when changing to PHP 7.2.25, I got this warning
Warning: Use of undefined constant rs_event_widgets – assumed ‘rs_event_widgets’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/<myurl>/wp-content/plugins/rs-event-multiday/rs-event-multiday.php on line 1314
I solved the problem, by thanging this in /rs-event-multiday.php line 1314
/* register widget when loading the WP core */
add_action(‘widgets_init’, rs_event_widgets);
/* register widget when loading the WP core */
add_action(‘widgets_init’, rs_event_widgets’);
Hi Florian (?),
Thank you for the plugin. I use it over some years and it does what should.
However in my test environment I get the error it it is enabled:
“Notice: Use of undefined constant rs_event_widgets – assumed ‘rs_event_widgets’ in /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/rs-event-multiday/rs-event-multiday.php on line 1314
Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in RS_EVENT_multiday_widget ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen
in /usr/share/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3891”
This is confusing, because there is no error in the production system (also 4.7.1).
Have You any idea?
Just if anyone needs it – it is possible to add the post event date to the RSS feed of ‘posts’.
I have created a simple ‘plugin’ (added a folder ‘rssaddeventinfo’ into ‘plugins’ and added a rssaddeventinfo.php in there) that you can just enable to have this feature.
Unfortunately, I found only a way how to publish event start date, and not the end date, times and so on.
Plugin Name: RSSaddRsEventMultidayEventInfo
Plugin URI: https://mypage.sk
Description: My custom plugin that gets post custom data from plugin ‘rs-event-multiday’ and adds it into RSS as new tag
Version: 1.00
Author: Miro Janosik
Author URI: https://mypage.sk
// credits:
// https://matthewman.net/2012/10/09/wordpress-rss-custom-elements/
// https://blogs.it.ox.ac.uk/inapickle/2009/12/16/adding-event-times-and-location-to-rss-and-atom-feeds/
add_action( ‘rss2_item’, ‘add_eventinfo_to_rss’ );
add_action( ‘rss2_ns’, ‘add_eventinfo_to_rss_namespace’ );
function add_eventinfo_to_rss_namespace()
echo “xmlns:ev=\”https://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/event/\”\n”;
function add_eventinfo_to_rss()
$custom_fields = get_post_custom();
$event_start = $custom_fields[_rs_event_start][0];
if ($event_start != 0)
echo “<ev:startdate>”.gmdate(“c”, $event_start).”</ev:startdate>\n”;
]]>The Widget for the sidebar doesnt work anymore.
does anyone else got this problem?
First of all I was using MR Events for years and today found your plugin. Halleluja – what a difference in features – fantastic! Thank you very much for this.
I noticed the feature to have events from the past couple of days shown in the list.
It would be fantastic if those were wrapped in a different CSS class so it would become possible to give them a different styling, e.g. show events that are in the past in italics or red or something similar.
Would you consider this in the next plugin update?
kind regards
]]>On my blog side bar, the date format differs between the starting and end dates for any multiday events.
For example, see https://tomcho.com/wp/category/blog/ where the current dates shown are:
05.08. – 06 Sep 2014
12.07. – 18 Jul 2014
12.06. – 28 Jun 2014
How can I get these dates to look like 5 Aug – 6 Sep 2014?
I don’t know any PHP.
]]>Is it possible to show posts in widget in more then one category?
The only option i can see is 1 ID or all categories.
Is it possible to choose ie 2 or 3 categories?
It would be awesome if there was a mini calendar widget where you click on a date and all events/posts for that day appeared
]]>Is there any thoughts about to create a calendar view in order to visit a page like https://www.wordpress-site.xxx/calendar and get a view like this picture
it is possible that visitors in the calendar Termine can enter through an entry field in the Frontend?
Thank you
]]>Hi Lefty
I’m using the plug-in and it’s great as a widget in the sidebar. I would like to create a full length events list on a page, in date order. Is that possible?
]]>hello, I really like this events plugin.
There are a lot of events plugin, but no one like this has a simple approach and avoids unuseful custom post types.
I have one question already asked in topic title: does it works well with WPML multilingual plugin?
Obviously I’m referring to the listing widget, as for the rest it will work for sure as events are standar posts.
SO, does the widget filter events for the current WPML language?
I wonder if it is possible that you can fix so the given RS EVENT date is the date who shows in wp-admin when viewing all posts? At the moment it is really hard to know which post who is for which date if they have the same title. The best would be if it takes the space in all posts admin that the original publish date have.
Is it possible to fix this?
Otherwise a really brilliant plugin!
]]>Hi – %EXCERPT% doesn’t seem to be working in rs_event_list either since the upgrade to this plugin or to WP 3.5 (I am not sure which). This can be seen in https://stmatthews-bristol.org.uk/ where the 2 items under “Services this Sunday” and 1 under “Coming Soon” should show excerpts from the posts.
]]>I have just upgraded the plugin to the latest version and all of my old posts now have an end time of 12:00 AM. Presumably because they were carried over from the previous version which didn’t support end times. How can I set them so that they don’t show an end time at all? New posts are ok.
I’m trying to delete the border between the events. I can’t find it anywhere, not like a border or like a image. Seems that there isn’t a css-file anyway, witch is strange because the output is styled.
Does anybody know where I can change this?
]]>Excellent widget. Looks and functions beyond my expectations.
Is there a way to display the featured image in the widget?
]]>Is it possible to list events per month? What I want to achieve is this:
– 4th -> event name
– 19th -> event name
– 3th -> event name
– 28 -> event name