trying to set up my gallery in such a way that a user can click the thumbnail image, which expands and shows a larger image and the carousel. When the preview box is expanded, I’d like to be able to open the large image in a lightbox if the user clicks on it. In other words, I want it to act like Google Images…the thumbnail image expands with related content, and a user can then click the image to see a larger version or a different webpage. Is this possible? My theme is Themify Ultra. Thanks!
]]>hi, the plugin dont work with wp 4.4.2 , i have try 1.0.2 and work, can someone give me a 1.0.4 to try, ?
]]>Hi, your plugin was working fine but since I have updated to your newest version, the portfolio content does not show anymore. The theme is Enigma, we are using a child of that theme.
Let me know what you need to investigate.
Hi, try as I might the portfolio will not show up. It was showing and then it disappeared. I don’t know why this is. I have the display gallery ON and using the right shortcode. What happened!!
]]>I would like to be able to put lists in the description area of each portfolio. Is this possible in the premium version? The free version just ignores them.
]]>Hello sir, one of my client bought this plugin and i am working on his site but the problem is vimeo videos are not working on mobile phone , It is workable on Pc but when viewed it on mobile it can’t show video , i also tried to add video to test page there it is working well but not with this plugin