I’m not getting a popup in Safari asking for permission. When I echo out some of the responses I see that I’m getting a “denied” in the surrealroad_safaripush_requestPermissionCallback() function even though it didn’t even ask (and has not asked previously).
Any ideas? I’ve setup my push service on a subdomain and believe it is working correctly, but there is no way of testing until I get a device in the sql database.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I getting some issues with my images they are getting inverse or didn’t show up.
If I add this plugging this issue get fixed?
Changes being made by Apple coming into effect on October 29 mean your push notifications will stop working. Assuming you are using our reference push service, see this wiki page for details on how to update
There is a problem with safaripush_authcode. The code is not encrypted in the database.
If someone hack the server, it may have associated with the certificate code push.
It is necessary to encrypt the password in the database
Thank you
I use your safari push notification server from github and its very nice and easy to handle.
I also use this plugin and I wonder if there is any chance to easy enable notifications for firefox and chrome too. In their latest versions they should support push notifications.
But with your service, I only recieve permission questions in safari, not in firefox or chrome.
Any way how and where I could change that?
Thank you very much an best regards
It would be nice to give visitors the chance to choose categories to receive the push. By default it would be for all categories.
What do you think?
In version 1.0 of the plugin, it is mandatory to fill in the body field before publishing. If this field is empty when publishing, in the notification there will be no body.
Would be possible to put the title of the post by default in “Body”?
If the user does not change anything in this field, the default title is sent.
it would be a good compromise between the old system and the new
]]>When I try to activate the plugin, it tells me that it caused a fatal error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /www/htdocs/vier/wp-content/plugins/safari-push/safari-push.php on line 33
Any ideas how to fix this?
It would be nice to clear the Notification Logs when desired.
]]>Since the 0.9 version of the plugin, manual push from the settings does not work anymore. It no longer works on my two sites.
]]>I just noticed that for months, there are no new mac added to the database. I just understand why.
If you are a user logged on to the site and you sign up to receive pushs -> your mac is saved in the database
If you do not have an account on the site (ie “userID”: “0”) ->
no new mac added to the database
I have a problem, i have this error :
[20-Mar-2014 12:56:28 America/New_York] PHP Warning: fwrite(): SSL: Broken pipe in /home/ipodtou3/https/index.php on line 181
In my server push, i don’t know what is it, i have verif my ssl cert all is good, my cert apple is good also. So i don’t know .. and push are not recept on any devices.
If you have tips maybe you can help me,
I would like to report a problem, we have detect some many people don’t recept all time the push.
For exemple, monday i have recept all push of my website, but today 3 post are posted and i have nothing recept.. That weird.
Same for another website using our plugin.
Thanks for your help
I’ve been getting errors with the category option when it’s not been initialized…
I went to the settings page and well no categories were listed there for me to pick from…
It happens that all our posts are private and thus the categories count are always zero…
Anyway that put aside, people might create categories for future use and still want to have notification sent once the the will create their first post in these categories…
It would be nice that in the setting all categories are listed.
I change your code like this:
private function valid_category_array($defaults = false) {
$arr = array();
$categories = get_categories( array('public'=> true, 'hide_empty' => 0, 'show_count' => 0), "objects");
This way all the categories are always listed…
In the last 0.7.2 update, Javascript does not appear in the footer. It is not there in the header.
I have a problem, when my website load all js files in mobile he don’t works..
And your plugin is issues..
This is the error : https://i.imgur.com/ewMawjQ.png
And if you going to see my website with your iPhone you can see, slider, buttons, bottom don’t works..
Thanks for your help.
In the settings of the plugin, it would be nice to add a field to the destination URL when sending manual push.
This is useful when, for example, the push when publishing a post does not work or for testing.
Speaking of automatic push in the publication, it does not work if the title is too long.
In 0.7/0.7.1 plugin version, the “Enable push notifications” button do not works.
Normally, if I do not allow receipt of push, the button appears on the site. By clicking this button, the popup should reappear. But since 0.7, it does work anymore.
Thank you
The notifications’ management is also in Preferences > Notifications in OS X
Each time a visitor registers on a site to receive push notifications, it is possible to set the push in these settings
I made a discovery. If after a certain time after registering on a website (a month after, maybe two) you have not clicked on a notification, the website disappears from the list in Preferences > Notifications of OS X. And you no longer receive notifications for this site. This is automatic.
The only way to receive the push for this site is to remove the site from Safari push’s settings then register again. The site reappears in Preferences> Notifications of OS X.
Add a table in the database with the date of last connection to the site. Each time a push is sent and the user clicks clicks on it, the date associated with the user is updated .
A script on the page could do that.
If the user does not navigate for a month or two , its token is removed from the database.
This will keep a clean database
What do you think ?
]]>I installed the plugin when I click on setting, it opens up a page with this message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” I am administrator for the account, any idea what is the problem?
]]>To optimize the loading of pages, it is recommended to put the javascript in the footer. What do you think?
]]>I found something else that is not working quite as expected…
The userID from WP is not saved into the DB on the push server…
I tracked back and can see that the userID is set properly in the SafariPushParams
But on the server side
$userid = "";
foreach(apache_request_headers() as $header=>$value) { // this is the authorization key we packaged in the website.json pushPackage
if($header == "Authorization") {
$value = explode("_", $value);
if(isset($value[1]) && $value[1] >0) $userid = filter_var($value[1], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
There is no header named “Authorization”…
I’m not exactly sure if the userID should be in there and the issue is coming from the plugin side not sending the info or the script on the push server not looking in the right place…
Any idea what’s going on there?
