We have a problem on the site when switching languages (in the shopping cart)
I wrote to wpml support, they replied that the problem is:
It took some time to find the cause of the problem on your site. As it turned out, the RusToLat plugin converts links for the address page of my account on the fly, which leads to an incorrect page transition and its subsequent display. When it is disabled, everything works as expected.
But for us, this is not a solution to the problem.
russian version of website https://prnt.sc/zjIub6_6eMct
after switch to ukrainian https://prnt.sc/SgSx1WNQs3sQ
its difficult blocks
Link for discuss with WPML
Оригинальный плагин Cyr-To-Lat был реинкарнирован. Все ошибки и недочёты исправлены.
На данный момент, возрождённый Cyr-To-Lat – единственный плагин такого типа, который поддерживает Gutenberg, а также все версии php от 5.6 до 7.3.
]]>cd o90964i2.beget.tech/public_html
wp search-replace ‘https://3dobj.ru’ ‘https://3dobj.ru’
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
Warning: strtr(): The second argument is not an array in /home/o/o90964i2/o90964i2.beget
.tech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/rustolat/rus-to-lat.php on line 60
I’m not able to get this work, I installed and activated it. Should I apply something else to have my Cyrillic URLs changed?
]]>Open file and change line
add_options_page('RusToLat', 'RusToLat', 8, __FILE__, 'rtl_options_page');
add_options_page('RusToLat', 'RusToLat', 'edit_pages', __FILE__, 'rtl_options_page');
Notice: Функция has_cap вызвана с аргументом, который считается устаревшим с версии 2.0!
]]>not work )
]]>If i set WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php then i get this: Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in D:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2923
]]>Rus-To-Lat works well for WordPress 1.2.9, but it is brocken for WP 3.2.1 as I see.
Cyr-To-Lat is going good for WP 3.2.1.
Use Cyr-To-Lat. A lot of thanks to Developers of it.