I’m getting the “Oups, something wrong while getting Google Voices, please check your internet connexion” error, and not able to select from the dropdowns in the Google Voice config section. I’ve tried making a new JSON key, but it does not seem to have an effect.
Hugely reliant on this plugin on this site, would really appreciate support!
I have been using this plug-in in English for a while, with great results. HTML5 never worked, and while it was a bit difficult first it to get the Google and Amazon TTS services set up, they worked quite well too. I was able to customise the buttons using a bit of CSS as well, which was nice.
Unfortunately it seems like it is not possible to use this plug-in with multiple languages. When I use the “lang=XYZ-xyz” parameter, it still pronounces things in the default language.
I have tried this with both the Google and Amazon engines (since the developer mentioned multilingual support was lacking for the Google engine). No luck.
I also tried substituting “xyz-XYZ” with various combinations, for example, not just “fr-FR” for French, but some of the specific voices like “fr-FR-Neural2-A” (one of the Google engine names), and “French – Rémi” (one of the Amazon Polly engine names). No luck again.
This plug-in has great potential, but it seems like the developer has stopped maintaining it, which is a shame, because it seems to have great functionality, but is just deprecated.
To the developer, it would be great if you could just update it, and I for one would be willing to pay a small fee to use a product that is up-to-date and works with my installation. Else, is anyone willing to take this up and develop the code (I believe it is open source)?
]]>Is the plugin compatible with newer versions of WordPress?
]]>I want use SayIt plugin with WP Flashcard LITE plugin. This is my link.
This is the shortcodes that I entered.
[flashcard_set id='1250']
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]bazaar[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]market consisting of a street lined with shops and stalls, especially one in the Middle East[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]detect[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]feel; discover the presence of; identify[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]industrial[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]of or relating to or resulting from industry; having highly developed industries[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]reservoir[/sayit]
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"]tank used for collecting and storing a liquid; holding pond; lake used to store water for community use[/sayit]
I have many words that I need to enter. I don’t want to re-enter again and again. I want to enter these iteratively. Something like this.
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"][flashcard_set id='1250' cardvalue='1'] [/sayit]
for(int VARIABLE; VARIABLE < [flashcard_set id='1250'].card.length; VARIABLE++)
[sayit block="1" lang="en-GB" speed="1"][flashcard_set id='1250' cardvalue='VARIABLE'] [/sayit]
How to do it? Is this possible to do it by shortcode? Or some other way?
I know PHP coding. You may tell me about that create sayit block by PHP code.
This is a question on WP Flashcard LITE plugin support.
Thank you.
]]>using wordpress 6.1.1 and basic template twentytwentythree
I created a child theme very basic and added a template page named template_shortcode.php. in that page, if i use :
echo do_shortcode('[sayit lang="fr-FR" speed="0.75"]test sayit[/sayit]');
The page comes out with all the content, but the shortcode is not executed correctly and return only "test sayit" as result. The shortcode tags are not there so they are executed but returns nothing. I tryed using other shortcodes and they work.
if I dont use my personal template page and instead use the blank template of twentytwentythree, the buttons shows up.
Any ideas of why it wont allow me to use the do_shotcode in my template page?
Just for clarity, here is the template example :
Template Name: Shortcode Template
<div id="primary" class="content-area">
? ? <main id="main" class="site-main">
? ? ? ? <div class="shortcode-content">
? ? ? ? ? ? <div class="mon_contenu">
? ? ? ? ? ? <?php
? ? ? ? ? ? if (have_posts()) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? while (have_posts()) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the_post();
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $page_content = do_shortcode(get_the_content());
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? echo $page_content;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? echo do_shortcode('[sayit lang="fr-FR" speed="0.75"]test sayit[/sayit]');
? ? ? ? ? ? ?>
? ? ? ? ? ? </div>
? ? ? ? </div>
? ? </main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
For HTML5 mode voice speed can be changed from settings, but not from shortcode. Is there a way to solve this?
Tested with WordPress 6.0.2., Anke theme.
this plugin doesn’t work with WP 6 ! If you activate this plugin, in gutenberg editor it isn’t possible to edit a text block.
Is this only a “feature” on my site or have someone the same trouble ?
Thanks for this simply but wonderful plugin !
Can we just hide the text to read and creae a simply button ?
thanks !
]]>Je ne comprends pas comment faire pour que le plugin s’applique à une page complète, voire un site entier. J’utilise le thème Divi, je ne trouve pas comment ajouter le shortcode à une page ?
Sauriez-vous m’aider ?
Merci par avance.
Thanks for the great plugin. We have one major issue though:
When using Google TTS, the plugin makes an API call with the word “test” on every page load. We have a site with about half a million page loads a month, so this means that it uses 2 million characters every month, and since it uses WaveNet voice for this test, we exceed Google’s free quota of 1million characters every month.
to stop the invoicing, I made some debugging and found that the admin\class-say-it-admin.php constructor is called every time a page loads. There is a call $this->authenticate_google_service(); And in the same class the authenticate_google_service() does a test call to the Google TTS service. It seems to me that the call is not needed at all, so I just commented out the line in constructor. Other option to reduce the load to the API would be to change the test call to be just ‘t’ (so it would be 1 character instead of 4) and to change it to use Standard voice instead of Wavenet voice. (Standard voice has 4million free quota, Wavenet has only 1 million).
