Hello, my site is using 2 registration forms. I need to include this terms & conditions sentence with checkbox to the default registration form delivered by wordpress.
How can i include it and in which file?
Thank you very much
I’ve added extra fields (job title, Company name…) using RCP Form Builder and added your plugin. If I don’t tick the box I get the error message “You must agree to the terms to continue”, but the content of the extra fields is deleted. The contents of the standard fields is retained.
Is there a way round this?
There is only a link to the Terms and conditions, no checkbox.
How is the checkbox activated?
]]>How to translate the error sentence when user has not checked the accept field?
]]>I’m using this plugin on a client site and it works great, but I had to modify it to allow some text that isn’t linked. Screenshot here: https://cloudup.com/cTn-Ij6e2z9
Having the whole sentence linked was confusing for people signing up, as they kept clicking the link instead of checking the box. We wanted to make it more obvious that (1) they need to check the box and (2) the terms of use are a link that is optional to view.
Anyway, I’d love to see this become an option in the future – I hate modifying plugin files but we needed a workaround. I think lots of people would prefer this option if given the choice.
]]>Hello there,
First of all thank you very much for this nifty addon to RCP.
second, my issue:
I am performing tests in my registration form. If I try to purchase / register a membership with the terms and conditions checkbox unchecked, the checkout process will freeze in a perpetual “please wait” once try to make a purchase.
thank you in advance for your help,
Kind Regards.
]]>Hey Andy, thanks for this plugin. It’s exactly what I need for my new membership site.
I had to change the priority on the admin menu to 20.
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ), 20 );
Otherwise, the URL is wp-admin/page=rcp-terms
which 404’s.