I spoke to the representative for my country as I did not understand how to choose the correct service.
It turned out that instead of locker delivery I see Out of home delivery with very strange translation
Hello guys,
When a customer is using “Pick up from the store” – method on my site, the notification mail send the details corectly, but in the Orders area, on the same order, (Woocommerce > Order) the status delivery is “Delivery by courier” wich is not correct.
When I disable the Sameday plugin, the details are send ok.
Best Regrards,
Avem eroarea de mai jos, desi avem ultima versiune de modul, wordpress vers 6.5.2, si nu se poate crea awb-ul direct din platforma.
lockerLastMile: LockerLastMile dat este invalid (se poate folosi si campul lockerId, dar este deprecated).
Ce solutii avem pentru remediere? Stiu ca se poate crea awb ul manual, insa necesita mai mult timp.
]]>Aveti in vedere un update al pluginului pentru a asigura compatibilitatea cu HPOS? Multumesc
]]>With the latest Woocommerce we have some issues with the Sameday plugin: out of nowhere, my clients can’t select from available shipping methods (Locker, and home delivery). Sometimes the checkboxes on the cart page show up, and sometimes it didn’t. I was able to reproduce the issue, please take a look here:
So if I add products to the cart I am unable to select the delivery method, but as soon I completely remove one of the products the checkboxes are showing up. This is random: doesn’t matter the product quantity, or the product value, the only way to force Woocommerce to show up the delivery method picker is by removing one of the products from the cart. Everything is up to date including Woocommerce and Sameday plugin.
Thank you for the help!
]]>AWB not generating, just reloads the site on the Order page. The odd is, that there isn’t any error message or log. Tried to Rollback the plugin and the Woocommerce, turn off the plugins. Nothing helped.
Any suggestions?
]]>Hello! Recently we have a problem with the Locker Map. Although our settings are completely set for Bulgaria, the pick-up points that are displayed in the Locker Map are only in Romania.
]]>Buna ziua,
Intentionez sa folosesc modulul de la sameday pentru livrari in combinatie cu cartflows pentru checkout. Problema pe care o intampin este ca imi apar optiunile de livrare, prin curier rapid + easybox asa cum imi doresc, insa in cazul in care se bifeaza easybox nu apare butonul pentru a activa harta si pentru a selecta locatia lockerului.
]]>…de?i este pus pe Always, ?n pagina de checkout nu-mi mai afi?eaz? serviciul Locker Home Delivery; apare doar Locker Next Day.
Pluginul era pus pe auto-update ?i avea versiunea 1.7.3. Am f?cut rollback la o versiune anterioar?, 1.6.2 ?i acum ?mi afi?eaz? ?i livrarea la domiciliu.
Please help.
Aceasta problema difera putin de topicul precedent > https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/eroare-generare-awb-cu-livrare-la-locker/
Am urmat sfatul lui @lazarlehel , am setat versiunea 1.6.0, AWB se genera tot ok, insa astazi nu se mai genereaza nici cu versiunea 1.6.0 , nu se genereaza nici cu versiunea updatata 1.6.3.
Primesc aceasta eroare :
“Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access offset of type string on string
in?/var/www/fixkit/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-plugin-1.6.0/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php?on line?233” > https://i.imgur.com/HK7yHFm.png
Buna ziua,
Cand incerc sa generez awb-ul din platforma primesc urmatoarea eroare:
lockerLastMile: LockerLastMile dat este invalid (se poate folosi si campul lockerId, dar este deprecated).
Mentionez ca e doar pentru comenzile care au ales livrarea la easybox.
La editare serviciu ce pret trebuie specificat mai exact? Pretul livrarii nu ar trebui sa fie calculat automat de modul, bazat pe parametrii produsului (marime si greutate)?
Stiu ca a mai existat acest issue creat undeva pe 4 Octombrie 2022, dar as vrea sa aflu daca exista o functie care imi poate permite sa livrez prin easyBox doar daca dimensiunea coletului este mai mica sau egala cu urmatoarele dimensiuni, in functie de locker:
mare: 47 x 44,5 x 39 cm;
mediu: 47 x 44,5 x 20 cm;
mic: 47 x 44,5 x 10 cm.
