Hello, please let questions
Why is the content of each article the same at the first import of RSS Post Importer?
It is displayed correctly in the second and subsequent imports.
If you know the cause, I would like to know.
]]>Please i can redirect imported rss feed to original rss feed url
imported/published rss feed on my website : mrsea.com/boboplaywell
to original rss : tribune.com/boboplaywell
Thank you
]]>I signed up for the feedsapi full rss key but I didn’t receive the welcome email to get my api key. Is there another way I can retrieve it? Thanks!
]]>i’ve subscribe free trial 14 days,
I very interested to buy premium version but I wrote to the support but there was no answer.
In the trial version I can not get the API key to test the plugin on wordpress. You can help me?
]]>I’m pulling Blogspot/Blogger to feed the content I create there into my WordPress site. I remember it working correctly when I ingested the feed. I made an edit to an existing post, but the feed plugin doesn’t auto pull the new content? Is this not intended to do so?
]]>Hi, plugin is working absolutely perfect but i need to make some minor changes, i want to store custom description with the post that created by the plug-in, so in which file i shoud go and do some codding & concatenate the results with the plug-in imported description
php error log is listing the following warning:
[22-Jun-2018 11:34:08 UTC] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant full – assumed ‘full’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in …/wp-content/plugins/rss-post-importer/app/classes/front/class-rss-pi-front.php on line 258
]]>My guess is that this plug is no longer updated and does not work anymore. When I tried to make a minor edit to the feed settings all the feeds disappeared and I cannot add any new ones. Any suggestions for similar plug-ins?
]]>Hi there.
First of, love the plugin. One of the only ones that actually work. I’m having some trouble however importing feeds that are SoundCloud. I believe i tried everything. The mp3 tags are in the feeds (they are included in the RSS) but for some reason they are stripped once the feed gets imported in the RSS importer plugin. I even tried making a Feedburner feed (and the mp3 are clearly there) but again, something gets stripped.
Any ideas on how I can import soundcloud feeds? I dont care about the player. I just want the plugin to see the mp3 files.
update : This is my test feed : https://feeds.feedburner.com/AWAP . you clearly see all the MP3s but then, when I import… The files don’t show. https://podcastmontreal.com/feed
i have about 160feeds, and from time to time i have problem with some sources of feeds.
Is possible manually start only 1 import feed feed if works?
Thank you.
]]>This feed quit working 1 month ago. I’ve reached out via email several times to the developer. No response.
]]>Use of undefined constant full – assumed ‘full’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /rss-post-importer/app/classes/front/class-rss-pi-front.php on line 205
I’ve changed each constant full to string “full” and all wents fine.
]]>I’m having an issue. I set everything up and did a “save and import”. It worked good but I noticed that I needed to make a minor change to include the categories. I deleted the post. Now, I can’t get the feed to re-import. I permanently deleted the first post. Cleared the cache on my hosting server. Purged deleted posts cache from the plugin but still I can’t get the plugin to re-import the same post that I just deleted. How do I fix this issue? I’m sure this has happened before.
]]>The images from the RSS feed I am importing are not loading – – I believe it is because they are using a different way to code their RSS feed. They code their images like this:
<enclosure url=”https://vmcdn.ca/f/files/guelphtoday/images/animals/20171202-dogs-ts-2.jpg;w=630″ type=”image/jpeg”/>
<media:content url=”https://vmcdn.ca/f/files/guelphtoday/images/animals/20171202-dogs-ts-2.jpg;w=630″ type=”image/jpeg”/>
Is there any way I can get the image to upload properly into the image tag of your plugin? I hope I am making sense.
Thanks for your time.
The plug in it′s not working. The filters are not working.
Please help I′ve already paid annual fee.
I′ve paid for a License and the PRO version it′s not working.
I′m using keyword filters and they are not working.
I have now tried several AutoBlogg plugins (including RSS Post Importer) for WordPress and all of them work with RSS feeds from Blogspot or other blogs for example, but not with the websites I would like to follow their feed.
E.g. Automation.com / BBC.com RSS feed which works fine with RSS Readers, but the plugins can not detect it ?
