On a website, I use custom fields (managed by some plugin ?? ) for my CPT.
One of the field is a relation field. So it links two cpt together.
Normally, if you edit directly one of the cpt, it will remove the link in the other linked cpt.
But, when using PublishPress Revisions, the link is not updated/removed in the liked cpt.
Any clue on why or how to get around that?
As we use the plugin to allow authors to edit their own post, an admin have to go over and edit the second post to remove the link.
As a site admin, even if I have the right to edit other’s posts, i’ve got the problem.
Does PublishPress Revisions supports the All in One SEO plugin?
]]>Hi! I have a website with a very big database, and this query takes a lot of time:
class RevisionaryAdminPosts {
// The heavy query populates this array.
private $post_revision_count = array();
function __construct() {
// The heavy query happens here.
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'fltAdminPostsListing'], 50); // 'the_posts' filter is not applied on edit.php for hierarchical types
// The $post_revision_count array is used here.
add_filter('display_post_states', [$this, 'flt_display_post_states'], 50, 2);
add_filter('page_row_actions', [$this, 'revisions_row_action_link']);
add_filter('post_row_actions', [$this, 'revisions_row_action_link']);
I would like to remove the hook on “admin_enqueue_scripts”, which will effectively cause $post_revision_count to be empty.
Is there any concern with doing this? Am I right to assume that it will just not display the “Has Revision” post status (to filter by posts that has revisions) and remove the action link? Will that affect the plugin usability in a fundamental way? (I’m not a user of this system, but a developer, so I don’t know it from a usability POV that’s why I ask ?? )
Thank you!!!
I’m encountering an error despite creating a custom role and adding the unfiltered_html
capability. I am still receiving the error message: “The unfiltered_html capability is required to create a revision of this post. Please assist,
We need to schedule changes/updates for posts and pages on our website. We are using Enfold as our theme and Advanced Layout Builder as the page builder. Is it compatible with your PublishPress Revisions plugin (PRO version)?
]]>I was attempting to submit a revision by adding an elementor element. However, when the adminstrator publish the content, the elementor element is not showing up. Please advice if buying the pro version will resolve the issue.
Furthermore, if the pro version is purchased for one site only, am i able to use it in both staging and production environment?
]]>Are we able to disable edit after a revision has been submitted?
]]>I am wondering if there is a way to limit the amount of items in the Revisions Archive? I have tried adding in the wp-config.php
: define('WP_POST_REVISIONS',2);
to test but it doesn’t seem to affect anything.
I have an odd scenario where changing the value of one ACF field in particular causes my Update button to disappear, and I am left with Schedule Revision.
The site uses the Classic Editor, with the WPBakery Page Builder. The custom post type has a large number of ACFs attached to it. What we’re seeing is that without submitting the page, as soon as we change the value on this one particular field (name: id, in a group called: booth_info), the Update button vanishes. I don’t see any AJAX happening in the Network panel, so I’m assuming this is some sort of javascript collision. I am not seeing it when I change any other ACFs, so it seems to be something unique about this one field.
]]>Hi – just started playing around with this plugin and it seems to work really well for existing content where a Revisor needs to make an update. However, when a Revisor creates a new page or post and selects ‘Submit for Review’ the pages status turns to ‘Pending review’ but it doesn’t then appear in the ‘Revisions Queue’ for me. Should it or is the plugin only meant to work for approving existing content?
]]>Hello! I need help.
I have an issue with revisions. Let me try to explain myself to the best of my abilities.
Let’s say I have user 1 and user 2.
User 1 creates a revision and submits it. However, it is not yet approved or published.
A few minutes later, User 2 creates a revisions and submits it as well. However, it is not yet approved or published.
This is an issue because when User 2 makes his revisions, I lose the revisions made by User 1 when I approve revisions made by User 2 and vice versa.
Here is a more concrete example.
Imagine you have a published post. Content is the following:
“Hi World!”.
Now User 1 goes to create a revision and submits:
“Hi World! How are you?”
When User 2 goes in a few minute later to create his revision he only sees:
“Hi World!”.
User 2 goes on to add his revision:
“Hi World! What’s up?”.
When I come to approve, I can either approve:
“Hi World! How are you?” or “Hi World! What’s up?”.
Would there any way for User 2 to see submitted revision and add their own revisions. And then as the person who have capabilities of approving, I would approve both if I wanted to and it could look something like this:
“Hi World! How are you? What’s up?”
I hope I was clear and I hope you can help!
]]>I’m researching the PublishPress plugins to help my client create publishing approval workflows. Right now, I have one roadblock keeping me from going ahead. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I can leverage the Permissions Plugin so only designated users are able to publish changes. And where Contributors are limited to submitting revisions that must be approved by higher ups. But my client uses the https://translatepress.com/ plugin and the translated strings don’t seem to respect the approval process. In other words, I can prevent Contributors from Publishing page and post changes, but they can still publish the translated strings of those changes without getting approval.
My team has been using the Revisions plugin to schedule revisions/updates to pages for dates in the future so we can republications with modifications of our content to keep our feed live with updates even during the busy summer months while traveling.
After taking some time off we came back to view the revisions queue and saw a dozen “Missed Schedule” notices in the posts listed in the revisions queue, so it appears that many of the updates did not get posted as scheduled.
