I’m using WordPress 5.9.3. When switching to PHP 8.0.17 I get this in my error logs:
[fcgid:warn] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: The magic method Revisr::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /.../wp-content/plugins/revisr/revisr.php on line 113, referer: https://.../wp-admin/admin.php?page=revisr
This warning in PHP 8.1 causes an error and breaks wordpress.
How to make this great plugin PHP8 compatible?
]]>Hello Im trying to setup revisr to link to my github repo. I hgave setup a Github repo and the gitignore file was pushed through but I cannot commit any of the staged files, and the remote respository link won’t save.
I have the info setup correctly including the username:password@github and I have setup sucessfully on other sites beofre but the remote will not save here.
I also changed Wb_DeBUG to true, and saved the Git path in my wp-config file.
Any help appreciated
]]>Hello, I am trying to push to github first time. When I click on commit changes, it redirect to wp-admin/admin-post.php (Basically page not found).
Please help to save commit changes. so I can push it to github.
Trying to do my initial commit of a small WP site, and I’m getting 413 Request Entity Too Large. I tried increasing the file size limit both in functions.php and in .htaccess, but I’m still getting the error.
(I’m also a little puzzled about what is being uploaded. Isn’t the plugin just using git on the server?)
]]>There is a WordPress page of which I have a live version and a copy that is used for development. I have now set up git for the live page and want to keep my development state of the copy but store it in the same git repository.
Can I save my current development state on the copy to another branch in my repository and merge it later with the master (live state)?
I have a couple of issues,
1. I have the site hosted on the flywheel, now I am trying to pull this site locally using local by flywheel and so I did it but when I try to install revisr locally on 2/3 different local machine then first/initial commits it to ask for the push to bitbucket.
Now I have pushed very first initial files to the Bitbucket by my credentials but the second user (other team members) also gets the untracked file to push to bitbucket which has done already by me. Any solution or changes ??
2. When I set Remote URL using my credential I am able to success message and same if my team member wants to give his username/password in remote URL then it’s showing remote not found but he has all required access to bitbucket account. How to resolve this issue ??
]]>any update for latest version wordpress?
]]>Hi, I just reverted to old commit to make my site works again, but the revert process take a long time so I tried to close and revert again. Unfortunately after that my site crashed because of some file were missing. How can I make my site work again?
]]>When I try to do changes in the following thigs then those are not getting identified by a Revisr plug-in.
1. When did I add any new custom page and Published any new Theme?
2. When did I update any The Divi Builder for WP-related theme then as also?
3. How to revert or restore the database using a plugin?
Could you please help me to know if these are limitations of Plugins?
]]>I am curious if the plugin/project is still active. Any kind of update from the developer would be nice.
I sent you a couple of emails 4 days ago, 1 through revisr.io and the 2nd through github. I have a problem with a plugin and I hope you can help. I installed the plugin, created a repository, entered my bitbucket details and everything seems to work, I see the green success bubble, I can see remote branches. The plugin suggested to me to pull my changes from the repo first before I can push, but I keep getting this error : fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
Can you assist, please?
]]>Hi, is it possible to have different active branches for each admin user?
We have the problem that when my other admin checkout his branch, i have the same checkouted branch.
]]>Does this plugin work with multisite networks?
As I know, the new WordPress release 4.8.3 changes ‘esc_sql()’ behavior. So, when I use Revisr to migrate my site to another server, all the percentage symbol got replaced with funny string somthing like {670582278f54fb4ff94d04973a9e83736e}. Is there a plan to issue a fix release soon? Thanks so much for you help.
]]>Hi, Before I install Revisr, I’d appreciate a quick confirmation if it is compatible with the latest WordPress versions?
Currently, I’m using WP 4.7.x and 4.8.x on all my sites.
Hi folks:
I would like to know how to configure Revisr to backup the database.
Currently, I’m working with WAMP.
Thanks for your answers.
]]>We implemented another plugin but would like to untrack the tables for this plugin. We de-selected the tables of the plugin from the settings. However, the tables still got overwritten every time we make deployment. It seems like the Revisr cannot untrack specific tables from some other plugins? Could you please advise what else we need to do to resolve this issue? Thank you.
I’m getting an “Error pushing changes to the remote repository” pushing commits from a local repo on Dreamhost to a remote repo on BitBucket. Here’s the full error message Revisr gives me:
error: pack-objects died of signal 9
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://ACCOUNTNAME:PASSWORD@bitbucket.org/ACCOUNTNAME/REPONAME.git’
fatal: write error: Bad file descriptor
Sensitive info replaced by ACCOUNTNAME, PASSWORD and REPONAME.
It was working until, with one particular commit, it stopped. The commits are successful to the local repo, but the push to the remote fails. At this point the local repo has 23 commits that need to be pushed to the remote.
Clicking in and out of the Settings > Remote > Remote URL field gives me the Success! message, so the login seems to be fine. Dreamhost error log doesn’t show any errors at the time of the latest attempted push.
Any idea what this error message is trying to tell me?
]]>First of all, I love this plugin (thank you). I am using version 2.0.2 as of this posting.
I was curious what might be causing this. I have a site installed on its own server (Ubuntu 16.04.2; Nginx 1.10.0; 5.6.27 (I had no choice here); PHP 7.0.16). I have the git (2.7.4 from Ubuntu) repo installed locally. Everything works fine on the git end and with Revisr except one small thing:
In WP admin, when I click Revisr > Commits, the “Date” column is always 6 hours behind the actual time that it was committed (for example, if I were to commit something right now, it would say that I did 6 hours ago instead of “x minutes ago” in Revisr > Commits).
