What is the shortcode to only show the root folder. I don’t want users to have access to subsfolders, only the root folder in s2member files directory
Thanks for creating the plugin – we have been using it for years and it always worked well for us ??
Recently, however we keep seeing zero search results returned. The page https://www.cazoommaths.com/advanced-maths-resources-search/
allows users to search the 500+ mathematical resources that we have on the site. The folders containing the files all appear and users can click to drill down and find a file but any search (for example for the word ‘fractions’) returns zero results.
We have recently migrated to new hosting (kinsta) and installed cloudflare, and so I am wondering if they in some way conflict with the search functionality.
All help greatly appreciated!
I have only one client with whom this happens : it reports much more downloads that she really does. It duplicates every file report, saying in the column IP : 2a01:cb1d:8a86:8000:2dd5:55e5:26ed:e42d and changes with time : 2a01:cb1d:8a86:8000:61dc:774f:a837:a5b7 and so on. The first (real) download reports her real IP. Only the duplicates does this. There is something like 5 to 10 duplicates for each download she makes.
When I’m logging as her account, it says only 8 downloads (and she said to me 8 also), in the window.
Do you know where it comes from ? I would like to be sure she’s won’t overload my bandwidth with some chrome plugin she has or else…
Btw, I’m using your (amazing) shortcodes to display the downloads, so nobody can’t make a right click to download, they have to go through “click” and “click ok in the window saying you’ve downloaded […] files”.
Thank you !
ps : do you have other plugins for s2member ?
]]>On lines 160 and 161 of file s2member-secure-file-browser/class/psk_s2msfb.class.php
, there are instances of create_function
which has been deprecated in PHP 7.2. This can be addressed by changing these lines:
add_action( ‘widgets_init’ , create_function( ” , ‘register_widget( “‘ . PSK_S2MSFB_WIDGET_DOWNLOAD_ID . ‘” );’ ) );
add_action( ‘widgets_init’ , create_function( ” , ‘register_widget( “‘ . PSK_S2MSFB_WIDGET_FILES_ID . ‘” );’ ) );
to these:
add_action( ‘widgets_init’ , function() {
register_widget( PSK_S2MSFB_WIDGET_DOWNLOAD_ID );
} );
add_action( ‘widgets_init’ , function() {
register_widget( PSK_S2MSFB_WIDGET_FILES_ID );
} );
Hello, I would like a mail alert when a file is downloaded. It would be very convenient to me.
]]>Bonjour Raphael,
J’ai installé votre plugin s2member Secure File Browser et il fonctionne bien en ligne. C’est top !
En revanche, je dois le faire tourner sur un serveur local et là, ca ne fonctionne pas du tout.
J’ai le texte “chargement en cours, merci de patienter”. Mais ensuite plus rien.
Auriez vous une idée de la raison de ce souci et comment le résoudre?
Merci d’avance
Is it possible to pull in more columns of user data to display on the statistics page of this plugin? I thought it might be possible by using the Access Settings capabilities section? Specifically my client needs to have more columns from custom fields of the users profile. I saw in one of the older support posts on this msg board that you were adding support for user first and last name in addition to username. How is possible to display those columns?
Thank you!
I have a problem with download dates.
Please see the image attached :
How do I solve this?
]]>How should I configure Secure File Browser to allow unregistered users to browse and download?
Currently, I have a shortcode as follows..
[s2member_secure_files_browser collapseeasing=”swing” collapsespeed=”500″ cutdirnames=”0″ cutfilenames=”0″ dirbase=”%2FMiPath%2F” dirfirst=”1″ displayall=”0″ displaybirthdate=”0″ displaycomment=”0″ displaydownloaded=”0″ displaysize=”1″ displaymodificationdate=”0″ dirzip=”0″ expandeasing=”swing” expandspeed=”500″ folderevent=”click” hidden=”0″ multifolder=”1″ openrecursive=”0″ s2alertbox=”0″ search=”1″ searchgroup=”0″ searchdisplay=”0″ sortby=”0″ /]
that allows unregistered users (not logged-in into WordPress) to browse folders and files, but when they click a file (to download it) it is redirected to the Membership Options Page.
Note: I don’t want the open registration alternative, but to allow unregisterd users to download some files. And that is because I want the UI to be consistent with other sections for registered users.
]]>Thanks for the plugin!
Running the Query Monitor plugin, I am getting the following message when I am on the admin pages:
Undefined offset: 1
In case it matters, I am running PHP 7.0.
]]>Hi there,
I want to download file usage as csv file which works perfectly. Only the csv file won’t show the user name but the user mail address thoug on the backend screen view the user name is given.