I’ve setup everything but for some reason i cannot quite figure out, the button is not showing on the notification…
Is this a bug or is there something i have missed to get the button showing?
Just thought i’d let you know you have a bug here:
$url = parse_url( get_permalink( $post->id ) );
it should be
$url = parse_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) );
ID has to be capital letters…
The new version of the plugin does not work.
Registration works well but I do not receive push.
I tested on a clean installation of wordpress and a new database.
I installed the version 0.6.5 over, then it worked well
To speed up the display of pages, it would be nice to provide a compressed version of the javascript file.
jQuery(document).ready(function(){var a=window.navigator.userAgent,b=a.indexOf(“Safari”),a=a.substring(0,b).substring(a.substring(0,b).lastIndexOf(“/”)+1);null===SafariPushParams.websitePushID?(console.log(“Website Push ID is missing”),SafariPushParams.status=”error”):null===SafariPushParams.webServiceURL?(console.log(“Web Service URL is missing”),SafariPushParams.status=”error”):0<b&&7<=parseInt(a,10)?surrealroad_safaripush_checkPermission():SafariPushParams.status=”unsupported”;surrealroad_safaripush_rendershortcode(SafariPushParams.status)}); function surrealroad_safaripush_checkPermission(){var a=window.safari.pushNotification.permission(SafariPushParams.websitePushID);SafariPushParams.status=a.permission;”default”===a.permission?surrealroad_safaripush_requestPermission():”granted”===a.permission&&(SafariPushParams.token=a.deviceToken)} function surrealroad_safaripush_requestPermission(){window.safari.pushNotification.requestPermission(SafariPushParams.webServiceURL,SafariPushParams.websitePushID,null,surrealroad_safaripush_requestPermissionCallback)}function surrealroad_safaripush_requestPermissionCallback(a){“granted”===a.permission&&(SafariPushParams.token=a.deviceToken);SafariPushParams.status=a.permission;surrealroad_safaripush_rendershortcode(SafariPushParams.status)} function surrealroad_safaripush_rendershortcode(a){var b=””;switch(a){case “error”:b=SafariPushParams.errorMsg;break;case “unsupported”:b=SafariPushParams.unsupportedMsg;break;case “granted”:b=SafariPushParams.grantedMsg;break;case “denied”:b=SafariPushParams.deniedMsg;break;default:b=SafariPushParams.defaultMsg}jQuery(“.safari-push-info”).html(b)};
]]>Great plugin once its actually up and running!
So feature requests for future releases:
1. Support for Mutli-site WordPress installations by allowing the URL-Format variable to be passed from the site that is sending the push instead of a static setting for all sites using the server.
2. Support for the post excerpt being passed with the notification.
3. Interface for reading the device list from the .push table to show current number of subscribers. If someone was logged in when they grant push notification permission, ass the user name to the table row to allow easier identification of who subscribers are.
4. Last but not least allow sending to individual devices, specifically in the test push field, even if this means entering the device id for where to send manual.
Thanks again for making the plugin!
]]>Ok so after a lots of trial and error I finally got my push server to prompt for permissions and all that nonsense.
For those who are having trouble with that issue its easily resolved by following the directions for the certificates (p12 and pen) files found on the apple developer website here.
So with that problem out of the way I now move on to the plugin issue. I have the plugin installed.
From the website itself (the one with the plugin installed), I get the prompt requesting permission but I am not getting the test pushes and after sending a test push I simply get a white screen located in the v1 directory.
push server: https://thechipkahouse.com
page where push notifications come from: https://azchipka.thechipkahouse.com
]]>Ok so I have a couple of issues going on. First of all I think I have everything configured correctly but I am encountering two issues:
1. 1 When I access the push server page directly I get one of two things displayed. The first is a on going loader of Requesting Permission but it never actually prompts for the permission to be obtained, or I get a notification that says I have denied permission and when I click I changed my mind it just refreshes to the same thing.
2. From the plugin installation screen at the bottom of the page I have an error that says:
Warning: file() [function.file]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname in /home/azchipka/public_html/wp-content/plugins/safari-push/safari-push.php on line 342
Warning: file(https://azchipka.thechipkahouse.com/wp-content/plugins/safari-push/surreal.strings) [function.file]: failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No address associated with hostname in /home/azchipka/public_html/wp-content/plugins/safari-push/safari-push.php on line 342
Warning: array_rand() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /home/azchipka/public_html/wp-content/plugins/safari-push/safari-push.php on line 343
Push .
Plugin version 0.6.2
]]>Even after following all the steps from Github, I still not able to have the plugin working. Here’s all I did:
1) Created a subdomain in my server and configured a SSL server block in nginx: https://push.ipodschool.com/
2) Checked the .htaccess and verified that the equivalent nginx rules were applied and must be working fine.
3) All other details, including the certificates uploads, the details in the config file were checked. PHP is working (https://push.ipodschool.com/helloworld.php). MySQL is also working.
However, I still get blank pages in index.php, desktop.php instead of viewing the main index that may show everything is working. As consequence of it, the plugin doesn’t work and Safari doesn’t pop up to the reader the option to accept push notifications.
Any suggestions?