Pot folosi o conditie implementata default? Nu vad cum pot delimita ce produse merg trimise prin easyBox si ce produse nu merg.
Lucrez la un magazin online care are produse de la 1-2 cm pana la 2-3 metri. Daca adaug in cos un produs de 1.5 metri inaltime, optiunea de easyBox este afisata, desi nu ar trebui.
Ma puteti ajuta cu informatii pe tema asta?
]]>I cannot add new AWBs. No error is shown.
Upon investigation I found the following 2 errors when trying to add a new AWB:
Warning: Attempt to read property “id” on bool app/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/views/add-awb-form.php:81 Plugin: samedaycourier-shipping
Warning: Attempt to read property “title” on bool app/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/views/add-awb-form.php:156 Plugin: samedaycourier-shipping
WP 6.2.1 – PHP 8
Also, there is NO error shown to the user – this is amazingly bad UX. Please show errors to the user so they know what the hack is going on.
]]>Hello team,
I have this error for your module while on PHP 8. Please fix it on your end for the next update.
Error Level: E_ERROR
Message: Uncaught TypeError: round(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float, string given in /home/client/webapps/client/web/app/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-sameday-class.php:677
Stack trace:
#0 /home/client/webapps/client/web/app/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-sameday-class.php(677): round()
#1 /home/client/webapps/client/web/app/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/samedaycourier-shipping.php(561): Sameday->addNewParcel()
#2 /home/client/webapps/client/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): {closure}()
#3 /home/client/webapps/client/web/wp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#4 /home/client/webapps/client/web/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
#5 /home/client/webapps/client/web/wp/wp-admin/admin-post.php(85): do_action()
#6 {main}
File: /home/client/webapps/client/web/app/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-sameday-class.php
Line: 677
Request: /wp/wp-admin/admin-post.php
Ma puteti ajuta cu o solutie la primirea mesajului “awb.not_unique”? Nu pot genera AWB-ul.
]]>Desi am setat locker-ul cand dau finalizare returneaza aceasta eroare cu please select you locker.
Aveti idee ce se poate face sau care este cauza?
Concret, de la ultimele 2 versiuni 1.5.8 si 1.5.9 tot ce inseamna produs FIZIC, care NU este bifat in Back End ca si Virtual sau Downloadable nu mai beneficiaza de transport gratuit, chiar daca sunt setate pragurile corect, indiferent de ce praguri pui vs. pretul produsului, plugin-ul cere COST la checkout.
Cat de repede credeti ca se poate remedia acest aspect ?
Este destul de frustrant sa spui ca oferi transport gratuit dupa valoarea X si de fapt tu nu o faci decat pentru jumatate din produsele tale.
?ntampin?m aceast? problema cu comanda minim? pentru transport gratuit care se aplic? implicit ?nainte de reducerea prin cupon. Ori dac? noi la suma de 300 lei minim per comand?, oferim transport gratuit, ?i se aplic? un cupon de reducere de 10% de exemplu, pluginul dvs. ofer? transport gratuit la un cost al comenzii sub pragul minim, la total.
Woocommerce la Free Shipping are optiune tip bif?:
Aplic? regula comand? minim? ?nainte de reducere prin cupon
Momentan ca s? nu apar? transport gratuit de la Sameday ?i alt? metod? de transport, dar contra cost, la Free Shipping am bifat aceast? caset?, dar noi vrem ca Sameday implicit sa aplice pragul minim DUP? aplicarea cuponului clientului, ?i s? se opteze pentru aplicarea lui ?NAINTE de reducerea prin cupon, op?ional, exact cum are Woocommerce implicit op?iunea asta.
Ne ajuta?i cu aceast? op?iune la modulul dvs.?
