After update I have an error:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$smApp in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/src/Frontend/Model/Settings.php on line 53
WordPress 6.6.2, PHP 8.1.29
Could you please tell me what is the problem?
]]>If I try to activate the plugin, I get a fatal error.
It seems to me it might be related to WPML.
WordPress Version 6.5
PHP-Version 8.1.27
SALESmanago Version 3.2.5 von SALESmanago
WPML Multilingual CMS Version 4.6.9 von OnTheGoSystems
Kindly check the error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Interface "SALESmanago\Entity\Contact\ContactInterface" not found in /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/vendor/salesmanago/api-sso-util/src/Entity/Contact/Contact.php:12 Stack trace: #0 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(571): include() #1 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(428): Composer\Autoload\includeFile() #2 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/src/Admin/Model/AdminActionModel.php(28): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass() #3 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/src/Admin/Controller/AdminActionController.php(50): bhr\Admin\Model\AdminActionModel->__construct() #4 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/src/Admin/Admin.php(55): bhr\Admin\Controller\AdminActionController->__construct() #5 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/salesmanago.php(48): bhr\Admin\Admin->__construct() #6 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(2389): include_once('/usr/www/users/…') #7 /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-admin/plugins.php(194): plugin_sandbox_scrape() #8 {main} thrown in /usr/www/users/XXX/wp-content/plugins/salesmanago/vendor/salesmanago/api-sso-util/src/Entity/Contact/Contact.php on line 12
Hello, I assume I’ve found bug in your plugin. Upon activating latest version of your plugin SALESmanago 3.2.5 on my WordPress 6.4.2 I’m missing all admin notices, plugin notices and update notices (creating post, page etc.) in wp-admin area.
Before activation:
After activation:
Please fix that because as an admin user I want to see these notices, users working with wp-admin backend want to see them too. Or add an option in settings to see or not to see admin notices and nags.
]]>Stay away from Salesmanago/Benhauer for automation marketing, chat live, and other services. Don’t trust them, and do not sign agreement with them.
They charged me for the entire contract period even though they failed to fulfill their agreement and started debt collection proceedings.
I loose over 2000 USD.
Their marketing email automation tools didn’t work as advertised, and their dashboardy, CRM, AI, lead nurturing and email mailing were unreliable.
Don’t make the same mistake – avoid Salesmanago/Benhauer and opt for reliable marketing automation solutions.
Don’t make the same mistake – before buying check Salesmanago/ Behauer, Reviews/Opinions at they Google Business/Maps profile.
Keywords: automation marketing, marketing automation, Salesmanago, Benhauer, Not Recommended, Automation Marketing, Chat Live, Marketing Email, Marketing Automatization, Dashboardy, Webpush, Facebook Advert, Web Push, Chat Bots, Lead Nurturing, Email Mailing.
]]>there’s an issue with rest api when using version 3.2.0 of this plugin.
It block woocommerce api and creates internal server error 500 with php version form 8.0 to 8.2
version 3.1.7 works fine
we are trying to pass custom fields to SalesManago using integration with Gravity Form.
We followed this guide but the part relating to custom fields is not exhaustive.
We did the tests by setting all the possible values for the field
“Additional details type” but to no avail.
Is there documentation that describes the behavior of the individual items, or can you help us?
thank you
I have checked the plugin with phpstan under php8.0.17, WP 5.9.2 and ubuntu 20.04
following incompatibilities were reported
—— ——————————————————————————————————–
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/src/Admin/Controller/SettingsController.php
—— ——————————————————————————————————–
12 Class bhr\admin\View\SettingsRenderer referenced with incorrect case: bhr\Admin\View\SettingsRenderer.
41 Class bhr\admin\View\SettingsRenderer referenced with incorrect case: bhr\Admin\View\SettingsRenderer.
—— ——————————————————————————————————–
—— ———————————————————————————–
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/src/Admin/Entity/MessageEntity.php
—— ———————————————————————————–
33 Unsafe usage of new static().
—— ———————————————————————————–
—— ————————————————————————————————————————————————-
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/src/Admin/Entity/PlatformSettings.php
—— ————————————————————————————————————————————————-
59 Unsafe usage of new static().
172 Method bhr\Admin\Entity\PlatformSettings::setPluginFf() should return $this(bhr\Admin\Entity\PlatformSettings) but return statement is missing.
