Hi – Many thanks for this great plugin.
I’ve selected the following:
When a comment is added
When a comment is approved
but not
When a comment is marked as spam
However, spam comments are included in the notifications. WordPress seems to know they are spam when they are sent to because they are marked as “Comment Status – This comment has been marked as spam.”
Is there any way to not be notified of spam comments?
Cheers, Rob
]]>I have just installed this plugin and it looks brilliant. I use Slack to document changes to the website and this plugin automates this ??
There seems to be an issue with the message sent to Slack when doing a plugin update. The message reads: The following WordPress plugin has been updated by username on the website-name website at URL.
There’s no mention in the message what plugin was updated.
]]>Is there a way to make different post categories go to different slack channels?
]]>It would be great if the documentation could show how to use the hooks to remove and add new fields to outgoing notifications.
]]>I launched a brand new site at the beginning of this week, and just installed the Rock the Slackbot plugin yesterday. Today I am being inundated with 404 notifications. Some of which are not even links with my domain. Have you seen this before?
]]>Is there a possibility to change the notifications that the plugin posts to the Slack channel? I get a notification whenever there’s a post published, but I want the “Edit the Content” and “View Latest Revision” out of it.
Is that possible?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Dear developer,
After testing a bit i noticed that the plugin sends only 1 notification if a post is pending for review. if the author clicks on it again or updates something there is no notification. is there any way I can turn this on?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I am looking to get a slack notification every time someone views one of our pages? Is there a code I can put on the pages?
Rock The Slackbot plugin is absolutely amazing. I experienced this especially when I got the email notification to update other plugins when Rock The Slackbot was unable to provide information to Slack (because of my mistake in channel name).
I wonder if you are planning to add integration with BuddyPress activity module and notifications about posts that are created in “Draft” or “Pending” state. Right now I must use another plugin (Ultimate Slack Notifications) to handle this. But I want to use RTSB only ??
Many thanks,
I can’t seem to get this to wok for pages? Also is there an event to show when an Post/Page is pending?
]]>I receive the error below consistently. When I reset the Webhook with a new URL integration, it works 2-3 times and then begins delivering the same message again. Any ideas? Thank you!
There was an error when trying to post to Slack from WordPress.
Payload URL: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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
Channel: #general
Message: Steve Chisnell published the following content on the The RO ELAboratory website at https://elaboratory.chisnell.com.
Content Author: Steve Chisnell
Edit the Content: https://elaboratory.chisnell.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4575&action=edit
Old Status: Draft
Current Status: Publish
Content Type: Glossary Item
Firstly, I have just installed this theme and it’s brilliant. I use Slack to document changes to the website and this plugin automates this.
I have an issue with plugin and theme updates.
I use managewp to update plugins, they are getting reporting in Slack but not with the full details. It says the following plugin has been updated, but that is the end of the message.
Managewp has a plugin of its own to carry out the task on my sites. I manage a lot of sites through managewp.
Many thanks
]]>This plugin is generating multiple update notifications in Slack for other plugin updates. Is it possible to code in a check to avoid this behaviour or limit notifications to e.g. once an hour for the same event?
]]>I am using a plugin that uses custom post types for events and I am curious if this will work, or just for a regular post type?
]]>Hi Rachel, thanks for making this plugin! I believe I’ve set everything up correctly, but when I make a new post, I see no signs of life in Slack. How would you recommend debugging this? Is there a log somewhere for the plugin?
]]>Thanks for a very useful plugin. I look forward to seeing comment notification added. Are you also adding support for Pages notification, or is that already enabled via Posts?