Has this one been abandoned?
If not, please update for the current version of WordPress. It seems to be one of the only revision control plugins still semi-active.
I thought I would delete all my old revisions and looking through the plugins I find this one that looks the best especially with the cron feature.
I have installed the plugin.
I went to the tools:Revision Strike and see the 2 settings listed.
I selected 15 days and 50 revisions and pressed the Revision Strike button and it reported that it deleted 1 revision. I do not know why it only found 1 revision to delete whereas I have loads of revisions dating back to Dec 2015
Also once pressing the Revision strike button, the settings revert back to 30days and 50 posts. So there is no way to save your own personal settings for when the cron runs.
I then tried another Revisions Plugin and it listed I have 36 revisions dated back to Dec 2015. So it looks like Revision Strike is missing some of the revisions when scanning