De la ultimul update (1.5.8) am observat ca primim comenzi la lockere fara a avea adresa de locker, suntem nevoiti sa sunam clientii pentru a afla adresa de locker pe care o completam ulterior in administrare. In plus de asta am observat un timp mare de incarcare (40 – 50 de secunde) a modalitatilor de livrare dupa completarea adresei de livrare… Va rugam un update cu fix la aceste probleme cat mai urgent…
]]>Buna seara,
Indiferent de locker-ul ales, primim aceasta eroare: pickupPoint: Punct de ridicare invalid. Atunci cand apasam butonul “Generate awb” din back-end / comanda.
Am configurat plugin-ul FIX dupa specificatiile de aici -> https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=sameday+woocommerce#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3b5edab7,vid:tJZg0BQn4uA
Cum putem remedia acest lucru ? Site-ul nostru este LIVE.
]]>When a try to generate AWB, got an error:
awbRecipient.county: You should send county or countyString parameter!
awbRecipient.county: This value should not be blank.
awbRecipient.countyString: You should send county or countyString parameter!
County field isn’t blank.
Thanks for help.
Nu mai pot selecta lockerele dupa ultimul update.
Am revenit la varianta anterioara pana se rezolva.
O sugestie, cand clientul alege ridicare din locker sa dati disable la campul adresa, pentru ca devine inutil si astfel simplificam si formularul de comanda.
De asemenea, cum restrictionez un produs de la livrarea in locker? daca depaseste dimensiunile maxime ?
]]>This plugin even has issues during the activation. There is a notice appearing the plugin itself generates an output however it should not.
Sadly, this is not the biggest problem.
After going to the checkout page, it just crashes and throws fatal error.
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of SamedayCourierHelperClass::getSamedaySettings() must be of the type array, bool returned in /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php:17 Stack trace: #0 /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php(39): SamedayCourierHelperClass::getSamedaySettings() #1 /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/samedaycourier-shipping.php(237): SamedayCourierHelperClass::isTesting() #2 /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/samedaycourier-shipping.php(91): SamedayCourier_Shipping_Method->getAvailableServices() #3 /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-shipping-method.php(233): SamedayCourier_Shipping_Method->calculate_shipping(Array) #4 /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc- in /Users/martin/Sites/thermalpad.eu/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php on line 17
After enabling this shipping method I cannot even disable it.
I advise not to install it in production environment because it will be a huge suck. Luckily, I tested in development environment so my live site is not affected.
I think developers should immediately fix this plugin or it should be removed from the official plugin store.
]]>Dc se da click pe “Refresh Services” . Vezi img: https://imgur.com/a/7qs1lpb.
Crapa tot: “Critical error”. vezi img: https://imgur.com/a/uneXEc9
Am sters plugin ul , am reinstalat-o, dar tot la fel.
Ceva idei?
]]>Am ultimul release 1.2.11 instalat. Nu se mai pot selecta lockere-le. Mesajul de eroare este Please choose your EasyBox Locker !
]]>Harta lockere este inutila.
Aveti cateva motive mai jos:
1. Nu este responsiva ( 90 din vanzari se fac de pe mobil)
2. Distruge css-ul din pagina de checkout.
3. Harta nu este tradusa in limba romana. Nu inteleg de ce pluginul nu are ca limba default limba romana!
Dupa ultimul update cand deschizi hartile pur si simplu afecteaza pagina de checkout si restrange pagina in asa fel incat nu se mai poate completa datele de facturare si livrare.
After the last plugin update, when I click on “Generate AWP” I get a Fatal error. This error also appears in orders where the AWB was previously generated. Please check –
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of SamedayCourierHelperClass::getHostCountry() must be of the type string, null returned in /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php:52 Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php(60): SamedayCourierHelperClass::getHostCountry() #1 /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-sameday-class.php(502): SamedayCourierHelperClass::getApiUrl() #2 /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/samedaycourier-shipping.php(812): Sameday->showAwbHistory(7516) #3 /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): {closure}(Object(Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Overrides\Order)) #4 /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-ho in /home/customer/www/staging4.xpops.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/samedaycourier-shipping/classes/samedaycourier-helper-class.php on line 52
Dupa ultima actualizare nu se mai adauga produsele in cos. Am reinstalat vechea versiune.