Rating: 5 stars
予約系プラグインをいろいろ試したところ、日本語で問題なく使え、細かい機能も満足できるものが、こちらのSalon Bookingでした。PCとスマホで予約手順が異なるところなど、若干の改善希望はありますが、日本語のWebで予約機能を試してみたいという場合に、即戦力となってくれるプラグインと思いました。
Comfortable and powerful booking plug-in especially for Japanese site.
Japanese customers can book easily by its good UI and Japanese.
Rating: 4 stars
Still have room to fix UX/UI, but it’s very usefull and light reservation system.
I’ve used couple of system as trial, but this plugin has a good balance of speed and usability. ??
It works well with YoastSEO, qTranslate-X, BOGO
]]>Rating: 5 stars
A necessary function exists well.
How to use is simple.
It is easy to understand the document.
That’s great
]]>Rating: 5 stars
]]>Rating: 2 stars
I tried out Salon Booking and was quite unimpressed. The settings seem clunky and the only real way to figure them out is to play with it. I found numerous times that after filling in information it would not update.
This plugin has potential but has an overall early-BETA feel. I do, however, look forward to what it could do in the future.