When i add top marign it was added on first page.
Set the output page top margin. The value must be specified in inches “in”, millimeters “mm”, centimeters “cm”, pixels “px”, or points “pt”.
is it any options to remove it or any hook filter plugin?
]]>Thanks for your fantastic plugin.
We have a problem that already was treated in this forum – but we cannot find the same settings since the plugin’s versions evolved.
The case is that we are using WP Frontend Admin plugin to show up admin pages on a frontend context.
We have been able to add the PDF button there, but once clicked, the PDF just shows the typical WP Login screen.
In the other thread, you say this:
Tip for clients – the issue was resolved by using these plugin settings:
Mode tab:
Conversion Mode – URL
Auto Use Cookies – checkGeneral Options tab:
Disable JavaScript – uncheck
JavaScript Delay – 2000ms`
However the Auto use Cookies settings is not there anymore.
Do you have any tip so we can fix the issue? Thanks!
]]>Is there demo I can see how the free version is working?
]]>Hello… When I click “save as PDF” it works fine apart from seeing my GDPR pop up on every page, is there a way to remove this?
I am using trial of this plugin.
I have setup watermark : https://prnt.sc/z951-0G5byVg but when I try to download pdf its showing me this error https://prnt.sc/Mxots-uClq2v . Please help me to add watermark on generated pdf.
]]>When I try to export PDF, it generate PDF but not showing pagination cursor and the charts completely, I tried all the previous solution provided on the forum. I am trying the pro version trial.
If it works, I will subscribe to the premium plugin
]]>Hello. Great plugin, thanks. I want to subscribe, but i have 2 questions before:
– Sometimes not all images rendered on PDF. I have page with 15-25 big images and often i have only 15 images. Why?
– After pay for subscription “Demo” and bottom copyrights will be removed?
]]>Hello, is it possible for me to choose which content goes on one page and which one on another page? Is it possible to add a page breack in the html?
I wants the Title, Description and Gallery (12 photos) to be turned into PDF for download by the user (many PDF pages).
Is there a way to create a unique layout for the PDF and with the “Letter” format pages (landscape) as a PDF editor?
The inspiration is this template site:
[In the lower right corner there is a download icon.]
Would it be possible to place each DIV with the PDFPAGE class on a PDF page?
So I could leave the DIV in the proportion of a “Letter” and when exporting the PDF each div stays on a page stretching 100%.
It is possible?
It should work with 10 Div (10 PDF pages) or 24, 55…
It is possible?
]]>Hello everyone, I have a problem.
i only wanted to generate the content of the page as a pdf, which worked well so far.
but somehow line breaks still arise, which shifts the content of the second spate.
I linked my test page, maybe someone has a tip for me.
Kind regards
]]>Hello support,
My page builder is Thive Architect by Thrivethemes
All works fine. Except when I copy/duplicate a post, the thrive architect page builder settings are not copied. The post is duplicated in wordpress format. Is there a way to get an exact copy as the original post including page builder settings? Thanks, Marco
Is it possible to remove the sidebar + header from the PDF?
I use your plugin to export front-end pages and everything works fine.
I would now like to be able to export pages from the administration but it does not work: a pdf is generated but it contains the login / password page instead of the content of the page.
I am using the front-end to admin extension to display the content of front-end admin pages through a shortcode.
Can you help me please ?
Thank you.
]]>I have installed the button on my page using
echo create_save_as_pdf_pdfcrowd_button(array(
'page_size' => 'letter',
'button_text' => 'Download Pdf',
and it works well, except there is a label that says “Saving…” at the top of every generated PDF page!
How can I get rid of this label?
Thanks for a great plugin!
]]>I have installed this plugin and pdf is downloading but “Send PDF via email” is not working. I have also installed WP Mail SMTP and also done the setups.
Clicking on the pdf button not opening any prompt, please help its urgent.
]]>I updated my plugin and I’m experiencing some breaks on the layout.
Also I’m using WordPress 5.8.3
How do I revert my plugin for the older version?
Hi there,
I discovered your lovely simple plugin and would like to use it on my page. But not on the entire page, just on the template of my custom post type (created with Advanced Custom Fields). I’d like to let it show up at the bottom of each of the 4 tabs on this custom post type. Where can I enter the shortcode?
