When activated, the plugin generates a notice in my local install of WordPress. This can easily be avoided by checking if a session was already started.
Notice: A session had already been started – ignoring session_start() in […]\wp-content\plugins\rs-members\rsmembers.php on line 31
Also, when viewing the plugin’s admin pages there are a lot of notices about undefined constants, e.g.
Notice: Use of undefined constant RsMembersmailchimpAdmin – assumed ‘RsMembersmailchimpAdmin’ in […]\wp-content\plugins\rs-members\include\rsmembers-admin.php on line 126
Frontend of the install also generates notices like
Notice: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in […]\wp-includes\functions.php on line 3828
Notice: Undefined index: user_login in […]\wp-content\plugins\rs-members\include\rsmembers-public.php on line 70
This makes the plugin unusable in an environment where error reporting is set to also show warnings.
]]>I setting up a membership-based site and want new members to be able to self-register, but their registrations must be approved before they are allowed to access private content. I have set the “Moderate Registration” to on, but as soon as a new member submits their registration, they are able to log in. The system is not holding new registrations for admin approval.