Are they blocking this kind of plugins or is there any mismatches that I am not aware of …
Thanks for your help
]]>Currently, the RSS Post Importer takes the top image for the featured image – this works well. However, it still leaves the image in the content, thus creating a double-up of the image when posted (the feature image is directly above duplicated image in the content). It also adds 2 images in my media library.
I need to manually remove the image from the post content’s html before publishing.
Is there any way for this to be done automatically? Is there a setting I am missing or do I need to add a script? If so, what?
Here is an example of the code I need to delete from the content box:
The import is simply not running.
The import is done if I press the manual “Save & Import” button.
Also, when I manually import, the posts get Scheduled Status BUT with past dates.
For example, it’s 14:30 and there’s a post scheduled to 14:20 today…
I am running the 2.5.2 and getting the below errors, in my error_log file
I presume it is when it can’t get an image, it fails as it not for every import.
Anyone know a fix?
[14-Sep-2017 02:11:28 UTC] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘tmp_name’ in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rss-post-importer/app/classes/helpers/class-rss-pi-featured-image.php on line 125
[14-Sep-2017 02:11:28 UTC] PHP Warning: Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rss-post-importer/app/classes/helpers/class-rss-pi-featured-image.php on line 125
[14-Sep-2017 02:11:28 UTC] PHP Warning: filesize() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, object given in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 323
]]>Hi there,
I’ve tested all plugin options to stop downloading images on server, but I couldn’t. Any idea?
]]>From what I can tell, the Featured Image is never pulled across as part of the feed. It looks like the first image of a post is used as the featured image, rather than the actual featured image.
This is leading to an issue for me because my posts on Site A (the transferring site) have one image, the featured image. At the bottom of the post, there is a social share plugin with the Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus icons.
When the post is sent to Site B (the receiving site), the image that is used for the featured image is the Facebook icon because it is the first “image” found in the post content and the Featured Image from Site A’s post is ignored.
Has anyone else come across this issue before?
]]>Hi there, I have already contacted your support without reply three days ago. I have the premium version and I am using the 14 day free trial version however its not working? I just get this message here: A valid key must be supplied when I try to create a full text rss feed. Can you please respond to my query here.
Also I have signed up to the 14 day trial however you seem to have taken 19dollars from my account the next day? Can you please explain this.
Thank you in advance.
It looks like there may also be a problem with the logging. Ever since clearing my log the ‘view the log’ option just shows a blank log. The ‘Latest import’ entry has also stopped updating (new posts have been imported since the date showing!).
+Suggestion: It would actually be good to have much more detailed logging – I’ve noticed calls to the api fail/timeout quite a lot, so it would be good to have more information instead of just ‘0 imported’.
]]>Hi! very nice work buit I did not find what I expected to be able to do.
Import works fine, even if documentation is very basic”. Whatever, it works. But…
I’d like to import feed and display them on a page (title, featued image and excerpt) but not to open them in my website. I’d like title/image/whatever to directly open in a new tab in the source site.
any way to get there ?
best regards,
Hello… A help for this eror please.
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_create_category() in /home/mysite.gr/portal/wp-content/plugins/rss-post-importer/app/classes/import/class-rss-pi-engine.php on line 384
3 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite.gr/portal/wp-content/plugins/rss-post-importer/app/classes/import/class-rss-pi-engine.php on line 383
]]>I have a (local) fresh install of WordPress and only this plugin (free version). When I try to “save” a feed it blanks out the settings. If I “Save and Import” it was working slightly better, but changing other “settings” for the plugin also resulted in corrupted feed settings. I uninstalled the latest version to install 2.5.1. The older version seems to be “saving” settings as expected. Maybe there is a bug in the save settings for 2.5.2? I was going to reply to the other thread but it’s been closed.
]]>I am having trouble with the plugin importing the feeds. even when I “save and import” it doesn’t pull. i’ve read lots of the issues here and tried different things but i can’t get it to consistently work. i do have the paid version. What can I do to fix.
]]>Thanks for the useful plugin
the setting for Nofollow option for all outbound links?
changes all the outbound links on the site and is problematic
it would be much more useful and practical if these edits were restricted to the post being created.
I know that isn’t trivial to do, but can’t use the setting the way it is now.