This won’t install on a clean WP 3.8 install. It generates this error:
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the <code>style.css</code> stylesheet
There’s no indication on the site that the plugin is still being maintained, and no updates here for over two years.
Does anyone know if the developers have abandoned this, or if anyone has picked it up?
I’ve just tried installing SP Courseware on a new WP multisite network. Everything works fine on the parent blog, but I’m getting the same
Failure: Try again? SELECT scheduleID FROM wp_wgj22d_3_schedule WHERE schedule_title = 'Day 1 topic' and schedule_date = '2010-09-08' and schedule_description = ''
that guileshill encountered a year ago (here: Is the link to the svn site in that post still the most current?
If it is, can you give me some tips about how to install those files on my WP install. Sorry, definitely not a developer here, so I need a bit of hand holding. I’ve been using your plug-in for almost 4 years now and I totally love it. I’d really like to get it working if I can instead of creating all the pages from scratch. Thanks.
]]>We have 3 courses. Is it possible to set-up multiple courses and have content for each one?
Which db tables should i delete if i removed the plugin?
These three