Rating: 5 stars
Rocket chat is awesome in general.
I love and appreciate their contribution to the community.
Rating: 1 star
BUT – RocketChat Live Chat DOES work.
Here is how:
First login as admin to your Rocket.Chat server, then in admin enable Livechat.
Next, go back to your Rocket.Chat main screen and there’ll be a new little Livechat dropdown at the top of the sidebar.
Click on that and you get a load more menu options.
In there you can go to Agents and add some Agents (you have to have at least one added before it will work).
Then go to Installation and copy the javascript.
Finally, paste the javascript into your WordPress just above the last body tag (I always use Genesis themes which handily have a Header/ Footers Scripts option in theme options to and you can just paste it in there).
This plugin didn’t work/ do anything for me. But I’ve now got Rocket.Chat Live Chat working and it’s great! ??
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Installed the plugin. no settings or any options of any kind. nothing actually happens
]]>Rating: 5 stars
As a user of Rocket.Chat i wanted to test this plugin on my website. It took me exactly 4 minutes to make it work properly as i wanted. Awesome and thanks for the plugin ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin is awesome if you want to integer a livechat on wordpress. You must configure livechat on your rocket.chat installation.
More on configuration on this page https://infos-reseau.com/livechat-sur-un-site-web-cms-drupal-et-wordpress/.
Très bon plugin qui intègre un livechat sur wordpress. Attention, la configuration du plugin est basique, il faut configurer le livechat sur rocket.chat. un tuto de configuration sur cette page:
Rating: 1 star
This plugin is just a stub, a skeleton of what could have been a plugin that’s described. You can look at the source code here: https://github.com/mbanusic/wp-rocketchat-livechat . As you can see from the code it does absolutely nothing other than declare itself as a plugin, register with WP Admin, and that’s it. There is absolutely no functionality to perform anything else. This plugin is nothing but the developer’s dream, it does not actually exist…
]]>Rating: 5 stars
If you are thinking about integrating live chat on your website, Rocket.Chat will easily save you about $100/month for a team of five agents.
Chat is basically free these days but live chat is not. This is a splendid integration. Hats off to the Rocket.chat crew who have built us an independent citadel of real time communication. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. It’s much appreciated.