On a site running 5.9, when typing in screen reader text, every letter is put into its own span tag. I’ve confirmed this happens on a vanilla WP install with Twenty Twenty-One and only the Screen Reader Text Format plugin active.
If I type the text, select it, and then choose the format in the dropdown, then it works, but choosing the format first then typing causes problems.
I’ve found that if I’ve marked some text as screen reader text and then try to add more copy within that text, each new letter entered is surrounded by a new span tag within the original text-format-sr-only span.
A quick test shows that most of the other formatting options from the block pull-down work fine (i.e. text added within the created markup does not add additional markkup) while a few others have the same unwanted behavior, e.g. highlight.
I wondered whether your plugin will work if you’re not using Gutenberg (block editor). I use Beaver Builder. Would it work with that?
Thank you!