I admittedly jumped right into leaving a negative review because I did not expect to receive support for a plugin I am not paying for based on past experiences. I am frustrated that the work we did ahead of time didn’t get actioned as planned due to some sort of error. How can we ensure that our revisions do not experience the “Missed Schedule” error in the future?
Upon revisiting the Revisions queue the list of “Missed Schedule” posts are no longer there, so unfortunately I do not have a screenshot or live link of active errors to share. Thanks in advance.
Hi, great plugin but I think I might use it the wrong way or I need an explanation.
When I create a revision, then accept it, here’s what happening :
I reached out to wp engine about enabling revisions, checked the custom post types to make sure revisions were enabled . I am also using capabilities.
Is submitting revisions only allowed for Revisor role? I have a custom role called Store Editor that allows users to edit their custom post type.
I am also using ACF for these custom post types but i noticed even for regular posts that have no custom fields that it is missing the submit revisions.
I have followed everything on https://publishpress.com/knowledge-base/custom-post-types-and-revisions/ but I still don’t see the revisions for the custom post type for my user role Store Editor.
Can anyone advise what I’m missing?
Hi team, I may be missing something but…
Under Settings -> Revisors there’s a checkbox that look like this:
X Prevent Revisors from editing other user’s drafts
If checked, users lacking site-wide publishing capabilities will also be checked for the edit_others_drafts capability
Shouldn’t the help text say something like “If checked, users lacking site-wide publishing capabilities will also be UNCHECKED for the edit_others_drafts capability?”
Thanks, —Greg
I need to add a custom column to the Revisions Queue dashboard so users can filter a taxonomy but am unable to figure out how to hook into that page. Is that possible with a Pro license?
A lot of my users prefer to navigate to the page they wish to edit on the front end, then editing via the new revisions button on the top bar.
However when clicking this button, it seems to take you to a different page, with the slug /home-2 and not the page you are currently on. This is not the home page however, as it does not contain any of the content and when previewing it is the normal page template.
]]>When an WordPress’s default Editor roled user is editing an already published page or post, when they click?submit for review then it goes into draft mode.
We want the page to be in published mode with the old content only the new content will go for review by site admin, once the admin approves it the published page/post’s content will be updated with the new one and if it’s rejected then it will remain published with the old content.
since few days there is the plugin to upgrade . I click on update … it shows it is done and then after a bit of time it shows me that it is to upgrade another time …..
I cannot upgrade the plugin
my version is 4.0.23
Thanks and regards.
]]>Hi Team,
We are using the PublishPress Revisions Pro, while saving the custom meta field in revision it is showing in the revision version but after approving and merging it to original post the custom meta field value is not showing up in the default revision. The post need to be updated to get the revision. The value for the meta fields are showing properly in the edit page, but it is not showing while clicking into the revision option.
Is meta values are updated directly to the database? And that is why the code to update the meta fields are not working for revision only?
Please guide me on this.
I am trying to setup revisions alongside capabilities and permissions to restrict what my users can see and edit. We use ACF and disable the block editor in the functions.php files. I am aware that ACF is not supported with the free version and I am considering buying the PublishPress package of plugins.
Currently when you “Submit for Review” it says “Pending Review” however when I view the current revisions it says it is not submitted. When the block editor is enabled however, it seems to work. This is of course not an ideal solution.
To determine whether purchasing the pro version would be viable, I would need to know whether it will work with the editor disabled.
]]>I am trying to setup ‘Revision Submission for Unpublished Posts’. I have followed the instructions in the documentation on how to do this but unpublished posts are still not displaying in the revision queue.
These are the steps I have taken;
With the 2024 theme and only this plugin and WooCommerce active, when I create a new revision from a page and then “preview revision”, it just goes to the admin dashboard and fails to redirect to preview the revision.
I have tried resaving the permalinks to no avail.
Similarly, the “edit revision” link goes to the revisions queue instead of the specific revision. It is still possible to preview the revision by clicking the “preview” link from the queue list.
]]>Have made the video showcasing the problem. Can you tell if this is supposed to happen?
I should mention that this error doesn’t happen if the user’s role is administrator.
Hello PublishPress Team,
We’re experiencing an issue with a tool we’re building using the Extra Theme from DIVI along with PublishPress Revisions and other plugins. There’s a conflict between the theme and the Revisions plugin that causes an error when we try to create or customize a category using the Category Builder. When we disable the Revisions plugin, the error goes away. Any assistance would be appreciated. We’ve already contacted the Extra theme support and they asked to referee to the Revisions support team.
When enabling Publishpress revision plugin on our site, contributors gain the additional permission manage_options despite on default settings on the plugin, which should not be a side effect of the plugin. I have tested this by disabling and enabling different plugins on our site and found that it is caused by disabling and enabling plublishpress revision.
]]>I have a user interface suggestion that would remove some confusion. It’s very easy to confuse the revision editing page with the normal page/post editing page. Simple, quick visual cues would be extremely helpful.
What if the edit page background was a color (it would be nice if an admin could even set that), and it said “Revision” at the top?
This string is hardcoded directly into the following file and is not translatable:
I’m trying to figure out how your plugin works and the possibilitites. From what I saw, an author can have two choices : update his post or create a copy for revision (with the submit button). Is that right? Is there a way (a settting or multiple settings) in order to offer an author one choice only : submit a revision and not update his post?