I installed this plugin, and I have activated it for one of the sites that adminitro and you need it. It has been successfully installed. It activates correctly for the particular site, but when loading an entry or creating a new entry, it does not display the editor correctly. I open the browser’s developer tool to see what is failing and gives me a 404 error when I can not find http: //xxxxxxx/wordpress/wp-admin/richtexteditor/images/zip.gif.
Any solution?
How can I add a button from the functions.php file. I can not find documentation for wordpress.
]]>I installed and activated this plugin according to the instruction, but can not write posts, because this error show up instead of the post and the editor:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/puzzley8/public_html/wp-content/plugins/richtexteditor/richtexteditor_wordpress_class.php on line 735
]]>Hi, for two days I had to reinstall wordpress by dumping my backup, and since then I do not work the rich text editor plugin, at the time of writing a new entry I can not because it indicates me license error 4.
I have tried uninstalling the plugin and erasing all traces on my server and performing new installation and follow the problem even manually installing.
What is happening or am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any help. Thanks and regards.
]]>I have Advanced Custom Fields Version 4.4.9 By Elliot Condon installed.
When I installed RichTextEditor For WordPress Version 1.0.1, It seems to work as expected in the normal page edit field, but the custom field apparently relies on tinyMCE which apparently gets deactivated by this plugin.
I don’t know if one or both projects would need to make changes to make this happen, but if we could use both of these plugins together, that would be great!
]]>Can i enable default media buttons?
]]>I am using this plugin and when i go to type content in the editor and press save, my text disappears.
]]>I am using a WAMP server and have tried setting the urls to Absolute, or Site specific, but I can not get the Rich text editor to see the path on my wamp, to the tmp file even though it shows and so do the required files it is looking for. I am sure there is a simple php line somewhere to set the tmp path, but I could not find it.
Here is what I get when I try to upload an image:
rename(c:/wamp/tmp/uploadertemp/persisted.33f68374-726d-3777-990f-978abe05952d.Desktop Menu View Before any new images.JPG.resx,C:/wamp/www//wp-content/uploads/Desktop Menu View Before any new images.JPG): The system cannot find the path specified. (code: 3) , failed to move c:/wamp/tmp/uploadertemp/persisted.33f68374-726d-3777-990f-978abe05952d.Desktop Menu View Before any new images.JPG.resx to C:/wamp/www//wp-content/uploads/Desktop Menu View Before any new images.JPG’ , at C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\server_php\phpuploader\include_phpuploader.php line 1381 @ C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\server_php\phpuploader\include_phpuploader.php:222
#0 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\server_php\phpuploader\include_phpuploader.php(1381): PhpUploader_Move(‘C:\\wamp\\www\\aqu…’, 1381, ‘c:/wamp/tmp/upl…’, ‘C:/wamp/www//wp…’)
#1 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_rte.php(1868): PhpUploadFile->MoveTo(‘C:/wamp/www//wp…’)
#2 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_rte.php(1331): RTEWebFileProvider->CreateFile(Object(RTEFolderID), ‘Desktop Menu Vi…’, Object(PhpUploadFile))
#3 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_rte.php(927): RTEFileManager->AjaxCreateFile(Object(RTEStorage), ‘Desktop Menu Vi…’, Object(CuteSoftLibrary_Dynamic), Object(RichTextEditor), Object(PhpUploadFile))
#4 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_rte.php(674): RichTextEditor->AjaxUploadFiles(Object(CuteSoftLibrary_Dynamic), Object(CuteSoftLibrary_Dynamic), ’33f68374-726d-3…’)
#5 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_cs2.php(335): RichTextEditor->InvokeAjaxMethod(Object(CuteSoftAjaxContext))
#6 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_cs2.php(279): CuteSoftAjaxContext->InternalProcess()
#7 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_cs2.php(237): CuteSoftAjaxContext->Process(Object(RichTextEditor))
#8 C:\wamp\www\aqualyticusa\wp-content\plugins\richtexteditor\richtexteditor\include_rte.php(580): CuteSoftLibrary->ProcessAjaxPostback()
I got this crash:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/…./public_html/wp-content/plugins/richtexteditor/richtexteditor_wordpress_class.php on line 824
]]>http error2 :
<b>Warning</b>: mkdir(): No such file or directory in <b>/home/rjohnson/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/richtexteditor/richtexteditor/include_rte.php</b> on line <b>1879</b>
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<ajax><response><result t=”null”/></response></ajax>
I just installed and activated this plugin, but when I go to make a new post, all I can see is the Add New Post subject bar and a broken image below that. Nothing else. I turned off all other active plugins to see if something was interfering with it, but I got the same results. Any advice?
]]>I like it. I like the look, I like the feel. That saying, I do see some problems, and I can see some improvement.
First, it’s not compatible with a few plugins that add buttons to tinyMCE. Shortcodes for example. Then there’s one which adds a button for installing sub-pages,Multi Pages, which I find useful.
The big problem I’ve found is where the last few letters of a word get “orphaned” at the end of a line.
