I’m wondering what I need to do to pull in a custom field from a post?
I keep getting this PHP Warning popping up in my error log.
PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “ID” on null in /home/DOMAIN/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rps-include-content/rps-include-content.php on line 447
Just wondering if it’s something I’m doing wrong.
Thank You for the plugin btw.
]]>So far no issues; seems to work as intended. However, this plugin has a warning:
“Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.”
Apparently, it has not been tested since v6.0.3, yet WordPress is up to 6.2 – is this plugin still safe to use? It hasn’t been updated in some time.
hi, thank you for the wonderful plugin. it seems it is incompatible with Elementor Pro. when trying to open a page that contains your shortcode, elementor pro stays in an endless loading mode. the free elementor doesnt have this problem.
any ideas?
]]>On my page, I want to include a few posts. However, each post has in it an image aligned to the left. The problem is with one of the posts that has short text. There is not enough test to “wrap” the image. Instead, subsequent content from the page is wrapped around the image from included posts. I don’t want that – how to avoid id?
For now, I have worked around it by adding a spacer block, but this is a poor solution. Not really responsive or adaptive to changes of the included content. Is there any better way? Is there a way to force the included content into a block that clears floating?
]]>I have pages like technical-details or gallery and I want to add these pages into product pages.
I tried these shortcodes but it doesn’t work.
[rps-include page=”technical-details”] or
[rps-include page=”/technical-details”]
I’m trying to embed a post which contained a review using WP Review plugin, into another post, but then the review are not displayed. Please help, thanks.
I need to include a post on 2 sections of same page i.e. one for desktop and mobile view respectively. However, the inclusion fails on 2nd instance. Please help.
Please Note: I can’t have one code for both views as i need the ordering to be different for both view.
]]>I’m willing to fund a function to show/hide the included content, somewhat like an accordion drop-down.
]]>Dear support
we are building a new web page including the use of RPS Include Content. Problem is some pgae formatting and content is not included on the new page.
1. Formatting of header image is wrong –> should be full size, image has body width
2. we use caldera forms on original page (included with shortcode) –> this part is not shown on the new page.
Tested with several root pages, always same no full width header or included shortcode for caldera forms.
We use following RPS shortcode:
[rps-include page=”6526″ filter=”true” embeds=”true”]
We are using enfold theme and several other plugIns (WPDM downloadmanager, BNE Flyout, etc.)
Any ideas to fix the problem?
Best Regards Marc
]]>WP allows for automatic embedding of videos with just the URL. But when I pull that content to another page or site (on my multisite), it just displays a plain link.
This is a test page demonstrating the problem:
This page contains the following code:
[rps-include blog=30 page=18098 filter=true]
[rps-include blog=30 page=18100 filter=true]
[rps-include blog=30 page=18107 filter=true]
[rps-include blog=30 page=18109 filter=true]
[rps-include blog=30 page=18111 filter=true]
On this page, you’ll see that there is a plain video link at the top of the page, as well as plain video links on the “Video” tab just below. The plain link at the top was a test to isolate the link from the tabs, just to be sure it’s not being messed up by the code for the tabs (Tabby plugin), but that doesn’t seem to be the problem.
Here is the first page referenced in the code above (18098), which demonstrates how I would expect the above demo page to look/behave:
Thanks for looking at this.
]]>Dear support
we are trying to use content from a custom post type, unfortunatelly this is not working. We are using Custom Post Type UI –> is there a way to register our cpts into RPS? Or will it not be possible to use cpts with RPS?
Thanks for your support Marc
]]>[rps-include post=”157″]
The source page shows up in the target page perfect except for one aspect. Paragraphs are joined when I preview the page that should be separate and are so in admin.
I must note that this problem is not when I use the shortcode in a normal test page. It works 100% there. Instead I am using a Tabs extension and information is within these tabs. So I go into the tab visual editor add the shortcode, which functions identically to a standard wordpress Page that I can see.
The paragraph formatting doesn’t normally use the <p> tag but I tried to add this in as a hack to see in the text editor but the CMS strips it back out straight away when I update or toggle back to the visual editor. It seems in the passing into the Tab area/page it is not recognizing the CMS’s standard treatment of paragraphs where there is no P tag used to separate blocks of text.
]]>Hi everybody,
This is a great plugin and it worked fine until now.
On certain posts I have included a menu through this code:
[rps-include page=9088 filter=true]
It refers to a page with a menu that I created.
Now I notice, that on those posts the Add to Any Buttons are displayed twice below each other.
I didn’t check the add to any option in the screen options in the admin, but I understand from the faq that the Add to Any buttons will be displayed on any post and page.
That is probably why I get them twice.
How can I get rid of one of those Add to Any Buttons?
I already asked the question at the Add to Any Buttons support forum, but they don’t answer.
Here is a post where you can see the Add to Any Buttons displayed twice, at the bottom of the post: https://www.tina-turner.nl/blog/tina-turner-berlin-january-2009/
]]>Thank you for the plugin. It was working nicely until I did some editing on the source page.
I use this plugin to replicate page A in page B. Page A is used for normal website viewing while Page B is used for linking from newsletters without displaying menus and other items. Page A is divided into reference sections which are used in the newsletter to display specific sections.