Best regards,
I installed your demo plugin and added the shortcode to my page, but for some reason the button appears twice. Is there something I’ve done wrong with this shortcode?
[save_as_pdf_pdfcrowd output_name=’my-page.pdf’ button_background_color=’#082659′]
Also, for the paid version, do I buy the ‘Save to PDF link’ version ($80) to do the same thing?
I am trying to use this plugin shortocde protected page with S2 member plugin and selected upload method in behaviour tab. But it is showing this error
cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received https://museuminsider.co.uk/opportunity/lucas-museum-of-narrative-art/
Set "Conversion Mode" to "url" on the Behavior settings page of the "Save as PDF by Pdfcrowd" plugin.
Or check your network and PHP configuration.
The converted URL can not be navigated to.
can you please help me?
]]>I have installed this plugin and pdf is downloading but “Send PDF via email” is not working. I have also installed WP Mail SMTP.
Clicking on the pdf button not opening any prompt.
]]>This plugin work as my expectation.
but I has one problem. my post url are in “Thai” when I downloaded my post to pdf files.
The files name are like “%e0%b8%9f%e0%b8%b5%e0%b9%80%e0%b8%88%e0.pdf” can this plugin support, must be setting or something ?
]]>I don’t want header and some of the area below header to be part of the downloaded pdf file neither do I want footer included in the pdf. Is there any way to achieve it?
]]>Hi all,
This is to inform you that I have installed the plugin “Save as PDF plugin by Pdfcrowd” to my website and while generating the PDF of the page I can see there are watermarks on the PDF.
So now I am going to purchase this plugin to get rid of these watermarks on the PDF, but I have an issue also that is while generating the PDF I can see there are a lot of blank pages are there on the PDF which is useless for me,
Also, I have set the pages (1,2,3, and 11) in the plugin setting to remove those blank pages but before the footer, I can see much space here.
I want the pdf of the page with the content which is present on the page or I want the exact page copy into the PDF.
Please let me know If it can be resolved, so I will go with the premium plugin.
]]>I would like to have translated text on the button for the different language areas of my site.
I am currently using this code in my page template: <?php echo create_save_as_pdf_pdfcrowd_button('A4','Save as PDF'); ?>
I already have a custom field that I can use so the correct translation appears when you’re on a different language page: <?php the_field('save_as_pdf_button_text'); ?>
I just need to integrate the custom field with the button somehow. Right now it is controlled by the text that is set as ‘Button text’ in the plugin settings.
]]>I have created a footer with an image and also targeted it with css but when creating the PDF, the image is big and doesn’t resize.
Click on the third button in this page to see the pdf:
This is the footer added via the ‘Page setup > Footer HTML’
<div class="pdf-footer">
<img src="https://vision-design.com/work/www.m2mfg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/M2-Logo.png" />
and this is the CSS applied to it:
@media print {
.pdf-footer img {float:left; max-width:160px !important; }
The other css rules which hide the header and footer do work.
Do you have any guidance about this?
Is this plugin FREE and WITHOUT a WATERMARK ?
Or is it ONLY without a watermark with a 14-Day trial ( and/or if purchased ) ?
]]>I know you explain the pdfcrowd-remove CSS function in your description, but I was curious on how to specifically implement that.
The sidebar css I can find on my site is:
.container aside.sidebar {
position: relative;
z-index: 11;
I can hide it with display: none;
but needed to implement that on the PDF printing. Any help? Thanks!
Hi There,
I used your plugin and there are certain queries.
1. Can the water mark be removed from the pdf?
2. Can I have the pdf in one page say A4?
Looking for your response.
]]>is there any chance that we can remove the header and footer?
also we set cookie, we need to remove the cookie as well.
right now im using a demo but before i will buy it, i need to confirm if the above is possible.
also we need to make a watermark with oiur logo
]]>I’m getting repeated 452 errors while testing out the functionality of the plugin;
I’ve added the shortcode inside the content as per documentation,
see “The [save_as_pdf_pdfcrowd] shortcode places a button in the web page. Clicking the button downloads the page as PDF.”
Ive switched between upload and development behaviours on the plugin setting page and I’ve gotten the same error on both. I’m testing this on localhost. Is there a plugin setting / shortcode parameter I’ve missed? As per documentation, I thought sadding the shortcode inside the page content would suffice.