Hello! I cannot deactivate (deleting also is impossible) from my page. What is wrong with it? I don’t say I won’t use it again, I am testing different plugins.
I think this plugin is what I need.
Unfortunately I get an whitescreen, after I activated the plugin. And also when I’m using the search function it leads into a whitescreen.
In the FAQ you are writing: “To use this plugin you need a plan yTicket and a website developed with wordpress”.
But in the plugin settings you are writing: “To use this plugin you must have this plugin and wordpress, nothing more than this :)”
What is the right way?
Hi ! Thank you for that plugin, very helpful…
Could you please tell me how to combine two categories with AND boolean ? and not OR ?
For example, see that page : https://remizz.fr/?s=&D%C3%A9partements=1&Th%C3%A8mes=17
I combined category “27 Eure” with “Restaurant”, and I want to see only the articles for BOTH categories.
Thank you so much in advance to help me
I’d like to show drop-down lists of categories on top, that means before the search form.
Could you please say me how to do that ?
Thank U in advance
I like how this integrates with the built-in site search, however, I would like to suggest a couple of changes to the plugin:
Thanks for putting this together!
Hello dear
Show error
Warning: include_once(/home/miruta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-storm/languages/es-ES.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/miruta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-storm/admin.php on line 76
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/home/miruta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-storm/languages/es-ES.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/miruta/public_html/wp-content/plugins/search-storm/admin.php on line 76
]]>Hola le escribo porque su plugin hace lo que necesito y luce bien aunque tuve que hacer modificaciones para que tome mi idioma el cual como vera es el espa?ol, mi problema es que al elegir las categorías que van a funcionar de filtro en la búsqueda veo que el plugin no esta mostrando los resultados de búsqueda correctos.
Su respuesta me sera de gran ayuda ya que estoy muy interesado en usar dicho plugin.