The problems can be seen by viewing the two pages:
Page A: https://taastrategies.com/performance/
Page B: https://taastrategies.com/performancereference/
Note that the beginning 3 paragraphs are all run together and further down, whole sections are merged together.
]]>I have two identical sites in multisite, with different data.
There are search forms that displays results according to each sites data.
there are two blogs with id 1 and 2.
Trying to use the plugin, i get the page form but with different search criteria options. those options are from the site with id1.
it seems something wrong with the multisite
i should get the search criteria from blogid=2
]]>I’m using this on a multisite and I have this on my target page in blog 30:
[rps-include blog=23 post=5771 filter=true]
There are two types of shortcodes on the source page, from two different plugins:
1) “Tabby” tabs – [tabby title="Algebra"]
2) WP Download Manager – [wpdm_category id="algebra" tags="case-study,case-studies" toolbar="0" template="568dc073bf39f" cols=1 colspad=1 colsphone=1 item_per_page="30"]
The “Tabby” plugin is network activated, and it works fine on the target site/page – that is, it creates tabs for content as expected.
The WPDM plugin is also network activated, but it does not have any actual content in the target site, only in the source site. It is not displaying content from the source site on the target site.
I suspect I understand the problem, but I’d like to know if there is a way to fix it.
WPDM provides a way to build a repository of downloadable content. I have created a lot of downloads on one site of the network, but I would like to show a list items from one WPDM category on another site in the network.
WPDM does not support this functionality, so I hoped RPS Includes would be a workaround.
Unfortunately, it fails gracefully (displays nothing) on the target page.
Is there any chance at making this work?
]]>Can the plugin echo certain parts only of the original posts?
For example: if i want to show a paragraph of one post into the other, can i wrap it in a div tag or iframe or so and use the plugin to show this part only, not the whole post?
Great plugin…
Is ther any way to get the featured image to come across also?
I can’t seem to find a Change Log entry for 1.1.4 anywhere. I’m always a little nervous about updating, when I can’t get a high level sense of what the update entailed.
]]>I installed the Material theme today and discovered that the RPS-include plugin is not displaying content. I had the same issue with a theme called Flat Responsive, but decided to go with Material instead.
A draft page on the site I’m building is at https://www.chulaoviejo.com/group-trainings/.
Suggestions welcome!
— Paul
as the title says. I’d like to import content from subtitles when the user click on a link. If he wants to know more, he shall get more. If not, the main text (and it’s loading time) shouldn’t be burdened by imported text nobody wants to see.
Do you think there’s an easy solution (best would be an js-onclick-event)?
We use this plugin all over the place in our multisite, because it is awesome. Basically, we can’t live without it at this point, because our network heavily relies on it. We updated to 4.1.1 recently and found a small issue. Previously, when logged in and looking at a page using the shortcode, there were edit/view links (I think those were the labels) that would take you directly to the page that was was being pulled in so you could edit it. These links were extremely useful/time saving, but they aren’t showing up anymore. Any ideas?
This plug-in might be exactly what I am looking for. My site is primarily photo collections and for various post types, I use the same content over and over. I would love to be able to pull this content from a page and include in posts allowing me to easily make mass edits. I installed the plug-in, created a page with my content and included it in a post. Worked like a dream. The only issue I am having is that since the content is in an include, it is not showing as an excerpt on my home page. Is there a way to get the included content to show on the home page?
]]>Would be nice if there was an option to use the slug, instead of the post id.
Just an idea.
]]>I try to insert the shortcode
[rps-include post=”720″ title=”true” titletag=”h2″ ]
The post in index.php is shown via $queried_post->post_content . This is what is in index.php
$post_id = 264;
$queried_post = get_post($post_id);
echo $queried_post->post_content
The shortcode appears without showing the corresponding content and i get the shortcode displayed as normal text but no content.
On a single post from single.php displays the content fine . This is the code in single.php
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post();
php the_title();
php the_content();?>
So, can i get the content shown properly when including shortcode in a single post displayed with $queried_post->post_content ?
Thank you !
The social media share button is missing after I include the content from another page.
The jetpack version is 3.1.1.
Please assist me to resolve this problem.
Thank you.
]]>I have this:
MASTER Page (a custom post type): The content of this page is made up of “blocks” containing the page content of various other CPTs I have (using the RPS Include Content). Renders wonderfully and as expected when I view it in a browser. I’d like the client to be able to actually edit the content from the front-end.
This is how I would like it to work:
Client clicks “Edit”, which then pulls up the rendered MASTER page, showing the various short-coded blocks which are pulled in. I want the content to show, rather than the short-code itself. Client should then just click an area, which would then launch a modal or use in-line editing to modify the content of each block. He then would click “update”, and the MASTER page would be saved with all the edits made. It would need to also save the edits in the short-coded areas source.
Anyone know how I can achieve what I need?
]]>Hi, I’m not using multi-site, but have a wordpress site set up as a sub domain that shares the same database as the top level site. I was hoping to place the snippets on the sub site, to keep them separate from the main site, but be be able to bring them in for presentation on the main site. Is this possible?
]]>If I just want to pull some part of the content from a post/side. Can I do this?
How can I define what to include? With a div or?
How do I format the shortcode?
Example. [rps-include post=”500″ content=”DIV ID FIRM”]