This leads us to justification, which doesn’t seem to work right. I set justification, type out the paragraph, then hit return and have justification set back to the default. In addition to which the kerning in the document is a bit too wide. Mucking great gaps between letters and words when I use full justify.
Finally we have the tables. Overall there it works find, but it could use better organization. Please put everything into one place. May I recommend having a drop down menu with sub-menus for the table. On that menu would be the following.
table height
table width
cell height
cell width
content justification: horizontal and vertical; left, center, right, full, bottom, middle, top
background; table, column, row, cell
border; thickness, appearance, color.
The thing I most like about the tables in your plugin is, you can resize them.
Some explanation of how features in your plugin are and can be used would be helpful. And one more thing; I can see separating template from table, since they really are two different things.
Thanks for your time, I’m now off to play with my new toy.
since yesterday the RichTextEditor throws Licence Errors. Why does this happen ? I downloaded it from www.ads-software.com, where I cannot find anything bout licences…
Can you please help me ?
Kind regards
]]>bug lang persian arbic
All text is illegible editor
WordPress is used in Persian and Arabic
]]>Hi All,
First time pretty much asking a question in WP forums.
I saw for this Rich Text Editor a couple of bad reviews. I design websites so take those with a grain of salt as novices may be impatient with any wait times.
The other “problem” I saw was that some felt as if the plug in just stopped working and they thought it might be a paid/premium plug in and not free so before I get used to the features I just want that confirmed.
So far it is really nice. I was using a similar “CMS” that had a “Layer” option built in and that disappeared so I was really happy to see this installed along with other time saving features for customization.
Anyone who knows for sure and especially the developers should chime in to confirm if:
~~~~this plug in is free
~~~~if I can install it on sites I am creating for clients.
This stuff is important for all legal reasons so looking forward to the reply.
Hi Team,
I want to install text editor plugin in my site.
I am having simple two boxes.
No wordpress theme.
]]>Hi developers.. i found problem if i click on the button image /upload i dont see on pc foletr into my computer.
Where is problem? thanx
]]>editor has the page but but no tools ever show up, just the never ending loading gif, sit and spin, even after 1 hour, still spinning
latest php, mysql and Apache, CentOS 6
Warning: session_start(): user session functions not defined in /srv/bindings/3e03fc9f74704c6ba77b86b99b80380a/code/wp-content/plugins/richtexteditor/richtexteditor/include_rte.php on line 7 Fatal error: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: user (path: ) in /srv/bindings/3e03fc9f74704c6ba77b86b99b80380a/code/wp-content/plugins/richtexteditor/richtexteditor/include_rte.php on line 7
Any ideas on how to fix this so I can get back to my site?
]]>When is the next update for this plugin?
]]>I just installed the plugin, it can’t be loaded in wordpress 4.1
]]>Site: https://www.almudarabah.com
Need a little help here. I am using WordPress 4.0.1 with Catch Everest Theme in English and custom CSS for RTL Arabic Text.
I am trying to use the Rich Text Editor but it’s giving me the following error line at the bottom of every page:
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method dc_jqaccordion::footer() should not be called statically in C:\xampp\htdocs\almudarabah\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 505
I have checked other forums for the many solutions offered to resolve the Strict Standards error but am unable to fix the issue where dc_jqaccordion appears in Accordion Menu files.
The string for dc_jqaccordion can be found in the jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu and deactivating this plugin fixes the error.
But I want the Accordion Menu plugin also because I am using it for a secondary dropdown menu on the left of the pages.
The plugin.php has this code:
`function do_action($tag, $arg = ”) {
global $wp_filter, $wp_actions, $merged_filters, $wp_current_filter;if ( ! isset($wp_actions[$tag]) )
$wp_actions[$tag] = 1;
++$wp_actions[$tag];// Do ‘all’ actions first
if ( isset($wp_filter[‘all’]) ) {
$wp_current_filter[] = $tag;
$all_args = func_get_args();
}if ( !isset($wp_filter[$tag]) ) {
if ( isset($wp_filter[‘all’]) )
}if ( !isset($wp_filter[‘all’]) )
$wp_current_filter[] = $tag;$args = array();
if ( is_array($arg) && 1 == count($arg) && isset($arg[0]) && is_object($arg[0]) ) // array(&$this)
$args[] =& $arg[0];
$args[] = $arg;
for ( $a = 2; $a < func_num_args(); $a++ )
$args[] = func_get_arg($a);// Sort
if ( !isset( $merged_filters[ $tag ] ) ) {
$merged_filters[ $tag ] = true;
}reset( $wp_filter[ $tag ] );
do {
foreach ( (array) current($wp_filter[$tag]) as $the_ )
if ( !is_null($the_[‘function’]) )
call_user_func_array($the_[‘function’], array_slice($args, 0, (int) $the_[‘accepted_args’]));} while ( next($wp_filter[$tag]) !== false );
this is line 505 from above code:
call_user_func_array($the_['function'], array_slice($args, 0, (int) $the_['accepted_args']));
Please let me know what could be causing it and how to fix it.
]]>There are several options regarding inserting Media within the plugin but I am not sure how to link it to the Media contained in the WordPress site itself.