When I try to use the shortcode to display an announcement on the page, the page won’t load. It loads fine when no announcements are active, but as soon as one is supposed to appear on the page, the page won’t load.
I use a plugin to limit authors to post to a specific category only.
The plugin is one short page of code, yet i can’t modify it successfully to also limit authors to post to a certain announcement category only.
Is this possible? Can you shed some light on how to get this done?
Please see this plugin: Restrict Author Posting
]]>I’m having a problem getting this to line up with the rest of the widgets beside it. It just won’t line up even with the rest no matter what I try. Have you had this issue before?
Any help would be great as I really don’t want to stop using it just for something minor like this.
[ Please don’t bump. ]
]]>Is there a way to make the announcements responsive?
I love the plugin! Just need a responsive solution.
Any help is appreciated
]]>I tried this plugin and it didn’t show any header in the widget area – no regular widget header, no the current announcement header, only the text.
I couldn’t find a demo showing how it is supposed to work on your own web site.
]]>The widget seems to work well on static Pages, but when it’s a post, archive/search results dynamically generated page it displays additional information such as the author BIO (Biography plugin), a link to the forum discussion if exist (Simple:Press), etc.
I disabled it on such dynamic pages using a visibility feature, but I think there’s a bug.
]]>I’ve hacked your wonderful plugin so I can have an archive page listing all announcements. Can you add this to your next update?
In scheduled-announcements.php find register_post_type(
Right under:
‘public’ => true,
‘has_archive’ => true,
‘rewrite’ => array(‘slug’ => ‘announcements-list’),
Then when you go to yourwebsite.com/announcements-list/, your entire announcements list will be there, styled by your theme.
]]>when adding shortcode with options to a page, it takes only width, height and color attributes as working ones, the rest attributes, show title, scroll etc don`t work.
]]>Would be really useful to have a complete list – so customers can see all upcoming announcements at once on a dedicated page (rather than waiting for them to scroll by one at a time).
perhaps: [announcements count=8]
That would show 8 on a page, and flip through in increments of 8
Perhaps -1 or 0 would be show all on one page, no javascript.
]]> thx a lot for this Update= “Bug Fix
(If no announcements are scheduled, the announcment block is hidden”)
I′m happy about that this little stupid fault is gone!
So it all will look more pretty! ??
]]>hi there, i tried using shortcode for message content but it’s not rendered.
]]>I really like the idea of this widget, but I have been forced to disable it for now, because it places the h2.widgettitle element inside the unordered list of scrolling announcements. This doesn’t work for my website because the the sidebar background color is the same as the h2 font color.
Would it be possible for you to release an update that moves the widget title outside of the unordered list so that it is visible on my page background — just as all the other sidebar widgets do? Alternatively, could you implement an option in the settings menu to accomplish the same thing?
I would greatly appreciate your assistance.
You may view my site at https://nfcnblog.com.
]]>Sorry, but there is no vertical scrolling widget.