How can I get the csv file to show the user name instead of (or in addition to) the user mail address?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
I have added the widgets to the page but they are not displaying any files.
I even selected displaying all files and still nothing is showing up.
you can see the page here:
Thanks for your help,
]]>First thanks for the plugin.
I have been getting duplicate email notifications when a client downloads a file.
Is there a way I can fix this?
Thanks in advance – Sam
]]>What I’m trying to do is show a certain folder and all files and folders within it to users with certain capabilities. I’m not super familiar with regex or the Ascii characters that seem to be required by the shortcode so I’m looking for some guidance.
In my s2member-files directory I have sub-directories for certain capabilities such as access-s2member-ccap-view and then I have folders under that ccap directory.
I want a user with capability “view” to only be shown the documents folder in this directory and all of the document folder’s contents:
I think I can do this using the filterdir variable in the shortcode but I’m not sure how to do it. I have tried filterdir=”%2Fdocuments%2F” but that only shows the directory and not the files that are stored within it. Any suggestions?
]]>Nice plugin! I have an s2 setup with 4 groups, where group 4 can download from all directories, 3 all except 4, 2 all execpt 3 and 4 and so on – the regular setup.
However, I can’t seem to figure out how to hide the directories which some user groups aren’t supposed to see. All users see all directories and all files. They do get a warning when they try to download a file out of a directory they aren’t supposed to download from, but is there a way to hide those directories and files from higher? Am I missing an obvious shortcode?
]]>Can you please indicate how a specific user, can only access his uploaded files?
I used WordPress File Upload plugin to let users upload files into s2member-files secured directory using the ../wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/app_data/%username%
upload path (basically each user have the uploaded files in a folder with the same name of the user).
I want to let users to see, edit, modify the uploaded files (their files only), even to delete them if possible.
Thank you
]]>When clicking on the links in the widgets the files are not downloaded, but the download still counts against the user, so this is a problem. I will have to remove the widgets for now, but if you want to test them please contact me. [email protected]
website: shiphydros.com
I have a dark theme and I wanted to know how I can change the text colour and also the hover colour. please see the below link
]]>hi. In the shortcode generator I have selected ‘yes’ to ‘let user search files’. The search box comes up however, no files show up when I search for them. Please help.
]]>Hi. I have downloaded and activated but cant see the plugin to use it. I have added the shortcode into a new page, but this did nothing. I am using the devine theme. Any suggestions?
Is there a way to open the pdf in a new window? (ie target=”_blank”)
]]>Since updated to the latest s2Member I have not been getting download notifications from s2Member Secure File Browser.
Thanks – Sam
]]>Hello, I have just downloaded this plugin.
However All Downloads, Top Downloaders and Current s2member accounting are not working.
When I click on them I find all other links stop working and no stats display!
Please help…
]]>1) Can I replace file names other than
access-s2member-level0 :
access-s2member-level1 :
access-s2member-level2 :
access-s2member-level3 :
access-s2member-level4 :
access-s2member-ccap-videos :
2) Is there a way to ONLY show files that have been downloaded?
Great plugin – thanks.
]]>Just trying this plugin. I have jpg, pdf and zxp files. The only files that are showing are the pdf.
Any hints?
Thanks – Sam
]]>I’ve got an MySql error with both – an obsolete function. You are not the only one but it’s here.
]]>Plugin Author,
Can I use this plugin to restrict file downloads to specific users?
Can I create a group of users, who may only access a specific group of files?
Are files able to be password protected?
]]>All in the title. I don’t think I did any change… except update S2Member.
See https://tof.canardpc.com/view/4b10975d-ac92-4e13-9f48-61b4e0e7ea8d.jpg
The s2 file browser is not showing up within my newly installed theme. All the research I’ve done points to a jquery conflict between the theme and the plugin.
From another site (about another plugin)
I’ve checked out your site and the problem is a jQuery conflict. In your site you have a hardcoded jQuery file of your own. The plugin can’t be programmed to kill that, hence the conflict.
WP themes and plugins should not use their own jQuery files, they should refer to the jQuery files that are included as part of the WP core. If everyone does this then there would be no conflicts.
It looks like my theme calls the jquery correctly, but that it is hard coded into the plugin (isn’t that a bad thing?)
So can you update the plugin? Or am I wrong and it is in fact my theme with the problem?
This is a strange problem, but I hope you will be able to give me a hand on that.
I’m using a file browser shortcode on one of my pages that is only accessible for logged in members.
When I am logged in as an admin, the file browser is working perfectly.
However, when I tried as a level1 or level2 member, the ajax-loader stopped loading and the page crashes.
Version of WordPress : 3.8
Version of s2Member Secure File Browser : 0.4.10
Version of s2Member Framework : 131126
Thanks !