Any idea why this is or how to fix it? Notes:
1. Correlation: My timezone is U.S. Central Time, which is GMT-0600. Obviously not a coincidence. It’s as if the offset is being subtracted twice from GMT in the date column.
2. I checked the system time (date), timezone (cat /etc/timezone) and GMT offset (date +%z). They are all as they should be.
3. I checked the time/zone/offset in PHP [date(‘h:i:sa O e’)] under the same vhost as WP/Revisr is running, and they are correct.
4. I ran ‘git log’ to view my commits, and the date/time/zones are correct there as well, so git appears to be adhering to the system time+zone correctly.
I just can’t figure it out. Everything appears to be correct (system/git/PHP).
Has anyone else run into this? It’s not mission critical, but sort of annoying. When I have time, I will upgrade git to a newer version (despite it appearing to be working correctly). I’m just using the one from the Xenial apt repo right now.
Thank you,
Hi there,
I’m having an issue with the setup, particularly with the remote config.
I’m using a private repo on bitbucket, when i put in the remote URL (https correctly formatted) i get the success box on the side, but after saving changes i get an empty field again.
I did try a push however, but i got a “Error pushing changes to the remote repository.” on the event list in the dashboard, so the remote URL is definitely not saving.
Appreciate any insight on this issue.
When I move to WP Engine hosting, I got this error on the Revisr plugin page:
The install path to Git was not recognized.
Please enter the install path to Git below and click “Continue”.
How do I solve this?
]]>Apologies if this is a rudimentary question, guys. But wanted to see if anyone knows if this scenario has worked for them. Say we had two teams working on code – one using SourceTree as their git GUI and using a text editor like Atom; and another using Revisr but making code changes inside the WP admin/editor itself. Would this work?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 507
Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 507
Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 507
Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 507
Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php on line 507
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php:507) in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-admin/post.php on line 197
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php:507) in /home/onlin236/public_html/programingyogi.com/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1174
]]>I just set up my repository and tried my first commit. No matter how many changes I stage, I get this error when I try to commit:
Request Entity Too Large
The requested resource
does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.
I could use some troubleshooting advice.
]]>Revisr version 2.0.2
WP 4.6
I had revisr installed on bluehost shared server and working properly. I had to migrate over to a bluehost VPS and now cannot get revisr to install properly. Using git at the bash shell prompt works fine for local and remote operations.
The install process found git (REVISR_GIT_PATH in wp-config.php is set to the right filename) but when I get to looking for the repository, it cannot find one. Looking manually via the shell, I see /home/USERNAME/public_html/.git/ does exist and as I said, git commands while in public_html work fine.
I also see that REVISR_WORK_TREE in wp-config.php is set to /home/USERNAME/public_html which looks right too.
Any suggestions on how I can get it working again?
]]>I’m using Revisr to migrate changes from staging to prod. I also have forums with the bbPress plugin. I can’t figure out how to migrate change to prod without wiping out the existing prod forum posts.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
So I was having a lot of issues with setting up Revisr to work with my Bitbucket Server. I followed the guide for how to add an SSH key, and I added it under ~/.ssh, but still nothing worked and I kept getting the Host Key Verification Failed errors. Turns out, the key (for Apache) needed to be added to the apache user’s directory, and then the repository needed to be sync’d as apache to added it to its own Known Hosts list. Please see my steps below. (Also, if you are not able to access apache’s .ssh directory, it may be owned by root, so chown apache:apache)
[root@centos html]# sudo -u apache ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “user@example.com”
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/usr/share/httpd/.ssh/id_rsa):
/usr/share/httpd/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /usr/share/httpd/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /usr/share/httpd/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
fd:c2:43:01:0c:EX:AM:PL:E9:c6:f3:65:20:ca:b5:8f user@example.com
The key’s randomart image is:
+–[ RSA 4096]—-+
| Removed |
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[root@centos html]# cat < /usr/share/httpd/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2RemovedRemoveCAQCh0oXy7pGcXyzpZPrD34Sa9oNUnCWZUHutU70vYztmm4L7sF
iN3TYkRaFkYxu84mn/3T0V9rHGdVaJtBGw== user@example.com
[root@centos html]# sudo -u apache git push origin master
The authenticity of host ‘[www.example.com]:7999 ([xxx.xx.xx.xxx]:7999)’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 12:54:a5:a0:17:EX:AM:PL:Ea:a7:c6:a6:2b:9d:31:bd.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘[www.example.com]:7999,[xxx.xx.xxx.xxx]:7999’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Everything up-to-date
I install revisr a week ago and turn on the “Automatically push new commits?” option under “remote” tabs and the Automatic backup schedule to dialy. Once a day it commiting all the files (run perfectly) but it doesn’t push my new commit to the remote. So I have to manually click revisr plugin and click “push changes” button to do that. Why I can’t do automatically push when there is new commit there? Thanks!
Hi there,
I have Revisr all set up.
I can send commandline initiated commits to Bitbucket using SSH access to the server my site is on.
But when I try to send a commit via Revisr I get this error:
Error pushing to the remote repository. The remote repository could be ahead, or there may be an authentication issue.
Click here for more details, or try again.
When I click for more details, I get this:
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I am using SSH connection from site server to Gitbucket. The pub key is loaded into Gitbucket. As mentioned, there’s no issue pushing commits through via the command-line.
Any suggestions?
]]>hi, does this plugin provide wp-cli integration?
If not, I would like to make this a feature request, as it seems to be a natural fit. When you really need to jump back to an older revision, then maybe because after some update the site does not show up and you can not login – in that case a tool, that is only usable via wordpress admin gui will not help you. being able to roll back via wp-cli would be great.