—— ————————————————————————————————————————————————-
—— ————————————————————————————————————-
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/src/Frontend/Model/CookieManager.php
—— ————————————————————————————————————-
19 Method bhr\Frontend\Model\CookieManager::setCookie() should return bool but return statement is missing.
42 Method bhr\Frontend\Model\CookieManager::deleteCookie() should return bool but return statement is missing.
—— ———————————————————————
—— ————————————————————————————————–
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/vendor/salesmanago/api-sso-util/src/Entity/Configuration.php
—— ————————————————————————————————–
192 Unsafe usage of new static().
—— ————————————————————————————————–
—— ——————————————————————————————————————
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/vendor/salesmanago/api-sso-util/src/Factories/ReportFactory.php
—— ——————————————————————————————————————
22 Method SALESmanago\Factories\ReportFactory::doHealthReport() should return bool but return statement is missing.
43 Method SALESmanago\Factories\ReportFactory::doUsageReport() should return bool but return statement is missing.
65 Method SALESmanago\Factories\ReportFactory::doDebugReport() should return bool but return statement is missing.
—— ——————————————————————————————————————
—— ———————————————————————————————————————-
Line web/wp-content/plugins/sales-manago/vendor/salesmanago/api-sso-util/src/Model/Collections/AbstractCollection.php
—— ———————————————————————————————————————-
101 Method SALESmanago\Model\Collections\AbstractCollection::valid() should return bool but return statement is missing.
—— ———————————————————————————————————————-
could you please fix that issues
]]>In the plugin the path where the service-worker.js file will be placed is hardcoded to document root.
Can you add a setting to change that to a different folder as for security reasons we do not want to make that folder writable?
Tags are required to be added without spaces, but Admin frontend adds them back after saving.
I found that is caused by ‘, ‘ in prepareTags method in Admin/Entity/Plugins/AbstractPlugin.
I have a lot of notices in debug.log:
“PHP Notice: register_rest_route was called incorrectly. The REST API route definition for salesmanago/v1/recover
is missing the required permission_callback
argument. For REST API routes that are intended to be public, use __return_true
as the permission callback. (This message was added in version 5.5.0.)”
Plugin version: 2.6.7
]]>Dzień dobry,
W jaki sposób mog? ustawi? w pluginie double opt-in tzn. chcia?bym by zapis w formularzu Contact Form 7 wysy?a? w linku zwrotnym u?ytkownikowi Link do potwierdzenia zapisu (a nast?pnie przekierowywa? u?ytkownika na wskazan? przeze mnie podstron?)
Why this plugin calls a full bootstrap css script?
>90% of the code is not needed and it makes out websites slow for google purpose.
A lot of websites already have bootstrap so it loads twice.
it’s better to keep those files on local within the plugin so we can disable these calls and calling just a pixel and the minimal data request with js on outside servers.
…please consider this in your future releases!
…or there is a way around this?
your plugin keeps adding additional URL parts to every single admin page.
Sometimes it even redirects to front-end saying it’s an 404.
Basically each admin URL gets appended with “/#/settings-integration”
It tends to remove /wp-admin part and add above url fragment. And once it removes /wp-admin it tends to also cause 404 by redirecting to front-end.
Example, plugins url is:
However once you visit it, it removes that and replaces with:
And if you would want to click on any url that has /wp-admin/ in front, it would cause 404 as it redirects to front-end:
This error is shown with version 2.2.0 when activating the plugin
Uncaught Error: Class ‘bhr\Admin\Admin’ not found in plugins/salesmanago/salesmanago.php:22