I tested and confirmed this functionality with a clean WP installation.
Also, I am not actually sure, if the plugin works with Google TTS anymore, since after adding the JSON key, i get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Google\Protobuf\Internal\bccomp()
We have built our own plugin to extend the Say it functionality, so for us the plugin still works but I think the standard installation does not work anymore.
]]>Good morning,
when installing the plugin I received this error message:
Unable to copy file. say-it / vendor / aws / aws-sdk-php / src / data / storagegateway / 2013-06-30 / api-2.json.php
What can I do?
Thank you
Hi! Thanks for your plugin. It is definitely the best plugin out there.
I have a task to show the automatic translation of a given word in the tooltip. The translation can be received from the api from Google.
Can you do that? Maybe it would be useful to other users. If not, then I’ll try to pick up the api myself for this. Thank.
]]>A couple observations still:
1) The Google API seems to have 5000 character limit for some functions. If you use the block “1” setting, and the text exceeds the 5000 character limit, an error is generated and the voice fall-backs to US basic voice and no caching. If would be nice if the Block “1” function would split text segments longer than 5000 characters into separate blocks “behind the scenes”, now the workaround is to insert multiple shortcodes, each of which generates it’s own UI button.
2) On the setting page, the speed slider does not show the corrsponding numerical value and it seems I cannot set “intermediate” speeds such as 0.95 as the default.
3) For the shortcode, when using Google, it would be good to be able to choose not only the language but the speaker as well.
4) It would be good it I could set different texts for the tooltip on different pages. Eg “Listen to lesson” on one page and “Listen to article” on some other. So ideally the tooltip would also be settable with the shortcode.
Thanks for a brilliant plugin. A couple of questions/improvement ideas (using Google cloud):
1) In my case, some non-text elements (eg – and “) are read out as “#number”. When I test the same string with Google demo page, these are ignored. Seems there is some kind of coding mismatch somewhere between the site and Google?
2) For me, it seems that the “speed” selection has no impact. Using this to start a block, but the spoken speed stays at 1.0: [sayit block=”1″ speed=”0.7″]
3) Some other plugins allow you to insert SSML commands between “Block” start/end. Especially pause and mute would be useful. At least I did not find any mention of these in the documentation?
]]>Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get it to play on iOS, but it works on Android devices. Is this an error? would really appreciate an update! we’re trying to teach foreign languages to kids.
I am still wondering if it would be possible to add some options to costumize the appearence of the plugin.
On my page the text igets highlighted with a grey background as soon as I apply the shortcode to it. It would be really nice to change or even remove this color (or make it transparent or something like that).
As well I really would appreciate the possibility to change the tooltip text do any speaker icon (could be a custom iconas well). Also, in my page it is not possible to remove or change the tooltip text at all – it automatically falls back to “listen” after saving.
Thank you very much for an answer your great plugin! Really loving it – its so much easier to use than any other ??
I installed the plugin and it’s working well. I was able to figure out Amazon Polly but for Google TTS, I am struggling to figure out what exactly to do to set this up correctly. I have copied the entire JSON code and then tried to just copy the private key, either way I just can’t get it to work. Or maybe, I don’t have the right setting in Google Console. What would be helpful is more detailed instructions on how to set up Google TTS correctly. Even a quick video screen share walking thru the steps would be helpful to get this to work properly. Thank you so much in advance.
to have a text read out loud, one has to stay at the page and do nothing else on the computer, else, “Say It” will stop and does not halt at the last read words.
Could you please add a player which has a start, stop and pause buttons.
In addition, the voice should go on reading while the page is left to do something else at the computer.
Hoping for improvement,
kind regards,
I like your Plugin – it is very simple to use and works well.
I wonder if it would be somehow possible to remove the grey backgrpund it puts to the text.
And French does not seem to work right at the moment, is there a way to fix this?
Thank you very much.
Using the plugin in posts in WordPress gives a problem.
Before the text of the post the string [sayit block=”1″ lang=”en-GB” speed=”1″] is placed. now, obviously, this causes, that the short extract of the preview of the text above the ‘continue reading’ button is blocked.
It would be great if this can be solved.
Installed the plugin, added the strings to a page to read the whole block, yet,
the voice stops at the quotation marks. Could you please solve that?
When I put sayit tags around an entire paragraph in the block editor and save, the public version of the post or page is missing p tags around each block (when I view page source), so the text all runs together (how I noticed the problem).
My current workaround is to put an empty paragraph block between each pair of blocks with text. Hoping for something better in a future version.
I have the same issue with your plugin if I use Polly, I think a bug:
Thank you for this great plugin. I would like you to help me doing dome customization if possible. For example; I want the audio to start when a user clicks on play icon, not on the paragraph and to change the icon into stop symbol while playing the audio. To add an option or short-code/attribute to change the gender of HTML5 voice if possible.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Kind Regard,
Today I started using this very nice app, and I think I will stick to it ??
However, I soon found that I would like to see a couple of features:
1) I wish that the pause between paragraphs would be 2-3 times the time between sentences. Any plans on making that happen?
2) Also, I wish the listeners to have the option to pause the talking whenever they want. Any plans on such a feature?